Advice to evaluate and purchase an 05 vs. 06

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Apr 12, 2010
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I am about to be given the opportunity to have a 50 mile commute. I have decided an FJR is the best option.

I owned a Hayabusa several years ago and commuted 35 miles one way every morning for 3 years. Almost every morning in the bay area is cold or chilly. most mornings I would arrive with icy fingers and toes and runny nose from the wind blasts OK mayve 100 mph is too fast for morning commute but the busa hardly notices that speed. Finally carrying the body wieght on the wrists for that long just wont do anymore.

I believe the FJR is mandatory for the additional mileage of 50 miles, so I arrive at work ready willing and able. comfortable and toasty?

Not to mention carpool lane accessible.

Now i have read everything here. The (Gen I) 05's, are priced right, where I can afford, but for about $1200 more the 06 is within reach.

Reliability is super important to me, because I have no way to work on the bike even though I am mechanically inclined.

I would consider risking the 05 ticking time bomb as I understand some never blow up. I have found several 05 with about 6000 to 12000 miles, and would like to know of any advice on how to judge if they will fail or not. I believe I would love a stable releiable cheap 05.

What are some methods or processes to get the stable 05's stethoscope, hi rev's for 4 seconds in neutral. owner interrogation under harsh lights.

Or just buy 06.

Thanks in advance.


Welcome to the forum.....Not a particularly kind question to start, but here's a diplomatic attempt to share.

When I was buying my FJR, dealer had an 04 w/10k miles and an 06 w/46k miles. The price was about $1500.00 more for the 06.

I chose the 04, because of low mileage, clean, price more negotiable (my thoughts) and 04 had ABS......Really didn't learn about the "t" issue until I found the forum.

And I am truly glad I did not know, it would have contaminated my choice. I have had nothing but great success in the past 9 months and 11k regrets.




So, no one can truly guide you on what choice you can live with sight unseen....I would put other factors (True Tangible Factors) in front of

a potential may-have/may have not issue such as "t".........

just my $.02

Interesting question BB. You'll find as many answers as there are owners of 05s and 06s! I bought a brand new 05 in May of 05. It is not ticking and I have 40k miles on it. I will tell you that I had an episode of "no power" that I think was battery related. Other than that I have not had one single problem with ol' Matilda. I will tell you that the bike does get warm in the hotter weather. I tried all of the supposed heat fixes and finally put everything back except for insulation around the back of the gas tank. Sitting on Rt 95 at 0 miles an hour in 90 degree+ heat sucks! Seems like they fixed that for Gen II (06+) but it also seems that they weren't happy with fixing something without screwing up something else - ECU, wiring, ? Don't know if it matters to you, but I think I'm pretty safe saying that the Gen II are somewhat slower because of some of the changes.

If I had to do it over again right now with what I know - I'd check both the 05 and 06 for recalls (some 05 ignition switches (I think) were recalled and 06 for other reasons), you don't say where you live, but if a place where 90 degree wx isn't normal I'd go for the 06 - otherwise I'd seriously consider the 06 especially if this is mainly for commuting.

And another consideration is that the 06 is the second best color next to the 05!

You can buy either one and have a winner. Only a relatively small percentage had the tick and there have been no reports of a time bomb. Some tickers have been ridden many thousands of miles with no issues other than a little oil consumption. Mine was one of the pioneer tickers before it became popular and i rode it almost 20 thousand before I got it fixed. The heat thing is subjective. It bothere some and not others. Remember you are sitting on top of an engine burning fossil fuel to make HP so heat is a natural byproduct.

Good luck with your search and if you find a good 03 buy it cause they are the quicker ones :clapping:

Gen IIs ('06 and up) have ABS standard, but it was available on '04 and '05. The '06 won't heat the tank like the '05 will, but an under-tank blanket takes care of most of that. Some Gen IIs have had significant issues with ground connection in the wiring harness, but it's an easy fix with some cleaning of the connectors if corrosion is present.

Biggest concern you should have with either bike is the cam chain tensioner. If the right side of the engine case is noisy at idle or a little above, the cam chain may be slapping around. The only catastrophic engine failures on the forum have been cam chain tensioner issues which allowed the cam timing to shift. One tensioner actually broke, releasing the cam chain from tension completely. Only three I can think of, but those three were all engine replacements. (Or did Alan get his fixed, actually?) I think the problem is not as common as some would have you believe, but it's a serious problem if it's present, and again, not too difficult to fix. Part is cheap, and although not exactly easy to get too, it's do-able by anybody with any wrenching skills.

Other than that, the bikes are basically indestructible mechanically, with many over 100K miles, and one well on its way to a quarter million.

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Gen 1 No question.

Less problematic, less weight, less slow and less money

once you have a Gen1, the only place you'll be looking at Gen2's is from the rear-view mirror. I had a Gen1 and when I got the itch for a newer bike, I never even considered a Gen2, instead bought another Gen1.

