Anyone using Muzzy's cans

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Hey Stu

Great! Take some pictures of your install if you can, and let us know how it goes. Some have said Muzzy's are kind of loud but it would be nice to know how they sound. Keep us posted.


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Just called back to Starcycle and told them parts411 had the system for 504.53, so they gave me it for 503+30 for quiet core and 36 shipping. Ordered it should take about 2 weeks or so to get it.

So for less than $600 i get the whole system with a quiet core muffler.

Guy said basically the quiet core muffler has a smaller pipe through the muffler that tapers to reduce noise,with a small decrease in performance, in other words,it not a 2 1/4" straight through muffler.

Called for a price. Complete system with aluminum can $549,so thats almost $100 off listed price.Calling back monday to get the extra charge

for the quiet core muffler,guy said around $30. For this price i'm gonna get it.
Good luck. I had a really bad experience with StarCycle last summer on a carbon fiber can for the Micron 4-2-1 system on my XX, and will never again use them for anything. They shipped a SS can and charged me for CF, failed to ship all the springs I paid for (two times), failed to ship the ordered spring puller, and failed to do anything for months in response to my polite and patient inquiries. I ordered and paid in mid June, and finally got all of what I ordered and paid for in October, but only after threatening legal action when he told me that they were negotiating to sell the business to avoid bankruptcy resulting from embezzlement by an employee -- while I still had the much cheaper can in my possession and they had my money. Oh yeah, and where's that free t-shirt you guys promised me??? (Not to worry, I'd rather not advertize for them anyway.)

After more than three months of calling them to straighten out their incompetence and getting excuses that I was nice about, in that call, I finally told what's-his-name that I was a lawyer and intended to get what I paid for. Three days later, I got a CF can (slip on, different diameter core), with a voided check to them from some other customer of theirs in the packing box but no other documentation and still missing 4 springs. I immediatley swapped covers on the two cans and packed up the SS slip-on to send back, while keeping the system can that finally had the CF cover I'd paid for.

Of course, they still hadn't shipped all the springs or the UPS return label I'd asked for 3 times. So, a week later (amazingly fast compared to the delay when I had been shorted something), I get a call from what's-his-name: "don't you owe us a Micron can?" By then I was so pissed off that it was hard to be civil in telling him that I'd swapped the covers and packed the SS covered slip-on can for shipping within hours of getting it, that I'd waited since June for what was supposed to be a 1 week shipment, that I was told in August after I finally got the SS can that it'd be a week to get me the right one, that I'd repeatedly requested a return shipping label and the full complement of springs, and that AS SOON AS YOU FUCKERS SEND ME FOUR SPRINGS AND A SHIPPING LABEL, I'LL PUT IT ON THE BOX AND SEND IT TO YOU!!!

NEVER again -- there are too many competent vendors out there who are responsive when you try to be polite and understanding of their claimed business problems, instead of blowing you off until you've called them repeatedly and escalated to threatening legal action.

Again -- good luck, and don't hold your breath on that stated delivery time.

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Thanks for the heads up,i will be sure to let them know my concerns,

they are suppose to call me Monday to confirm the order. :(
