Anyone Headed to Sturgis

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Jul 7, 2010
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Willmar, MN
Since I am a newbie with a FJR I was wondering if other FJR riders are headed to Sturgis? I have been out there a number of times on my HD but this year taking the FJR.

Since I am a newbie with a FJR I was wondering if other FJR riders are headed to Sturgis? I have been out there a number of times on my HD but this year taking the FJR.
Nope. Vacation is being saved this year for Lake Tahoe and Hawaii. One of these days, I may ride up there to check out the circus.

Oh Sure! I haven't had my bike pissed on for a long time now. And all the well manered people in costume. Won't miss it.

Sturgis? I've been there several times.

The Black Hills Motorcycle Rally?

ACK! [thud!]

drunken riders of unknown skills in close proximity and high density ain't my cuppa.

I have a friend who went there some years back. Said he committed the "crime" of passing a group of Harleys on his Honda 1100 (performance touring bike of some kind) and they began chasing him for many miles.

Said he had no trouble staying ahead of them, as the guys chasing him would top out about 120mph or so when they made a run at him.

Said he just sped up and kept them out of reach of him without much trouble.

Doesn't sound like my kind of place to go.

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to many of these...


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Not me. I hate big crowds, nowhere to sleep, waiting in line to eat and so on.

I've been to the area twice, on separate trips, a few years back. I was two weeks ahead of the main event.

It's a nice area and a great ride. I enjoyed touring Deadwood, Lead, the Black Hills and Custer Nat'l Monument, but the whole outlaw biker poseur thing leaves me cold.

Have fun! WBill

Never been there wouldn't mind just passin through 1 time. Let me know when your going maybe I'll do a quick out and back. You'll go out through my area one way or the other.

Never been there wouldn't mind just passin through 1 time. Let me know when your going maybe I'll do a quick out and back. You'll go out through my area one way or the other.
We are heading out on August 11 and taking the 212 route. Staying in Belle Fourche. My wife was originally going with us so rented a motel room for 4 nights. My son and son-in-law are riding with me. Son-in-law has never been there so want to show him the sights. You are welcome to ride with us if we can find a place and time to connect.

Since I am a newbie with a FJR I was wondering if other FJR riders are headed to Sturgis? I have been out there a number of times on my HD but this year taking the FJR.

I went there in '98 on my HD that I had at the time; I wouldn't mind going again sometime on the FJR, but next visit I'll go the week before and leave the first weekend. That way you kinda get in on the party atmosphere but the big crowds not there yet. Not sure just yet when that's gonna happen as it's not too high on the list.

Sturgis itself sucked IMO; too hard to get in/out and the cops were real a-holeys. Lotsa new paint on the curbs with their finest just sitting back and ticketing guys that were 1/2 tire over the line.

Most fun, and folks, I had and met were in the other places like Deadwood, Keystone, etc. Great riding, but the huge numbers of straight piped bikes made alot of that miserable.

But, that was just my experience...

Of course, I do live near Daytona, so the rally thing is very familiar. Our riding roads are no where near as good, but the rest of it isn't that much different IMO, so Sturgis? yes, I'd love to get up there again, just not during bike week...

It was nice meeting you, Mike and the other fella in J&P's parking lot. Told my HD riding companions about your water on the tire story and they had the same reaction I did... :huh:

I don't know about you but I was rather surprised at the number of FJRs I saw in Sturgis. I must have seen a dozen or more during my time there. Most shameful was the silver FJR lashed next to a cruiser on a trailer towed behind a pickup with Colorado plates and Marine Corps decal in the back window cruising East on Lazelle St. Have you no shame Sir!? ;)

I hope your trip home was a good one. With the exception of crap roads in Wyoming and construction in Utah, it was a pleasant ride home for us.

It was nice meeting you, Mike and the other fella in J&P's parking lot. Told my HD riding companions about your water on the tire story and they had the same reaction I did... :huh:
I don't know about you but I was rather surprised at the number of FJRs I saw in Sturgis. I must have seen a dozen or more during my time there. Most shameful was the silver FJR lashed next to a cruiser on a trailer towed behind a pickup with Colorado plates and Marine Corps decal in the back window cruising East on Lazelle St. Have you no shame Sir!? ;)

I hope your trip home was a good one. With the exception of crap roads in Wyoming and construction in Utah, it was a pleasant ride home for us.
eeksnake, nice to meet you also. We had a great trip home, left Belle Fourche at 4:00 a.m. Willmar time and was back in Willmar by 1:30 p.m. so made good time. Put on 1500 miles for the trip with great weather and for us good roads. Yep, I was surprised by all the sport and sport tour bikes this year. And nope no body pissed on my bike!!!!!! Too bad others don't make the trip and enjoy the festivities. Headed to Mpls tomorrow to see a new Granddaughter, Marshall, MN on Wed for a meeting, and Granite Falls, MN on Thursday so will get some time on the scooter.

Mike and I taught a BRC this past weekend and demonstrated to the students what water does if poured in front of the bike tire. Yep, in hot weather it evaporates. HA

Definately fun riding with my son-in-law on his 106 ci FatBoy. He took off and tried to leave me behind. Unfortunately at 102 mph I did pass him like he was standing still. He couldn't believe it and decided not to try it again. Keep in touch and just maybe we can meet somewhere in between in the future.
