Akuma Helmet with Electrochromatic Visor

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Administrator of Transportation
Dec 31, 2006
Reaction score
Irvine, CA
This new Akuma helmet is the future! I would think everyone would get one of these if the price is right. "Tint on demand."

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I own 2.......... Visor is on back order (they owe me two for almost a year)

the rest works well. Charge lasts forever. Lights get you seen, the shape is round, I sold one to my brother cuz of the shape. I Kept the stealth, sold the jolly rogers... Stealth works for me, jolly rogers was too round. I wear a shoei (sp) X11 to give a reference on head shape. The Aria Corsair fits me good too....

Fit and finish on these helmets is very good

The switches are on the faceplate and are either operated prior to putting it on,, or can be hit with a tongue, (how do you clean that>>)

I do NOT wear it as my daily driver. My Shoie fits better... But yes, they are cool BTDT

They ran me/her (gift from her) bout $450 w/out the visor. Visor was 75 bucks more but no worky yet


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I've had the Doragon model ordered since January. They're hung up in customs someplace. They are giving me an iridium shield and the new one for FREE cuz of the wait.

I hope it gets here soon, I'm almost ready to go with a Wiki or the new Bell.

I thought I read that the electrochromatic visor wasn't going to be available until July 2008. Did I get that wrong?

It was supposed to be ready LAST YEAR when I got my helmet. Then they said Feb, Then they said March. Now I guess they are saying July.

They had a version out that did not work well (visor) and it is being re engineered. I think the wait will be worth it. I also think once it is mastered and then produced we may see it on other helmets too. Me loves a electrochromatic visor for my Shoei....

How do you suppose this visor would compare to the dual visor some other helmets offer? Like the nolan n102, with a external tinted half shield that I think flips up so its out of the way, or, I saw somewhere a helmet that had the shield portion inside the regular shield and it looked like what fighter pilots wear. Both look great :clapping:

How do you suppose this visor would compare to the dual visor some other helmets offer? Like the nolan n102, with a external tinted half shield that I think flips up so its out of the way, or, I saw somewhere a helmet that had the shield portion inside the regular shield and it looked like what fighter pilots wear. Both look great :clapping:
Most of the helmets with the internal flip dark visors are not very dark and to me are irritating, as most of them don't come down far enough to tint the instrument display, so the full daylight is along the bottom third of the view. YMMV of course.

What about one like the HJC FS-10 or SY-MAX II? Those both have the partial interior tinted visor that can be flipped down. I am going to look at them as I hate swapping visors every day, but ride to the gym in the early morning, then to work after the sun is up. We'll see what happens-


What about one like the HJC FS-10 or SY-MAX II? Those both have the partial interior tinted visor that can be flipped down. I am going to look at them as I hate swapping visors every day, but ride to the gym in the early morning, then to work after the sun is up. We'll see what happens-MattD

You know, they sell these things called Sunglasses...

When it is not sunny, you just stick them in your pocket,

and when the sun comes out, you put them on.

Many usefull ones are even cheaper than a helmet visor. Hell, you can even keep two or three in the "glove box" for when-ever you need them.


What about one like the HJC FS-10 or SY-MAX II? Those both have the partial interior tinted visor that can be flipped down. I am going to look at them as I hate swapping visors every day, but ride to the gym in the early morning, then to work after the sun is up. We'll see what happens-MattD

You know, they sell these things called Sunglasses...
Not preachin', just sayin'

Have you ever seen glasses gone wrong in a get-off? :unsure:

How do you suppose this visor would compare to the dual visor some other helmets offer? Like the nolan n102, with a external tinted half shield that I think flips up so its out of the way, or, I saw somewhere a helmet that had the shield portion inside the regular shield and it looked like what fighter pilots wear. Both look great :clapping:
the nolan "outside" visor (I heard) catches wind and whistles. The scorpion 1000 and i think hjc makes the inside visor.

I mave not used any of these, but interested in the scorpion 1000

I'd think sunglasses and helmet speakers might get alittle tight if using audio

I switched to the Scorpion from a KBC flip-up. I find the Scorpion to be quite comfortable,however I would like the tinted visor to both a little longer and a lot darker, the tint is a medium-smoke I believe. It is nice to just pull a lever instead of changing visors twice a day.

Not preachin', just sayin'Have you ever seen glasses gone wrong in a get-off? :unsure:

Only in accidents with 3/4 (or less) helmets. There are helmets that work better with glasses than others. My KBC fits me great but won't let my sunglasses sit right. No probs with my Shoei RF.

You should of course pick up sunglasses that do not have lens that pop out or nose pieces that have pointy wire coverd with rubber. If your helmet fits you correctly and your visor is down, I really do not think having the right sunglasses on would cause you any more injury.

(some folks have to wear glasses anyway to see you know, and do not have a choice...)


How do you suppose this visor would compare to the dual visor some other helmets offer? Like the nolan n102, with a external tinted half shield that I think flips up so its out of the way, or, I saw somewhere a helmet that had the shield portion inside the regular shield and it looked like what fighter pilots wear. Both look great :clapping:
the nolan "outside" visor (I heard) catches wind and whistles. The scorpion 1000 and i think hjc makes the inside visor.

I mave not used any of these, but interested in the scorpion 1000

I'd think sunglasses and helmet speakers might get alittle tight if using audio
Caberg helmets have the internal flip-down, as well as being modular. finding them in the US though...

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For those of you with Nolan 102's.... they make a chrome visor and a blue chrome visor (probably a few others, too. They're the ones you can't see in but are almost clear looking out.)). They work very well in most day and nighttime cases. I only use the fold down visor in extreme western sun (dusk). I put a dark tinted strip at the top of it to cover the worst case sun.

My Nolan N-102 does catch wind and whistle. In addition, when it rains, and the tinted visor is up, it gets dirty on both sides and is a pain to clean. At least with the internal visors, you don't have that problem.

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