Anger and the Forum

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Well-known member
Jul 5, 2005
Reaction score
San Fernando Valley, CA
I just have to throw my hat in the ring and speak up.

There seems to be much anger in the forum. :angry2:

Rarely a post appears without some degree of bashing immediately appearing. Both noobs and elders are the target of unbridled hostility. As always, some posts require a verbal backhand but it seems that everyone has an ax to grind or some venom to spew.

I love this forum for the information and advice, but the hostlilty level is at an all time high.

Lately this forum has moved to a dark place, the kind that I won't read at the office just in case someone sees over my shoulder and gets offended. Which is a damn shame!

So, before I get bashed or take heat on this observation, take head. Don't kill the messenger or get nasty with an astute observation. Take your prozac, count to ten, find your happy place or open another beer.

I just miss the old days of camaraderie and the politeness of both friends and strangers. That and a place that a noob can ask a question and get some help, not a kick in the teeth.

Have a nice day! :D

I noticed it as well but thought maybe it had something to do with the moon being full or less sunlight as we are in the fall?....Or maybe the weather not co-operating & giving us enough riding time?....let the antics begin!....

Gulp. ...8, 9 and 10. OK, it didn't help so let's step out side and settle this mano y mano! :lol:

You are not wrong, but...

There are those of us who break each others' balls on a daily basis just for fun. You know, like me and Ari or Scab. Skooter used to be fun, but the Vicadin has him all mellow and shit. Howie has his moments of brilliance until his meds wear off and he gets stupid. But, I'd buy him a beer any time (so long as it was no better than Genny Cream Ale). At the end of the day, they know as I do, we'd have each others' back in any situation - just not in a gay way, if you know what I mean. ;)

See? Watch, they'll come back and we'll all have a laugh.

Then there are those who jump in and try and claim the world as theirs. It's like the rogue baboon who tries to muscle in on the troop and mess with the alpha male. He gets the crap beat outta him until he learns his place in the troop. Eventually, he figgers it out and becomes welcomed into the troop. If he can't dig it, he'll bolt and go find some other monkey to hump or get the boot. The latter of which rarely happens around here. It seems, lately, that the noobs forget manners and how to act in someone else's house. Fortunately, there have been some noobs who have said, 'please' and 'may I', instead of 'you should' or 'you're wrong' or start bashing without the benefit of the history around here as was the case recently.

So, before I get bashed or take heat on this observation, take head.
And, it's stuff like this that really opens the door. I know you know what you really meant to type and prolly just overlooked it, but damn! How can I resist that kinda faux pa? :lol:
Again, I think you have a valid comment and applaud you for bringing it up. Just please don't forget this is mostly just a big, virtual saloon (or as radman would prefer, salon), full of characters. Some good, some bad, but we all like beer, just don't **** with the bouncers.

Keep your sense of humor, bro. It's all good. :)

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Might be possible too that we all have a little different perspective on what's wrong and what's not wrong? While I agree with the sense of something's up, I can't put my finger on it and have been trying. Or, it could be a sign that I'm the problem and the only one not getting the cosmic irony of it all.

I suggest adding some specifics if it's possible or some discreet PM'ing to build a concensus of what should be done to bring balance back to The Force.

Our Jedi mind skills could be on the fritz.

Sometimes this can happen and I agree it’s not right but its human nature. I have noticed over time that this type of “syndrome” exists on every forum. (YES! Have visited every forum so get fucked!) Earlier on in the piece way back when, I upset one of the favourites (Bad hair day I think) and copped it from all quarters. But in my own shy retiring way I told each and every one of those who chose to attack me over an issue with someone else, what they could do and where they could go…They, I believe, were under no illusions as to what I meant. Sometimes you just have to stand up for yourself and tell the unruly and ignorant to **** up and drop off, it’s your opinion and you stick to it and if they don’t like it the universe will keep expanding infinitum.

As Mike and Nut have suggested sometimes people just open them selves up for a shellacking or it’s the Luna gravitational pull playing tricks. At the end of the day we all have one thing in common….We fucking ride! And that my friends is really all that matters….

Oh and Nut’s nice arsehole. (Fucking yanks could never spell even if their life depended on it).

