Auto cancel Turn Signals

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Active member
Mar 18, 2007
Reaction score
Cincinatti, OH
My dealer distincly said my 07 FJR has auto canceling turn signals yet I find them still blinking a few blocks after my turn. I don't see any mention of auto canceling in the owners manual. Should they auto cancel or not??

Your dealer is flipping moron. Tell you what, go back wajer him $1000 worth of accessories whether or not the FJR has auto-cancelling turn signals. That should provide some quality entertainment.

NO. The FJR does NOT have auto-cancelling turn signal thank goodness.

NO. The FJR does NOT have auto-cancelling turn signal thank goodness.
And,.... self canceling would be a bad thing?,.....Sorry i missed the debate,.. please expand

It's been debated many a time around here. Some love them, heck, feel like they NEED them. And others, like me, don't want anything to do with them. "I would rather have them on when they are not supposed to be, than NOT have them on when they are supposed to be."

No need to rehash the debate, though I am betting there will be slim chance of that not happening.

NO. The FJR does NOT have auto-cancelling turn signal thank goodness.
And,.... self canceling would be a bad thing?,.....Sorry i missed the debate,.. please expand

It's been debated many a time around here. Some love them, heck, feel like they NEED them. And others, like me, don't want anything to do with them. "I would rather have them on when they are not supposed to be, than NOT have them on when they are supposed to be."

No need to rehash the debate, though I am betting there will be slim chance of that not happening.
Can we debate on whether or not there will be another debate? :yahoo:

NO. The FJR does NOT have auto-cancelling turn signal thank goodness.
And,.... self canceling would be a bad thing?,.....Sorry i missed the debate,.. please expand

It's been debated many a time around here. Some love them, heck, feel like they NEED them. And others, like me, don't want anything to do with them. "I would rather have them on when they are not supposed to be, than NOT have them on when they are supposed to be."

No need to rehash the debate, though I am betting there will be slim chance of that not happening.
Can we debate on whether or not there will be another debate? :yahoo:
don't let skoot and don fool you...

all '07s have self-canceling turn signals...













they just AREN'T FJR's... :rofl:

There's no debate about one thing: The FJR does NOT come with SC/TS's.

Do you WANT them? that's up to you. I LOVE them!

I had the old OEM ones on an 81 650 Maxim, an 81 XS400, and a 91 Venture Royale and LOVED them. I put the Kisan Signal minders on but they aren't nearly as good as the OEMs were.

I never had the OEMs fail or go off when I needed them.

NO. The FJR does NOT have auto-cancelling turn signal thank goodness.
And,.... self canceling would be a bad thing?,.....Sorry i missed the debate,.. please expand

It's been debated many a time around here. Some love them, heck, feel like they NEED them. And others, like me, don't want anything to do with them. "I would rather have them on when they are not supposed to be, than NOT have them on when they are supposed to be."

No need to rehash the debate, though I am betting there will be slim chance of that not happening.
Can we debate on whether or not there will be another debate? :yahoo:
It's not about the debate......Just what are you'r thought's/reasons, SkooterG,.... Just never heard of an other side??


Self cancelling or not; either way is better than that awful buzzer the (way) old Hondas had! Remember those?

For what it's worth, I was very pleased with the performance of the SCTSs on my '96 Honda Pacific Coast (PC 800). There were only a few instances where they cancelled prematurely, but as I recall they never failed to cancel after a turn. I would love to have them on the FJR if they worked as well as the PC. I try to pay close attention to canceling after a turn, but sometimes the circumstances provide a distraction and I find them blinking away a block after the turn. Every cage has them, so if the bike manufacturers could perfect them, it should be standard equipment.

Dosen't matter Bob cause' unless you've been here for 6 months to a Year it's not worth discussing and you have to spend 45 min's searching old opinions like all the other new people that are terrified of posting a question.......

Guess i've not much to contribute,.. So my time trying will prolly end soon...

Good luck all


Dosen't matter Bob cause' unless you've been here for 6 months to a Year it's not worth discussing and you have to spend 45 min's searching old opinions like all the other new people that are terrified of posting a question.......
Guess i've not much to contribute,.. So my time trying will prolly end soon...

Good luck all

WTF is that about? You seem to be hinting that somebody will end your posting ability. It doesn't work like that. You can pontificate all you want--preferably a new thread about the merits of auto turn signals.....not whether a dealer is right or wrong that the '07 has them. Nobody's going to suppress your freedom to express an opinion. Why don't you start another thread on it and have fun with it?

The newbie asked a fine're the one that changed the topic.

My feeling was that the topic was moved to "Never-Ending Pointless Recurring Threads" even though many newer forum members might find it to be a interesting subject....It was not my intention to imply that (I) felt such that i may be removed (Sorry if that was the case.....)

-It's just that during my short time here i've spent more time looking for an answers to questions,.. that could be soooo simply answered by a forum member in 30 seconds,...Yet I find myself worried about asking Such even after spending 45 minuites rooting around.

-My bit of frustration perhaps came across the wrong way,.... Sorry Ingio..


Ignacio - you have to remember - you are used to the crappy search with this software and know all the tricks you have to use to make it meaningful. Most people coming in are used to a GOOD search (type what you want to search for and the answers appear, for examples see VB, Google, etc.) - don't jump down people's throats so much about it. You can't do anything about it without switching software, and new people can't do anything about not knowing this search won't work intuitively.

Back on topic - The wife's Sportster's signals work wonderfully - they are never off when they are not supposed to be and never on when they are not. They self cancel for turning and switching lanes perfectly. I wish the FJR had the same.

Now having two switches is another story, and still out for debate with me...

The lack of SCT on the FJR leaves me wondering WTF Yamaha is thinking. Can they really be that greedy or that stupid that a flagship model like the FJR doesn't have what a 400 cc machine had 20 years ago. There's some nice engineering on the FJR, so it must be greed.

What seems to be the best aftermarket canceler? I want them to cancel. I can't see the indicator light in the daytime (unless I'm looking DIRECTLY at it) '06 very small.

May want to look at this site. I use them without the brake light reset and it work fine for me. Since I am often trying to hold on to the bike after making a turn and using the FJR's HP to full advantage, I remember to reset the switch just before I use the signal again. :huh: I know the last comment may not make sense, but it will if you add an SC, they don't reset the switch.



Seems like many that prefer the self cancelling turn signals use Kisan brand. (clicky)

They also sell head lamp modulators etc.

Also try Kriss Industries (Clicky)

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Ignacio - you have to remember - you are used to the crappy search with this software and know all the tricks you have to use to make it meaningful. Most people coming in are used to a GOOD search (type what you want to search for and the answers appear, for examples see VB, Google, etc.) - don't jump down people's throats so much about it.
Please reread my post. It had NOTHING do do with searching whatsoever.

In fact, I AFFIRMED the original posters question was a good one.
