April 14th, 2012 - NorCal meets SoCal RTE at Big Sur River Inn, Big Sur, CA

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Wear FrogToggs. I hear they work great in the rain!
I don't have a problem riding in the rain. It's the morons around me that make very nervous. Last year one of my riding instructors was killed by a moron who did not know how to drive in the rain.
And just how many motorcyclists have been killed by morons who did not know how do drive in sunshine?

Wear FrogToggs. I hear they work great in the rain!
I don't have a problem riding in the rain. It's the morons around me that make very nervous. Last year one of my riding instructors was killed by a moron who did not know how to drive in the rain.
And just how many motorcyclists have been killed by morons who did not know how do drive in sunshine?
The rain makes it worse. You know that.

Wear FrogToggs. I hear they work great in the rain!
I don't have a problem riding in the rain. It's the morons around me that make very nervous. Last year one of my riding instructors was killed by a moron who did not know how to drive in the rain.
And just how many motorcyclists have been killed by morons who did not know how do drive in sunshine?
The rain makes it worse. You know that.
I ride in the rain all the time.

Where do you draw the line? Riding a motorcycle is worse than driving a car. Why do you even ride a motorcycle? It's dangerous.

You can die doing anything. I choose not to be afraid and live my life to the fullest without putting irrational 'gloom and doom' limitations on myself.


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Make your own call. Riding is supposed to be a fun 'hobby'. For some it is a way of everyday life, for me it is a 'hobby'.

If rain is going to bother you on Friday, then forget the RTE for lunch, and just ride up on Saturday when there will be no rain and meet some (not all, including me) of the folks for dinner and ride home on Sunday when again there will be no rain.

Hope to see a lot of you for lunch, but if you can't make it because of rain or whatever, that's OK. We will catch you another time soon.

Make your own call, this is not a contest about who is tougher, or who is braver, this is a social gathering and this is just supposed to be fun.

Do what is fun for you, ignore the rest.

Wear FrogToggs. I hear they work great in the rain!
I don't have a problem riding in the rain. It's the morons around me that make very nervous. Last year one of my riding instructors was killed by a moron who did not know how to drive in the rain.
And just how many motorcyclists have been killed by morons who did not know how do drive in sunshine?
The rain makes it worse. You know that.
I ride in the rain all the time.

Where do you draw the line? Riding a motorcycle is worse than driving a car. Why do you even ride a motorcycle? It's dangerous.

You can die doing anything. I choose not to be afraid and live my life to the fullest without putting irrational 'gloom and doom' limitations on myself.

So you are saying there is no difference riding in the rain and riding in the dry?

Wear FrogToggs. I hear they work great in the rain!
I don't have a problem riding in the rain. It's the morons around me that make very nervous. Last year one of my riding instructors was killed by a moron who did not know how to drive in the rain.
And just how many motorcyclists have been killed by morons who did not know how do drive in sunshine?
The rain makes it worse. You know that.
I ride in the rain all the time.

Where do you draw the line? Riding a motorcycle is worse than driving a car. Why do you even ride a motorcycle? It's dangerous.

You can die doing anything. I choose not to be afraid and live my life to the fullest without putting irrational 'gloom and doom' limitations on myself.

So you are saying there is no difference riding in the rain and riding in the dry?
No, I never said that. I asked, "Where do you draw the line?"

First of all, I need to amend my statement 'I ride in the rain all the time.'. I live in Arizona. It doesn't rain much here so I don't 'ride in the rain all the time'. That being said, when it rains I don't let that stop me and still ride. And I ride in the rain when I travel. Is it my favorite? Nope. But I refuse to be limited by "it's too hot", "it's too cold", or "it's too wet". That's me.

Look, I am not trying to be judgemental here. If you had said: I ride for enjoyment only and I don't enjoy riding in the rain I would not have taken issue with that. You're a big boy, and I mean BIG boy :p and can make your own decisions about how you want to live your life. What I took exception to was your BS (imho) reasoning of "Last year one of my riding instructors was killed by a moron who did not know how to drive in the rain." Following that line of reasoning, well, I guess I shouldn't walk on any sidewalks because recently a woman around here was killed by a moron driver while she was walking down a sidewalk.

We all have to figure out our own 'acceptable' amount of risk. It will be different for different folks. Figure out yours and go with it. Just please don't use 'gloom and doom the sky is falling' irrational reasoning to justify it.

Does that make sense?

If rain is going to bother you on Friday, then forget the RTE for lunch, and just ride up on Saturday when there will be no rain and meet some (not all, including me) of the folks for dinner and ride home on Sunday when again there will be no rain.
Yeah, Johnny... if you don't want to deal with the rain on Friday, come meet up with us on Saturday in Cambria... we're gonna go see Nitt Witt Ridge and have dinner in town. B)

Wear FrogToggs. I hear they work great in the rain!
+1, Gunny; Carver is right on about the FrogToggs, Don is going to feel up my balls when I arrive at the Big Sur River Inn just to make sure that they are perfectly dry! jes' sayin' and nuff' said!

