An App Gap Video from NERDS

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Reigning NERDS Granite Lane Gold Medalist
Jul 16, 2008
Reaction score
Bowmanville, ON
A big ride on Saturday would have offended my CBA sensibilities so RaYzerman19 & I modified one of the Gap rides down to a CBA Level type event and went for a little ride. Here is what his stupid car tire looks like going up the east side of the App Gap .....

The bumpy road took away some ground clearance in a few corners and He needs a little more preload when fully loaded.

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A big ride on Saturday would have offended my CBA sensibilities so RaYzerman19 & I modified one of the Gap rides down to a CBA Level type event and went for a little ride.

Great videos. I'm tired just watching that single track ride in the forest.

Mr Bill


Hey Yamafitter, you need to work on your clutch skills - to jerky when shifting. I'd of thought you'd be a bunch smoother after all the riding you've done this summer! :huh: :blink: :rofl:


How did you guys like the big mogul across the road at the beginning of the west side? I assume that was what sent Ray off line at 0:37. And all the other bumps and rips and tar snakes. Oh my.

Hey... anyone can ride the twisties when they are all pristine and smooth. Real riders, like real skiers, can ride and ski fast in New England!! :p

On another tangent, I remarked to Ian and MEM about this on one of our rides last week and think I managed to get in the dog house in the process, but at the risk of alienating all Canadians, why is it that all of you Canucks seem to follow so close (even when not making videos)? :unsure: It's not like there is a lot of traffic in the Vermont woods, eh?

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The App Gap at Mad River Glen .......... Ride It IF You Can !!!!

As far as riding too close we don't like to give moose the space to get in between us. It throws off our line.

If you think we ride close then don't go riding with a buddy of mine that used to flat track. His front wheel rubs your boot.

A few photos to go along with the video. After going over the App Gap and dropping into Mad River Glen I thought Jill & Ray would enjoy a quick stop at the Saturday Market in town. When in Vermont this is a must do to get a feel for the lifestyle and culture of the area. It's a great Saturday Market and if you haven't stopped in you should add it to your list for next year.

There is a great little coffee shop right at the market. I had a Mocha .....


Ray skipped on the whip cream ....


I was eyeing up one of these ....


or maybe one of these .....


but Jill was giving me dirty looks since if I had one she was going to have to have one also. In an extraordinary display of willpower I was able to drag myself away from the display case. After a stroll through the market we continued on down VT100 to Killington and then headed east on Hwy 4 to Woodstock where we found a nice little street cafe for lunch ....


It was time to swing back towards Stowe so we headed up Hwy 12 and then turned off onto a backroad where Ray proceeded to lead us through a speed trap at Wrap Factor 7. Fortunately I don't think the trooper had time enough to pull the trigger on the radar gun by the time we flashed by and he never gave chase so we got away with one.

This was after a cager had flashed their lights telling us that there was radar ahead so you'll have to ask Ray what he was thinking.

The App Gap at Mad River Glen .......... Ride It IF You Can !!!!

I love it!!

For those who aren't from the area, that is the slogan for Mad River Glen ski area (Mad River Glen, Ski it if you can).

They are a minimalist ski area and do not have any snow making equipment or many of the typical "ski resort" frills. They cater more to the hard core New England skier.

I think I'll have some tee shirts made up with that motto and put them up on the NERDS after-event eStore.

Nice video, but Ray you need to keep it in your lane my friend.. Oh wait, Let me phrase this so you can understand it Ray. Ray keep in your lane, Eh.. LOL

I haven't watched the video yet...but I know Bill can kick my ass from here to Friday on the I bet it's some good stuff.

Will review it soon, when I get a chance. ;)

The freakin' moguls and frost heaves!!!...... went in a bit too hot on that wide turn, the rest of the time, why ride thru crap if you can go on the other side that's smoother.... loaded up the front suspension a couple of times and scraped the bottom of the crash bars on both sides, touched a peg once through all that. I've had better rides through there in past years.

Interesting that the video camera frame rate makes it look like my LED light bar is flashing all the time.....

i can't help but comment.

when i am sitting on the back behind rayzerman drinking my wine reading the "original" shades of grey for the 10 hundreth time and knowing that BILL has my back...or is at least behind us (sometimes a moose length) then i am just simply in a different world. we had an amazing trip! and when i am in my real world i wonder if things like that really happen.....or if i was just dreaming. bill and ray together are like the desserts behind the glass.....adorable....tempting.....but you just can't get to them from here....they are long gone!!!!!!

we had fun! even if rayzerman forgets i am there sometimes.... i know that bill can still kinda see me....from a moose/mouse length.

true total nerds worth riding (with)!

just F.Y.I. sweet BILL....."fully weighted down" is another 118lbs for rayzerman. i think rayzerman needs to get on the scale. i am not taking the heat for his over indulgence in vermont. i think every responsible driver should get on the scale and adjust their suspension accordingly. this will save scuffing the bottom of my pink cowboy boots..... and solve such concerns for any other "backrack" in my shoes! its time, BILL,to take responsibility, don't you think! too many wheaties for you boys. a weigh in needs to be mandatory for the appropriate adjustments prior to EVERY ride! your thought and feelings on this are appreciated.


one more thought.

as you can see in my picture which ray displays openly at rayzerman19 and makes me blush........i do have a form of my own suspension. xo.
