Altitude surging on 07 fix

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Well-known member
Feb 27, 2006
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Atlanta, GA
I have some insider news that there will be a fix coming down the chain very soon. I can't say a whole lot about it ,but the problem and what Yamaha found was explained to me today and some details of the Technical Bulletin that is coming too. I will keep you guys posted....Looks like some folks will be getting new ECU's for their 07's.

The cause and the fact there will be a bulletin....99% sure

The ECU part......90% sure

Looks like it will only apply to 2007 models, There was a minor change to the Map and under certain conditions it has this ugly side effect (altitude surging). That is the only detail I can go into at this time.

Great news for the 07 guys. What about us that have a 06's, that are

nearly unridable in the twisties? This on/off throttle takes all the fun

out of riding this thing. Yes, the cable slack is removed, TBS done,

barb mod +7, G2 throttle tube installed, helped slightly. Ya buy a

PCIII right? WRONG. Unless Yamaha wants to buy me one.

Sorry for the hijack.

Hope you're right. And also hope it's SOON.

Many of us haven't either file a complaint with the NHTSB or formally taken our bikes to a dealer since we weren't willling to leave them there, as we knew darn well dealers could do nothing about it.

The question is do we need to do something about it now to ensure a fix? I also don't understand why a new ECU when it can be just reflashed, but as long as my bike is fixed, I honestly don't care how.

I'm almost finished farkling my bike now that it can't be used, so glad Yamaha didn't let us down. Later gang.


That is great news. I just received a written response to my certified letter to Yamaha stating that they are aware of the problem and working hard to find a fix. Sounds like there is some truth to the matter.


Great news for the 07 guys. What about us that have a 06's, that arenearly unridable in the twisties? This on/off throttle takes all the fun

out of riding this thing. Yes, the cable slack is removed, TBS done,

barb mod +7, G2 throttle tube installed, helped slightly. Ya buy a

PCIII right? WRONG. Unless Yamaha wants to buy me one.
I sure hope they will at least let us late '06 folks "buy" our way into the fix (offer it in exchange for a few extra duckets). Mine doesn't buck as badly as some of the reports I've read but it definitely sucks when I take it up the canyons.

It's embarrassing to have my 13 year old VFR put the new machine to shame.

Sorry for the hijack.

I have some insider news that there will be a fix coming down the chain very soon. I can't say a whole lot about it ,but the problem and what Yamaha found was explained to me today and some details of the Technical Bulletin that is coming too. I will keep you guys posted....Looks like some folks will be getting new ECU's for their 07's.
This is good for the reality of it all as I see it...I'll probably hate myself tomorrow for saying it, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but of all the threads I've ever read here it seems that finally only one of Yamaha's loyal trusted employees was able to duplicate the issue on their personal Yamaha decided to fix that machine, and others as well it appears...the extent and expense of which is to yet be determined of course, such as '06 vs. '07.

This is premature, but is it really possible that they were never able to admittedly duplicate the problems on any privately owned FJR's tested?...maybe I missed where they did and it wasn't reported here to all.

Of course any fix for the better now is good news...and I hope I'm wrong on the above brief assessment, and will admit it if I am...I also hope the Yamaha employee's machine will be tested to see if the fix indeed works to their satisfaction, and the bike runs properly, before the rest of us are welcomed into the GenII "wellness pool" with a partial band-aid.

Gary in Fairbanks

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I'm currently in Alaska on a different bike, but good news travels fast!
Geez, I hope this info is true!!


What about us that have a 06's, that are nearly unridable in the twisties?
Are you at altitude? I've ridden my '06 here in OKC (about 1,100') and in the mountains/canyons of Arkansas ( up to around 2,500')and have had zero fueling issues. I've done no mods to this bike at all. I had the "Barbarian +7 CO mod" and a PCIII on my '03 FJR so I'm familiar with that but I've simply found none of it necessary on the '06. My bike was built in March of '06 I believe. Maybe I've adapted to the bike but if so, it wasn't hard 'cause I didn't have to make a conscious effort at it. Is there supposed to be a difference between early and later release '06 ECU's or EFI maps?