Gen 1 No question. Less problematic, less weight, less slow and less money

once you have a Gen1, the only place you'll be looking at Gen2's is from the rear-view mirror. I had a Gen1 and when I got the itch for a newer bike, I never even considered a Gen2, instead bought another Gen1.
RenoJohn is right on! Gen2 owners are girlie men and wear pantyhose under their riding pants. Just look at "Queen" Richard!!

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Buy th '05 and have some $$ for farkles. If you've researched here you know you want farkles.

My '05 has been rock solid dependable. (reached 60K miles this weekend)

I had the TBS recall at dealer and did the CCT replacement as preventative medicine.

Pick either and you'll be happy no doubt. Its a great commuter bike- in addition to all the other admirable attributes.


I have an '05, 64K miles, no problem.

It is heat-fixed with the under-tank and side insulation.

I just replaced the Cam Chain Tensioner last fall.

The newer models are heavier.

My opinion. YMMV

Whatever you choose you will like.

Good luck.

If you will be riding in temps routinely above 85F with high humidity, seriously voting for the '06. For nearly inexplicable reasons, some 05s ran/run much cooler than others. Not all are nut roasters, mine was.

You won't be disappointed with either year chosen. Price, mileage and condition would determine which bike to purchase. Having owned both a GENI and current GENII, I'm partial to the improvements that were made for heat control, windshield backpressure, standard ABS and improved stability.

Good Luck!


Do both have ABS? I really don't think you will find much difference. I love my 05 and will keep it for a while.

Regardless of which one you get, you will get great advice on this forum.

OK, here's my advice...I have a Gen I '04 non ABS

I personnally, now, would only buy a bike of any kind with ABS

It has saved more than one rider's ass when I believe my non ABS would have gone down or had a very bad day

My ABS is my right hand and I believe I would have already low or high sided if I hadn't raced dirt bikes all through high school and college

IMHO ABS is mandatory

Harder to find on a Gen I

Stock on a Gen II

Gen I's are easier to modify...I have 2 sets of risers for about $100 total...

Gen II's risers are replacing a $300 triple clamp plate

Bars and seat come with some adjustment built in...longer swingarm for more stability at speed (don't know if a Gen I is more nimble???)

some say heat issue with Gen I's but mine has a heat blanket under the tank to take care of that

Gen II's have movable vents on the plastic which most say don't do much for heat

Gen II's have more instrumentation like atmospheric temp gauge, mileage computer, and more bars for engine temp and fuel gauge.

I would happily and prefer going with a Gen I myself as I've kinda farkled my Gen I already and would want to move my stuff over to another Gen I.

However, it would HAVE TO HAVE ABS or I would not want it. I wish I could retrofit mine with ABS.

Check out the bin o facts for more info on differences and recalls etc.;rlz=1I7GGLL_en

...some say heat issue with Gen I's but mine has a heat blanket under the tank to take care of that
My 05 was hotter after sitting overnight inside my air-conditioned garage, than any 04 I've ever ridden in 100F temps.


Great point about ABS. I agree 110%.

Hi BB,

I went through the same thing. I just last week bought myself a 2006.

For me, it came down to the following:

-Heat issues with the Gen 1. I live in a warm climate, and do more riding in the summer.

-Aesthetics. The part of the bike you look at the most is the instruments, and I think the Gen 1 looks dated in that respect. Personal taste of course, but to me that was a big one.

-ABS. This time around there was no question I was getting a bike with ABS.

After having lived with the bike for a week, I can tell you the following:

-A part of you will miss the 'Busa. The FJR is quick for what it is, but it won't compare favourably to your old bike in the speed department.

-When you're sitting behind that screen at highway speeds, flick up your visor and say to yourself 'How good is this!!'

Happy bike hunting. Remember to enjoy the experience.



Thanks to all the really good stuff. Very helpful. I am in San Jose Ca (bay area). There will certainly be many days of hot weather in the afternoon but the heat maybe OK in the morning. May be a wash.

I did ride an 04 for an hour or 2 last fall with my buddies, I do now recall that I did feel a strange pushing on the back of my head which could be modified with body positioning and screen adjustment. I am 6'1" so the new windshield design could be the pivital choice.

I could tell from my test ride that I would love a morning commute on the FJR versus the hayabusa, the busa more fun and exciting but arrive at work with way too much energy used up in your body. and cold. The FJ almost as capable but comfort of an hour sitting much more supported than a race position, is fantastic value for a commute vehicle.

I read some more on the windshield design and I believe that puts me over the edge towards the GEN II but really there are very few choices. probably 3-06's and 4- 05's to look over so like escapefjrtist was saying price mileage and condition probably lead the way.

But I am supposing I better listen carefully for the ticking noise Ther is an 05 in san juan capistrano with 3500 miles, just first regualr oil change like brand newIm sure will sell for 7000 super deal. All right now to lock in the Job