Hugs and Kisses

From your ever loving Thug….

We all just need to look at "Knife Maker's" avatar for awhile longer. That always helps me find my happy place. (Mentally, not physically, you sick, 3rd grade humor loving A-Holes.) :D

Like TWN said, some people just enjoy busting other people's balls. I picked TWN and a few others out as "One of Us" after being on the forum for about 3 minutes. Remember that inflection never goes over the Internet well, so assume that the person is just busting your nuts until proven otherwise. Then tell him to **** Clean Off.

Group Hug Session is at 3. :friends:

I've noticed it too Doc. I'm always facinated by humanity and how we act the way we do. Can't figure it out, but it is facinating.

The comment that you can't put your inflection into your post is right on the mark. Some posts that may be meant in a humerous vein don't always appear that way when reading them without context or knowing the writer's intent. And then some folks on here are just arrogant, dim-witted assholes!

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I have noticed the change in climate a bit as well. I just chalk it up to ego and ignore it. This place is growing and more people means more personalities and assorted character traits involved.

The more members we have the bigger the admin. job gets. I'm not normally a brown noser but I want to say that I realize how much work they do and how important it is. Remember, we are the guests in their house and they pay a price in time and effort for the 'priviledge' of being the hosts.

I'll take "Things You'd Never Expect to Hear Dr. Evil Say", for $400, Alex.

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This forum is a wealth of knowledge and I am a relative newby here and to motorcycling. Recently I havent felt its worth it to ask something and have the different cliques chime in with their favorite smiley ( :****: ). So if I can't find it in a search...then I'll PM someone to ask. No big deal...I enjoy reading the forum too.

Remember, we are the guests in their house and they pay a price in time and effort for the 'privilege' of being the hosts.
That reminds me of another forum, where the founder of the forum started a thread titled "I hate People Who Shit In My House." Very good point. :clapping:

Isn't it possible that it is just a natural cycle of human interaction? It just seems like whenever humans (or other reasonably higher level primates) are involved that there is a natural ebb and flow. Things are quiet and settled for a while and then things get a little feisty for a while, and then they settle down again. I think that it would be difficult to find any social situation where you didn't find this happening. I also think that some folks will just be more sensitive to it, which, too, is natural.

Remember what needed to happen every ten years or so in the "Godfather"?

Or maybe it's time that we thought about the song that Mr. Rogers used to sing. :)

Any psychologists in the group?

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I think it's Fred's Fault. If he wasn't so damn smart then none of this would have happened in the first place. :D

There are a lot of 'strong' personalities on this board, and that's what you get when you put them all together. :p

After all, this is the Internet, humanity is not a prerequisite, double standards, hypocrisy, wit, humor, sarcasm, and stuff that doesn't always transfer well through text that is poorly written is what it's all about. That hasn't changed in 10+ years and it never will.

When something happens where humanity, compassion, or sympathy is needed (see this thread) and others like it. We have it and it shows. But most of the time, this is just about riding a motorcycle. It's a hobby and we shant take it too seriously.

I suggest adding some specifics if it's possible or some discreet PM'ing to build a concensus of what should be done to bring balance back to The Force.
I noticed as well.

One specific I can think of and has already been mentioned (I believe) is:

Jumping down someone's throat (and yes to a reader it appears that way IMHO) to tell them to go find and use the search button. This appears especially true to a FNG. While I agree, adults should not need to be led by the hand all the time, it is needed sometimes.

Also, one other thing (and its prob me). Lately there have been double or tripple posts (the new connie or GSXR for sale for example) on the same subject. Sometimes (not all) it seems the dup posters are getting bitch slapped (Hey dumbass, we've already talked about this - I have not seen this typed out in quotes but this is how I have read some IMHO). As has been stated, you can't tell the mood of the poster.

Me- I think I would fall someplace in Thugs catagory. I'ld be happy to help you in any way I can, have a drink with ya, or just pop you in the nose if you turn into to big-a-dick. TWN wants all the big dicks anyway :lol: .

Honestly, I think we are missing Odot's tree and beer. He must have that Harley pulled apart all over his puter by now B)