What about us that have a 06's, that are nearly unridable in the twisties?
Are you at altitude? I've ridden my '06 here in OKC (about 1,100') and in the mountains/canyons of Arkansas ( up to around 2,500')and have had zero fueling issues. I've done no mods to this bike at all. I had the "Barbarian +7 CO mod" and a PCIII on my '03 FJR so I'm familiar with that but I've simply found none of it necessary on the '06. My bike was built in March of '06 I believe. Maybe I've adapted to the bike but if so, it wasn't hard 'cause I didn't have to make a conscious effort at it. Is there supposed to be a difference between early and later release '06 ECU's or EFI maps?
From what I understand, the change was only made to 07 model ECU's but I don't know that for a fact. I suppose there could have been some 06's with the 07 type map, but I doubt it. The so called "Herky Jerky" complaints are a separate issue. I ride an 06 model and have well over 30,000 miles which have been everywhere from sea level to 12,000+ feet and have had zero issues.

What about us that have a 06's, that are nearly unridable in the twisties?
Are you at altitude? I've ridden my '06 here in OKC (about 1,100') and in the mountains/canyons of Arkansas ( up to around 2,500')and have had zero fueling issues. I've done no mods to this bike at all. I had the "Barbarian +7 CO mod" and a PCIII on my '03 FJR so I'm familiar with that but I've simply found none of it necessary on the '06. My bike was built in March of '06 I believe. Maybe I've adapted to the bike but if so, it wasn't hard 'cause I didn't have to make a conscious effort at it. Is there supposed to be a difference between early and later release '06 ECU's or EFI maps?
From what I understand, the change was only made to 07 model ECU's but I don't know that for a fact. I suppose there could have been some 06's with the 07 type map, but I doubt it. The so called "Herky Jerky" complaints are a separate issue. I ride an 06 model and have well over 30,000 miles which have been everywhere from sea level to 12,000+ feet and have had zero issues.
Here's a possibility for checking on a mid-production ECU change for '06 models that may have the running problems described for '07 '06 FJR S/N ending 228 had CO settings of -10 +8 +8 +11 and ran very any of you later '06 owners that have done the Barbarian Mod have the current '07 idle CO values of +5 +18 +18 +21?...If so, you may also have the latest ECU map as well as the troubles, but that's just a guess.

Gary in Fairbanks

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Gary - my '06 has a manufacture date of 06/06. Yesterday I met some folks at WFO and rode to about 8K ft. of altitude. One couple's '03 failed at the Provo Falls overlook (dreaded ignition switch failure) so I had a passenger on the way down. I had the surge after we dropped a thousand feet or more and it bucked as badly as it has since I bought it a year ago. When we stopped, my passenger asked:

"Was that the surge?"

"Yeah. Nice, eh?"

"That's really bad."

"You know it."

FWIW, my s/n is in the mid 1700's and my CO settings were/are 5,18,18,21 (I've since added a PC-III w/stock map and O2 disconnect - no real improvement on "the surge" but slightly better driveability around town). Someone mentioned a few days back that instantaneous fuel mileage was a good indication that the ECU was confused. Mine read between 70 and 80 on the way down until the surge hit. Then it dropped into the 20's (downhill in 5th gear).

I don't know if they care but as it stands today it's tough for me to imagine myself buying another Yamaha product.

Forgive me, but I plan to re-post most of this under General FJR.

Gary - my '06 has a manufacture date of 06/06. Yesterday I met some folks at WFO and rode to about 8K ft. of altitude. One couple's '03 failed at the Provo Falls overlook (dreaded ignition switch failure) so I had a passenger on the way down. I had the surge after we dropped a thousand feet or more and it bucked as badly as it has since I bought it a year ago. When we stopped, my passenger asked:
"Was that the surge?"

"Yeah. Nice, eh?"

"That's really bad."

"You know it."

FWIW, my s/n is in the mid 1700's and my CO settings were/are 5,18,18,21 (I've since added a PC-III w/stock map and O2 disconnect - no real improvement on "the surge" but slightly better driveability around town). Someone mentioned a few days back that instantaneous fuel mileage was a good indication that the ECU was confused. Mine read between 70 and 80 on the way down until the surge hit. Then it dropped into the 20's (downhill in 5th gear).

I don't know if they care but as it stands today it's tough for me to imagine myself buying another Yamaha product.

Forgive me, but I plan to re-post most of this under General FJR.
Great Info for all...sorry to hear of your troubles, however...As I suspected, some possibly later '06's have the running issue and CO settings of the '07's...and the observation of poor indicated mileage coincidental with a surging event has been reported before, so you may also have the current problematic ECU map...something to watch for if others have the surging...maybe Yamaha will correct all with the same ECU map problems regardless of year of manufacture...other than color changes, Yamaha probably considers the '06 and '07 FJR's to be the same model, with ECU mapping changes per selling location and current specs.

Gary in Fairbanks
