Well-known member
I would think that playing Mr.Nice guy would depend on if you have property or assettes. No kids ? That could change things. Listen to you head and not your heart.
I would guess the only real point is "how much equity in the house?". If alot (and be reasonable about the house price in this crappy market) then you have to get your due. If you have 10% or less in the house, in this market, let her have it with you having a back end participation. On the surface, sounds like a hellofa deal to me. The devil unfortunately is in the details.Thanks for the advice guys and girls, so far she is playing nice with me, telling me she will pay for the divorce and the lawyer fees and she used that word "amicable" so she wants us to meet with a lawyer on monday to talk things out with him, what should I do?
We have a house we have lived in for 2 years, we have a car payment of 400 dollars a month we have a bike payment of 170 of month.
She has school loans aswell so im not sure if we go 50/50 im responsable for half of that and we have a 2 small credit cards. Thats it.
Her idea of amicable is she gets the house in her name and if or when she sells it I get half then, and she will also take the full loan of the car payment , I will take over the bike payment and she keeps her credit card and I keep mine. And pretty much she keeps all the junk in the house if I agree to that we will still stay "freinds" because after all she keeps telling me im ALWAYS going to be her bestfreind.
Or do I go for option B : Screw being freinds sell the house now and we split everything 50/50 and I take alamony.
Or option C : Tell her to back off with the divorce for a few weeks so I can clear my mind, after all its only been a week of being seperated.
Thanks for the support
This sounds reasonable. If she is truly wanting things to be amicable, then she shouldn't mind you coming along as an un-represented observer.I would go with her to see the lawyer and get a rough draft of the terms and then I would take this document to your own legal counsel to see if it is OK with them.
Some truly profound observations and advice there, Dick! :clapping:There isn't a crime a man can commit that carries the emotional and financial bankruptcy than selecting the wrong mate. Spousal selection is similar to the science employed when buying a horse; look them over the best you can, close your eyes, raise your head and command your future to God. Get it behind you as fast as you can. Worry and regret are the cancer of the mind.
[SIZE=14pt]Listen to brother Mike![/SIZE]There's that sliding definition of "amicable" we warned you about. :angry:
NOW will you get a lawyer!?!?!?![]()
Reason number 2 doesn't count, because it was not why she left - it may have been contributory, but she wasn't leaving because of it. She tolerated the situation without complaint (or else you'd have had fights over the subject) until reason number 1 gave her the desire to get out.Got in a big fight on the phone, she told me the #2 reason she left was she felt she was being used and takeing advantage of. Yes she made more money than me,yes when we first got married she had 2 jobs, but I took care of everything around the house , all she did when she got home was sit and watch tv, she never had to cook or clean or anything around the house, I waited on her hand and foot. But needless to say I feel like total crap now, it WAS my fault, I should of tried harder,she deserves everything.
This is why you need a lawyer: Someone on your side (cuz you're paying them) who won't get caught up in her emotional manipulations.I feel like total crap now, it WAS my fault, I should of tried harder,she deserves everything.
GET A LAWYER!!!! Move, and move fast. And I'm not talking about your place of residence. I mean, get your ass in action!
I have 2 cents also. Based on the statements of you wife, you could begin to develop a settlement agreement. Let me put it this way, YOU could begin to develop a settlement agreement. You don't need lawyers unless you want to get into that expense. They take credit cards you know.Yeah its probally dumb to post this on a motorcycle forum but my wife of 6 going on 7 in october years has decided shes had enough, She has gone to the other side I feel very sad and upset and really need to vent.
She tells me she will pay all debts off and I will walk away scott free with only a bike payment (wich is in hew name as of now) plus insurence for the car and bike.
My parents tell me to get what I can out of her and shes trying to pull a fast one on me becasue we have a house and im intitled to half of everything.
So should I play mr nice guy or get her were it counts?
Thanks guys for letting me vent.
Note my wife wasent very smart when she got direction on mapquest to the dykes house and now its saved on, maybe I will post it here, but for now any good law advice would be great.
P.S. I live in pennsylvania if someone knows what the laws are here.