Auto cancel Turn Signals

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The lack of SCT on the FJR leaves me wondering WTF Yamaha is thinking. Can they really be that greedy or that stupid that a flagship model like the FJR doesn't have what a 400 cc machine had 20 years ago. There's some nice engineering on the FJR, so it must be greed.
Yeah, must be that evil empire Yamaha. In fact, they must have spread their evil to other manufacturers too. It's all a conspiracy!

Seriously, what modern sport-touring bikes DO have them? I know Connies and BMWs don't. How about the ST1300 and other brands? I bet they don't have them either for the most part, but perhaps I am wrong.

Greed? Naaah. Liability perhaps. Or maybe just the wisdom that they are a baaaaaaaad thing. :D

There's no debate about one thing: The FJR does NOT come with SC/TS's.

Do you WANT them? that's up to you. I LOVE them!

I had the old OEM ones on an 81 650 Maxim, an 81 XS400, and a 91 Venture Royale and LOVED them. I put the Kisan Signal minders on but they aren't nearly as good as the OEMs were.

I never had the OEMs fail or go off when I needed them.
IIRC OEMs stopped them when they were sued because of the self canceling failed and the turn signals stayed on causing (potential ?) problems which is why I'd rather be in the habit of verifying for myself that mine are on or off.

NO. The FJR does NOT have auto-cancelling turn signal thank goodness.
And,.... self canceling would be a bad thing?,.....Sorry i missed the debate,.. please expand

It's been debated many a time around here. Some love them, heck, feel like they NEED them. And others, like me, don't want anything to do with them. "I would rather have them on when they are not supposed to be, than NOT have them on when they are supposed to be."

No need to rehash the debate, though I am betting there will be slim chance of that not happening.
Can we debate on whether or not there will be another debate? :yahoo:
It's not about the debate......Just what are you'r thought's/reasons, SkooterG,.... Just never heard of an other side??

See above.

My feeling was that the topic was moved to "Never-Ending Pointless Recurring Threads" even though many newer forum members might find it to be a interesting subject....It was not my intention to imply that (I) felt such that i may be removed (Sorry if that was the case.....)
-It's just that during my short time here i've spent more time looking for an answers to questions,.. that could be soooo simply answered by a forum member in 30 seconds,...Yet I find myself worried about asking Such even after spending 45 minuites rooting around.

-My bit of frustration perhaps came across the wrong way,.... Sorry Ingio..

Personally it depends on my mood, sometimes I'm happy to answer any question, other times I get irritated seeing a question I have seen every two weeks for 4 years. :p

Ignacio - you have to remember - you are used to the crappy search with this software and know all the tricks you have to use to make it meaningful. Most people coming in are used to a GOOD search (type what you want to search for and the answers appear, for examples see VB, Google, etc.) - don't jump down people's throats so much about it. You can't do anything about it without switching software, and new people can't do anything about not knowing this search won't work intuitively.
Thats because you didn't have to try and use the search on the EZboard forum (a major cause of the formation of this forum), The search here is heaven!

Just because there is something worse, doesn't mean this is good.

This search sucks to anyone used to the good stuff.

Just because there is something worse, doesn't mean this is good.
This search sucks to anyone used to the good stuff.
Ok, enough. This thread is about self-cancelling turn signals, not search functions. Let's try to stay on topic.

Your dealer is flipping moron. Tell you what, go back wajer him $1000 worth of accessories whether or not the FJR has auto-cancelling turn signals. That should provide some quality entertainment.
NO. The FJR does NOT have auto-cancelling turn signal thank goodness.
You pinhead, of course each and every motorcycle with turn signals has the auto canceling feature. It's called, 'Your Thumb'. Of course, the connection from 'Your Thumb' to the 'Brain' is an after market accessories that most folks forget to order.

