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Well-known member
Aug 15, 2006
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Check out,,,,they have spent more time on an`06 AE and reevaluated the machine. I`m afraid, it ain`t pretty. :angry2:

Well, it doesn't sound like they killed it either. I'm thinking if someone wants an AE they want it for a reason compared to the A. Something tells me they just have no interest in an automatic clutch.

So, for those of you with AE models would you purchase the A or AE next time?

I am currently in the works of getting my FJR1300 and would like an honest opinion.

My local dealer expressed the same concerns in the review with the starting and stopping. When I talked with Desert Valley PowerSports they told me did not order any AE models this year based on the feedback about the AE.

John T -- if i had to do it again -- I'd still get the AE.

I admit I was fortunate enough to be able to also keep my sport bike, and would not want a chip controlled clutch on a race bike -- but the FJR is not a track bike -- it's a sporty touring motorcycle.

If I wanted a sportier machine -- I'd be lookin for a CBR1100XX or similar and adding side-bags! :)

Good luck with your decision. It's less about the machine differences, and more about what it is you want in a motorcycle.

I looked at the AE before I ordered the A. Niether the salesman, or I, could figure out how to use the engine a s a brake with the engine off. We couldn't get the trany to shift out of Nuetral with the key off. Maybe there is some secret to it that we missed, but I prefer to use the engine braking when I park on the side stand. I also like the ability to feather the clutch in a slow tight turn. Can't do that with the chip shifters.

Each to there own. I'm happy with my choice. :)

If I had to do it again, I would still get the AE. It is a lot of fun to hit the on ramp and bang through the gears with the grip shifter.

Low speed is a bit different and you can't feather the clutch like I was used to doing, but actually I have gotten quite accustomed to how the AE works and low speed doesn't bother me at all. You just get that much better with control of your right hand.

And yes TruWrecks, you can park with the engine engaged and yes, is a secret.


If I had it to do again, I could go either way. I really like my AE and don't plan on unloading it anytime soon. In fact, I plan on riding the shit out of it this year. Especially since I'm TRYING to spend another grand or so in upgrades to it. As in WAITING for the Muzzy 4 into 1. ITMT, new suspenders and Heli TC with various and sundry other farkles, and I'm good to go.

Don't miss the clutch, can live with it, can live without it. I've adapted to "without" and I can re-adapt to "with".

Now, how was that reply? Wishy washy enough for you?

The good news is that it's supposed to get into the high 40's and even low 50's next week, so maybe all this white stuff will melt away so I can actually ride the thing. Can't wait!

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And yes TruWrecks, you can park with the engine engaged and yes, is a secret.Bryan
And the secret is divulged in the owner's manual.

I too would keep the AE because of the smoothness and speed of shifting. I don't think anyone knows how many AEs were sold in the US this last year but I've only seen 1 for sale on the used market.

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And yes TruWrecks, you can park with the engine engaged and yes, is a secret.Bryan
And the secret is divulged in the owner's manual.

I too would keep the AE because of the smoothness and speed of shifting. I don't think anyone knows how many AEs were sold in the US this last year but I've only seen 1 for sale on the used market.
Hmmmm... maybe someone should start an AE SERIAL NUMBER thread!

And yes TruWrecks, you can park with the engine engaged and yes, is a secret.Bryan
And the secret is divulged in the owner's manual.

I too would keep the AE because of the smoothness and speed of shifting. I don't think anyone knows how many AEs were sold in the US this last year but I've only seen 1 for sale on the used market.
Hmmmm... maybe someone should start an AE SERIAL NUMBER thread!
As I have written several times, I LOVE MY FJR1300AE! Everyone who makes negative comments about it seem to fall into 2 camps:

1) They have NEVER tried a FJR1300AE

2) They NEVER will try a FJR1300AE because it is different.

I hope Yamaha continues to refine the AE as I would definitely purchase another one when the time is right.

Best Regards,


I had an 04 and now I have an 06 AE. Like the AE a whole lot better.

I do mostly highway and have no problems when in town.

AE all the way for me.

10085 miles of smiles on mine with nary a hiccup. :yahoo:
Right behind you w/ 9000. As some know, this was/is my first motorcycle to own. Guess my opinion is not too worthy of posting but if it's around in three years, I'll buy another AE in a second. Will be curious at the color selections in three years but if the AE is still around, there will be no hesitation. Personally, a clutch seems like it would be a hastle. Another plus, the AE can upshift 60 times in one second. How did that go? :blink:

As Howard Beale said in the movie "Network", "I'm as mad as hell, & I'm not going to take thiis anymore."