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Wear FrogToggs. I hear they work great in the rain!
I don't have a problem riding in the rain. It's the morons around me that make very nervous. Last year one of my riding instructors was killed by a moron who did not know how to drive in the rain.
And just how many motorcyclists have been killed by morons who did not know how do drive in sunshine?
The rain makes it worse. You know that.
I ride in the rain all the time.

Where do you draw the line? Riding a motorcycle is worse than driving a car. Why do you even ride a motorcycle? It's dangerous.

You can die doing anything. I choose not to be afraid and live my life to the fullest without putting irrational 'gloom and doom' limitations on myself.

So you are saying there is no difference riding in the rain and riding in the dry?
No, I never said that. I asked, "Where do you draw the line?"

First of all, I need to amend my statement 'I ride in the rain all the time.'. I live in Arizona. It doesn't rain much here so I don't 'ride in the rain all the time'. That being said, when it rains I don't let that stop me and still ride. And I ride in the rain when I travel. Is it my favorite? Nope. But I refuse to be limited by "it's too hot", "it's too cold", or "it's too wet". That's me.

Look, I am not trying to be judgemental here. If you had said: I ride for enjoyment only and I don't enjoy riding in the rain I would not have taken issue with that. You're a big boy, and I mean BIG boy :p and can make your own decisions about how you want to live your life. What I took exception to was your BS (imho) reasoning of "Last year one of my riding instructors was killed by a moron who did not know how to drive in the rain." Following that line of reasoning, well, I guess I shouldn't walk on any sidewalks because recently a woman around here was killed by a moron driver while she was walking down a sidewalk.

We all have to figure out our own 'acceptable' amount of risk. It will be different for different folks. Figure out yours and go with it. Just please don't use 'gloom and doom the sky is falling' irrational reasoning to justify it.

Does that make sense?
SkooterG and johnny80s: Don't make me pull this car over and drag your sorry asses out of the backseat, because Papa Chuy is going to blister both of your young butts! jes' sayin' and nuff' said!

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Last year one of my riding instructors was killed by a moron who did not know how to drive in the rain.
Damn, I remember that last year. He was also Janet's instructor in her MSF class. It shook her up pretty good.

Sorry, nothing useful to add to the conversation or topic. That was just a harsh memory.

Greg I do limit myself when riding. Rain and heat are are things that I don't like. Rain ads too much danger for me. I have and will ride in the rain when I have to but I limit it. I was not using somebody getting killed as an excuse but as an example. Riding in the rain is more dangerous and that s usually where I like to cut my risk. I also don't like to ride in the heat either because it is not that much fun.

That being said, I am still trying to figure out what I am doing. I could still camp friday but it seams like I will be the only one camping friday. Saturday Don, and maybe Geno, will be there. Pegscraper, Coldcut and Sante FE Dreamin are all out. My other option is to leave leave at o'dark thirty on saturday and ride up. I was really looking forward to camping but it seams like that has fizzled too since only Don will be there and there won't be any one to protect me from his midnight advances.

I am keeping in touch with Don and will decide my plan as the days tick off. I really want to meet some of my friends from the forum that have not been able to meet in person. That ancient prevert OM, The tantlizing Tyler, that guy that is always mad twice, and others who are just unmentionable. Not to mention Fairlaner bitchen about the fish and chips.

Tyler put me down for whatever you are doing. I will tour anything with you!

I am keeping my fingers crossed.

I'm gonna try to make this ride. If I do, I may have my nephew (Fang's younger brother's oldest son :blink: ) along on the back, who recently left the Army after completing two tours in Iraq and one in Afghanistan, and is in job search mode in the Bay Area. [Thanks, CAJW, for alerting me to this ride!]

For those riding Saturday, rain shouldn't be an issue since the forecast Saturday is for clear.

My .02 cents on the rain discussion: I ride weekdays to get to work, so I ride in the rain when it rains, like it is today and all this week, and like it was in the pic below. But on weekends I ride for pleasure--and for me there ain't no pleasure in riding in the rain. :no:

(I like Skoot's comments about fear and dread: Whenever I feel like I'm getting too pissed off at cagers for trying to kill me, I remind myself that this is the world I've chosen to ride a M.C. in, so either deal with it or park the bike. And Johnny80s, I understand your point. I'm familiar with the Sreetmasters instructor you're alluding to [here in Concord on Saturday a 17-yr-old low-life killed a dad and his daughter on a sidewalk]. We are all risk managers, and when the risk goes up because it rains, I mitigate it by preferring side streets, among other things.)


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nice morning for pic's

agate hunting


Whale watching... mom and a calf


the bluff is in bloom


and the beach is loaded with elephant seals! Lots of pups!


then it started to drizzle so we tucked back into our room until the evening tour at the castle starts.

then it started to drizzle so we tucked back into our room until the evening tour at the castle starts.
Nice photos redtail, but did you have to mention "drizzle" around our johnny80s! I have spoke to Juan twice on the phone today trying to calm him down; please do not ever mention "drizzle" again!
