All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth

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Great to hear that you're doing so well!

Just dont' rush things..... those teeth take a while. peeps don't realize how much pressure teeth have on them when we bite...

Hope the idjut gets to spend some time in the big house with some "very friendly" roommates....

I'll voulenteer to shoot his lawyer for you if that's necessary........ <G>

Merry Christmas,


They had grand jury on the guy we were chasing and it was a true bill on all charges (reckless driving, felony elude, possession of a controlled substance, and at least one other, but I can't remember).
The pain pills kicking in? :rolleyes:

Glad to hear you are on the mend. Heal soon!

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Just found this thread today Ponyfool. Glad you're healing well, hope that continues and the oral surgeon isn't ex-Navy trained. (lack of compassion, IME).

My only advice is DON'T DO THAT AGAIN! :rolleyes: Ok, that and cut your food into small pieces for a while. ;)

Keep the gang posted and stay out of trouble.