Iron fisted mag reviewers whose idea is finese is mouse hunting with a cruise missile are giving people the wrong impression of the AE models.

We won't go into when I started riding, but does the name Honda Sport 50 ring a bell? I am proud to say I have an AE model. In fact it is the only 2006 FJR Tejasmotorsports in Highlands. TX sold. The AE rewards smmmoootttthhhnnneeesss. If you try to hammer the throttle, it WILL protest. If you apply throttle smoothly, it works exactly as advertised. Yes, at low speeds the shifts with a reguiar clutch may be a bit smoother, but with just a bit of revs, it is smoother than I could do in the past. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that a bit of right foot braking to keep the revs above 1500 serves the same purpose as feathering the clutch when making slow speed turns, etc. I love being able to survive Houston's stop and go traffic in mid-summer without ending up with a crab claw instead of a left hand. Have the mag "experts" try that one. These are the same guys who thought the 8 track was good enough and told their friends that the PC would never be of any use to anyone.

Would I buy another AE? YES!!! Is it perfect? No, but it is a start of things to come. In a few years this system will be the rule rather than the exception. Remember when the first Honda 750 came on the market and everyone thought they were crazy for not making a parallell twin like Triumph or a V-twin like Harley? Yamaha is to be congratulated for having the courage to go against the grain and giving us the option. Whether it has been a success is up to them. I think many who could have been VERY happy with the AE are being mislead by the media. IT IS A GOOD BIKE.

Some may say I'm being defensive, since I own one, but I OWN it and could get rid of it and write a check for something else if I were not happy.

.....but that's just my opinion, I could be wrong. :rolleyes:

Wow, those who don't know are missing out. Had lots of bikes, Road 4 times as many. Am an aggressive rider and the AE is the best invention yet! Best purchase ever, Gets smoother every time i ride it, no clutch model can ever shift as fast.

As for parking in gear, just as any other. Put bike in 1st and turn key off, about 10 seconds later the computer relises the clutch and it dont move. Now this is an added anti theft or tamper feature because without the key or special knowledge of how to get it out of gear, which you can get out of the owners manual, it cant be moved.



Thank you all. The AE it is then.

With any luck I will have mine by the end of the month. I was talking with a guy in CA about getting his 06 model, but he backed out at the last minute. So, I am looking again.

As Howard Beale said in the movie "Network", "I'm as mad as hell, & I'm not going to take thiis anymore."
Iron fisted mag reviewers whose idea is finese is mouse hunting with a cruise missile are giving people the wrong impression of the AE models.

We won't go into when I started riding, but does the name Honda Sport 50 ring a bell? I am proud to say I have an AE model. In fact it is the only 2006 FJR Tejasmotorsports in Highlands. TX sold. The AE rewards smmmoootttthhhnnneeesss. If you try to hammer the throttle, it WILL protest. If you apply throttle smoothly, it works exactly as advertised. Yes, at low speeds the shifts with a reguiar clutch may be a bit smoother, but with just a bit of revs, it is smoother than I could do in the past. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that a bit of right foot braking to keep the revs above 1500 serves the same purpose as feathering the clutch when making slow speed turns, etc. I love being able to survive Houston's stop and go traffic in mid-summer without ending up with a crab claw instead of a left hand. Have the mag "experts" try that one. These are the same guys who thought the 8 track was good enough and told their friends that the PC would never be of any use to anyone.

Would I buy another AE? YES!!! Is it perfect? No, but it is a start of things to come. In a few years this system will be the rule rather than the exception. Remember when the first Honda 750 came on the market and everyone thought they were crazy for not making a parallell twin like Triumph or a V-twin like Harley? Yamaha is to be congratulated for having the courage to go against the grain and giving us the option. Whether it has been a success is up to them. I think many who could have been VERY happy with the AE are being mislead by the media. IT IS A GOOD BIKE.

Some may say I'm being defensive, since I own one, but I OWN it and could get rid of it and write a check for something else if I were not happy.

.....but that's just my opinion, I could be wrong. :rolleyes:

Who peed in your cheerios?

If something was said that offends you, and you get offended, you obviously have doubts about it. If you truly KNOW, you'd have no need to defend it.
