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Well-known member
Dec 3, 2010
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concord nc
Just recieved pm from fellow forum member JET please keep him and his girl friend in your thoughts and prayers they were in an accident with the fjr and both were injured Thanks

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If I remember, that road has a ridiculously low speed limit, something like 15 mph. You just would never think it would happen like that.

Best wishes, I truly feel your pain. My cousin who wrecked at the very beginning of our trip to that area just got out of the hospital today. 2 weeks exactly in the hospital, 5 of those days in intensive care. We are so vulnerable...

Very sorry to hear this. I've recently learned what it feels like to go down but can't imagine how much worse it would be with a passenger. Glad to hear that JET 's injuries are not so bad (in perspective) but will be sending prayers for the lady.

Damn sorry to hear of this; I always hate to hear of anyone being injured while riding. Best wishes and prayers for a full recovery for both.

Always feels like a shot to the gut reading posts like this one. But thanks for posting it. Hopes and prayers offered for the best possible outcome.

Prayers and best wishes.

It reminds me how fortunate my wife and I are. We wrecked with the trike 9 weeks ago. We both are doing relatively well but I am certainly reminded how much worse it could have been.

Prayers go out for them. We all know the risk, but it doesn't make it any easier if something happens. Doctors don't know everything, praying the gf will be okay.

I know it may be difficult at this time, but stay prayerful and positive. I hope everything works out and a full recovery for all.
