I recently took a ride up through New England, stopped for gas and bite to eat. I remember being scolded for putting my helmet on my seat - so I put helmet on ground to be safe. Came out and got on bike to ride short distance back to hotel I was staying at.
Oh dear. Appears to be a spider on outside of my helmet screen. He won't wipe off - What The Heck!!??? RATS, he's on the inside! I don't care how big he is, seeing a spider walking around on your visor - inside - while you are trying to navigate traffic is bound to be disconcerting. And I'm a spider-friendly kind of guy, actually. I opened visor and brushed him outside. So glad I didn't wreck or freak out when I realized the spider was inside.
Note to self - Shake OUT helmet if you leave it on the ground. DUH.
Oh dear. Appears to be a spider on outside of my helmet screen. He won't wipe off - What The Heck!!??? RATS, he's on the inside! I don't care how big he is, seeing a spider walking around on your visor - inside - while you are trying to navigate traffic is bound to be disconcerting. And I'm a spider-friendly kind of guy, actually. I opened visor and brushed him outside. So glad I didn't wreck or freak out when I realized the spider was inside.
Note to self - Shake OUT helmet if you leave it on the ground. DUH.