There's no debate about one thing: The FJR does NOT come with SC/TS's.
Holy shit! Where the hell have you been, long lost left-leaning friend-o-mine? :dntknw: Good to see you back from the dead! :good:

Ignacio - you have to remember - you are used to the crappy search with this software and know all the tricks you have to use to make it meaningful. Most people coming in are used to a GOOD search (type what you want to search for and the answers appear, for examples see VB, Google, etc.) - don't jump down people's throats so much about it.
Please reread my post. It had NOTHING do do with searching whatsoever.

In fact, I AFFIRMED the original posters question was a good one.
My post was in response to the thread being moved to this section, which was not desrved and is kind of rude to new people for the reasons i have already stated.

My Beemer has them, and the turn signals shut off too soon on the Highway.

Greed, what is it?

I like "greed", sharing is for the poor.

Does anyone here share their bike, if not, it must be "greed".

The lack of SCT on the FJR leaves me wondering WTF Yamaha is thinking. Can they really be that greedy or that stupid that a flagship model like the FJR doesn't have what a 400 cc machine had 20 years ago. There's some nice engineering on the FJR, so it must be greed.
Yeah, must be that evil empire Yamaha. In fact, they must have spread their evil to other manufacturers too. It's all a conspiracy!

Seriously, what modern sport-touring bikes DO have them? I know Connies and BMWs don't. How about the ST1300 and other brands? I bet they don't have them either for the most part, but perhaps I am wrong.

Greed? Naaah. Liability perhaps. Or maybe just the wisdom that they are a baaaaaaaad thing. :D
My very humble 2 cents: neither greed, nor liability, nor the engineer who designed the key-on-bike-in-neutral storage compartment opener getting kicks out of frustrating riders, nor are they a bleating baaaaaaaaaaad thing. Yamaha decided that 99.9% of riding time is doing things other than turning corners (curves excluded), so why bother. Following this logic, they also left off the wheelie bar, an underseat urinal (for the true LDR aficionado: hey, there's room), tie down/bungee posts (less than .1% of your time is spent tying things down...unless you don't have any place to attach tie downs %$#@ it :angry2: ), and a horn that plays Dixie. Pure, cold, calculating logic is to blame.

I had self-cancelers on most of my bikes & never had an instance of getting an unexpected left/right hand turn into my path because of, ummm, early, ummmm, you know, premature, errrr, not going the distance.

Depends on how the auto shut off works on the bikes you had, if you would have problem or not .

The Beemer I have uses distance to turn off the signal. About 1/8 mile or so. Noticed I specifically said highway.

In town I still use the cancel switch to turn off the signal.

greedy Bob

Depends on how the auto shut off works on the bikes you had, if you would have problem or not .
The Beemer I have uses distance to turn off the signal. About 1/8 mile or so. Noticed I specifically said highway.

In town I still use the cancel switch to turn off the signal.

greedy Bob
Greedy Bob,

I see your point: at highway speeds, the ts cancel "sooner" because you are eating the same amount of distance in less time. All of my self-cancel ts used distance, too, but this doesn't bother me on the freeway since all the traffic is moving in the same direction (hopefully). That said, I don't have to deal with high congestion situations very often where concentrating on a bunch of targets/variables might lead to not realizing my ts were no longer flashing. I have adjusted to the non-self-cancel turn indicators by training myself to obsessively check to see if they are still on & pushing the cancel button. Inevitably, I still look like a fool occasionally going down the road signaling the perpetual left turn.

Why would it be so difficult for an engineer to put in a tiny toggle that allowed the rider to suit his/her preference? I know: you'll say greed.

What I want to know is why those greedy sums-a-bitches can't put a Flash to Pass option on the FJR.

I mean, I'm at the dealership the other day sitting on a Suzuki Bruggeman scooter eating a cheese sandwich and that sucker had Flash To Pass! A skooter!

It's inconceivable that Yamaha engineers couldn't include FTP on the FJR. Why oh why won't they include it?

