Alaska Leather sheepskin pad

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My cheap-bastardness is neccessity. I have 2 ex-wives, 1 current, and 5 kids. It is nothing short of miraculous that I even have an FJR.

I have the ALSS pad. Had it for two years now.

I think it is great, and I agree with Randy. On a very long day it doesn't help the butt a lot anymore.

Nothing really helps me on a very long day anyway.

Thumbs up on the ALSS. It also protects the tank. No issues at all in the summer heat.

I bought mine from the actual store when I was in Alaska.

I have the "medium" for me, and a "small" for the passenger seat.

Those sizes cover the whole seat.

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My cheap-bastardness is neccessity. I have 2 ex-wives, 1 current, and 5 kids. It is nothing short of miraculous that I even have an FJR.
Well, some of us choose poorly (That's a quote from my 30 yr. old daughter!)! And at least one of learns quicker. :D

I hope I'm not hijacking this thread, but I've been thinking of Alaska Leather Sheepskin myself. My question is....the $99.90 Grade-A or the $69.90 grade-B? Is there THAT MUCH difference in "Guarenteed 100%, 1in nap with no seams" and "not Guarenteed 100% 1 in nap with possible seams"?



Madmike, another question. Did you use synthetic or the real animal-arse?

And about the "some of us choose poorly" remark... Okay, busted. It took me three tries, but I finally got it right this time. Life is good, finally. But, hey, I would rather leave this world on a good note than to have started on a good note but leave on a bad one. I'm going out on top.

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I've had an Alaska SS for 4 years and wouldn't ride without it....especially on hot days! as someone earlier stated, the larger size helps protect the tank as well! I also like the slight lift on the saddle height.

Briano.....I bought the "cheaper" cover off of the vendor at a rally. You only see the seams underneath...mine looks one piece on top. During an early morning shopping spree, I asked the vendor(Alaska)how well they worked. He said ride with it all weekend....if you like it pay me before you go home!! :bigeyes: .....if you don't like it bring it back :bigeyes: paperwork/creditcards/id/dna/fingerprints....nuttin!

I was sold after a 3 day test drive! :clap:

I've been using the Alaska Leather sheepskin, and I think it's a good deal for the money. Cooler in the summer, warmer in the winter, and let's me stay in the stock saddle longer. Money well spent.

I've tried Alaska SS, beads, AirHawk, & Corbin (particularly due to the slick detachable passenger backrest). I've not been a fan of anything that gets attached to the seat. In my opinion they don't work that well. I suppose the Alaska SS was least offensive in that respect, but it didn't do much for me. $50 price of admission may be worth a try. And I don't like the way you move around on the AirHawk - though fairly good long haul, highway comfort.

The Corbin is good for about 200 miles but then becomes uncomfortable because its so hard. A little sore though is better than the tingles I get on the stock seat. In the end, the only seats I've been comfortable on all day is the Harley Ultra Glide's and the Goldwing (even the BMW LT seat bugs me). I guess that leaves me with going with a Russell though I think they look ridiculous (and I like to admire my FJR when parked!).


Also look at Rick Mayer's seats... I love mine...

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Just got the Alaska sheepskin pad delivered yesterday. I'll have to wait to test it on the 06A when I get it. Sold my last bike already(1st day advertised).

But to my hands it feels thicker than possible and/or imagined. It's gotta help alot!

Does anyone have any recent comments about the Alaska Pad? I am thinking of ordering one because I need to get more comfortable for an upcoming ride of 400+ miles a day. Seems people say this works. Thanks for answering. Pad = 30 dollars, new BM saddle = 700. The pad fits in my budget.

I run one and I like it. I run it on a Russel seat. It does help a bit over just the Russel alone.

Just did a 1200+ weekend.

I'm sure it helped..but I was still sore.

I have the Alaska small. I had bought it but never used it for my Sporty..I threw it on just for a larf..seems to fit fine front to back and the width covers the top. A medium might be better.

Last I checked alaska leather had the medium 30% off
