Anger and the Forum

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No way. We're not going to waste resources creating a bandwidth-sucking, purpose-built cesspool.

That kinda crap has no business on a moto-related forum, none what-so-ever.

IMHO, that's what My-Space is for.

Now bewbies and umbrella girls, that's something different entirely, they and motorcycles, well they go together. Can't have one without the other.

IMHO, that's what My-Space is for.
Now bewbies and umbrella girls, that's something different entirely, they and motorcycles, well they go together. Can't have one without the other.
Funny you should mention that. I added the option for folks to put their MySpace identity in their profile.....if they are so inclined.

can't we all just get along?

It's interesting that these threads get so much attention. No wonder the nightly news has good ratings ;)

We're all suckers for a good fight. Let's watch hockey and eat cheeseburgers and drink beer after our ride to New Mexico.

can't we all just get along?
According to my old Master Chief, sure... right after we all get laid. :lol:

That will never work! Certain forum members can't even get laid while in Reno, late on a Saturday night sitting at a bar drinking, while talking to a hooker. I mean, it don't come any easier than that? :D

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That will never work! Certain forum members can't even get laid while in Reno, late on a Saturday night sitting at a bar drinking, while talking to a hooker. I mean, it don't come any easier than that? :D
And a professional pimp as a guide...

I must be blind . were just a bunch of girls and guys reading about something we all love to do . sometimes you have a bad day and sometimes you have a great day . every moment is different . Also we all have different levels of education .We are all different ages and we live all over the world . I myself like the ballbreaking . let the games begin . And did i say i went to cathloic school............................. yea right

I've noticed the subtle undesirable changes mentioned above in the last year or so. I also saw them less subtilly... is that a word?.... on one of the other FJR forums and a FZ1 forum, as well as a sport bike forum and gun forum.

That's why I quit reading/posting on them... I'm tired of dealing with people with attitudes, and won't if I don't have to. It was nice to find this forum, and I'd hate to see it go the way the others did.

On one m/c forum, I was impressed by how civil people were to each other, and made friends with an Australian who noticed the same traits. He eventually dropped it too for the same reasons mentioned above.

I hope the trend stops before I decide to take a hike.... not that it would be a great loss for the forum-- just a great loss for me.

Attaboy to the admins.... make them sit in the corner when they act like children, and keep this place for the adults among us.


I have the most fun when people ask for advice from a bunch of other people when the only thing they have in common is a do you beat a ticket? wife left me, what did I do wrong? kid will not talk to me, how can I fix our relationship? dog craps on my bed, why?.....why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways?..... :D :D :D

I think that would depend on who & what side of the plate you swing on.....personally....I'll come out....I'm a lesbian....I only like women that way & am proud of it.... :lol: .....

Maybe using more smileys to add emotion to text would help prevent others from getting the wrong idea?

Also, when a noob registers, do they get an automatic reply directing them to the Bin 'o Facts? Maybe that would help reduce repetitive questions.

Just my .02


Maybe using more smileys to add emotion to text would help prevent others from getting the wrong idea?

Suck my dingleberries! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

would be interpreted positively then?


I think there are many cases that emoticons are still not helping....or sending mixed signals.

Also, when a noob registers, do they get an automatic reply directing them to the Bin 'o Facts? Maybe that would help reduce repetitive questions.
We have not found the technical means for that....yet. We have to rely on people looking around for a few minutes clicking on "FAQs and Common Historical Info" before posting first.

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Did you notice the tone changed? - right after Warchild mentioned us all getting laid?
Sex soothes the savage beast...
I was thinking: The military sure does have some great minds. Warchild and I were apparently serving at the same time in different places during the Gulf War. I was on Terceira in the Azores. A large part of my job was in helping Navy ships not part of the battle group with communication. I remember one destroyer that had three women get pregnant within 40 days of being deployed for the war...maybe there were a lot of fights that resulted in sex there too ;)

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Any psychologists in the group?
no, but i stayed at a holiday inn express, last nite...

....couple sailors who were bickering or fighting....have them don boxing gloves....have them duke it out....and then take them down to his favorite whorehouse to get them laid.
as big as the room was at WFO, we could of sectioned it off into a boxing room, and a 'hospitality' room!!!

make room in denver!!! lol...

I have the most fun when people ask for advice from a bunch of other people when the only thing they have in common is a do you beat a ticket? wife left me, what did I do wrong? kid will not talk to me, how can I fix our relationship? dog craps on my bed, why?.....why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways?..... :D :D :D
I'm not trying to be a cornball or anything, but I think what is mentioned above is one of the neat things about this place. Regardless of some shit that happens from time to time, I think this speaks volumes of both the enviroment and the overall comfort level that exists on this forum.

By the way, I'm a little short on funds. Can someone here spot me a sawbuck till next week?