....and don't even get me started about the two spacious glove boxes and the fact that the sidestand worked. I'm thinking Nuremburg and a big trial is in order. :angry2:

What I want to know is why those greedy sums-a-bitches can't put a Flash to Pass option on the FJR.
I mean, I'm at the dealership the other day sitting on a Suzuki Bruggeman scooter eating a cheese sandwich and that sucker had Flash To Pass! A skooter!

It's inconceivable that Yamaha engineers couldn't include FTP on the FJR. Why oh why won't they include it?

....and don't even get me started about the two spacious glove boxes and the fact that the sidestand worked. I'm thinking Nuremburg and a big trial is in order. :angry2:
Yep, the Wee Strom has the flash to pass button. Works like a charm, too. The Euro FJR's have the FTP - so why not us, too?

Hell yeah, flash to pass! That is one cool Euro feature. Alas, not many drivers over here know what the **** the flashing means! My old-school cafe Honda 750 had a FTP, and I loved it. I passed just about everything back then, except high-end Mercedes and Porsches on the autobahn.

But self-canceling turn signals? Does nothing for me. It's all about making good habits. Like stopping at stop signs, or looking before going through a green light. Or using turn signals properly. My old MSF instructor back on Tachikawa Air Force Base taught us to use the turn signal, then to TURN IT OFF. Been doing it ever since.

Don't need or want SCT, but I'd love a FTP switch.

Hell yeah, flash to pass!....
I drink mightily from the Great Troll Goblet!!! :drinks: ...and it's not even Friday.


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I am solidly in the I have no interest in or use for self-canceling signals camp :thumbsdownsmileyanim: . My Harley Sportster had them, and the SOBs would turn off at the most inconvenient times--like when I was negotiating multiple lane changes through thick rush-hour traffic. So I'd then lose a large portion of my $10 worth of concentration (thanks, Keith) trying to figure out if my #%^*@ signals were on or not and reapplying them.

As a corollary to this, another thing I liked about the FJR when I test rode it was that the signal switch is on the left thumb. With the Sportster, the right signal is on the right thumb, which takes some finagling to work when you have your throttle open.

God bless the FJR... Domini donimi domini....


What I want to know is why those greedy sums-a-bitches can't put a Flash to Pass option on the FJR.
I mean, I'm at the dealership the other day sitting on a Suzuki Bruggeman scooter eating a cheese sandwich and that sucker had Flash To Pass! A skooter!

It's inconceivable that Yamaha engineers couldn't include FTP on the FJR. Why oh why won't they include it?

....and don't even get me started about the two spacious glove boxes and the fact that the sidestand worked. I'm thinking Nuremburg and a big trial is in order. :angry2:
Yep, the Wee Strom has the flash to pass button. Works like a charm, too. The Euro FJR's have the FTP - so why not us, too?
Maybe cause you live in the good ole U.S. of A. .....& your fellow riders would be confused by it.... :D ....more than likely your federal transport organization does see, care or get the point...just a guess though....

This thread is ROUGH...Has anybody mounted a set of brighter led indicator lights on the '06 so you can see them in the daytime?(Something that looks factory,or at least cool?))

You pinhead, of course each and every motorcycle with turn signals has the auto canceling feature. It's called, 'Your Thumb'. Of course, the connection from 'Your Thumb' to the 'Brain' is an after market accessories that most folks forget to order.
I was going to say that MY '03 had self-canceling turn signals. If you wanted 'em to CANCEL you did it yourSELF...

Apparently it does require the OPTIONAL accessories of both BRAIN and OPPOSABLE THUMB.

Curiously enough, Harleys and BMW's include self-canceling turn signals that do not require these optional accessories.

Surprise! :eek:

Yamaha had them in 1978 ( yeah I know some of you were not born then ) On my XS1100 they worked great they would cancell after the two things had happened

15 seconds had elapesed


you had travelled 100 meters ( I think).

YOU could also cancell them at any time by just pressing in the button.

They were great everyone liked them and wanted them.

Fact they can be made standard at the factory for about $5 ,why not have them , you can overide them when you want .
