Barbarian Jumper Mod on 07

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May 30, 2007
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Does enybody know what the pinout if for the 07 for the Barbarian jumper mod. or is it the same as the 06, would you still swap wire from pin 23 to pin 25. I read all night last night and found no referance to the 07 model pinout. :dntknw:


"Take the white plug out of 25. Then take the wire from 23 and place in 25. Put the plug in 23"

I just got done with the spring mod, the barbarian mod, and took the play out of the throtle cable on my 07. A much needed improvment on the throttle lag and shifting performance. Also I dont have to grip the throttle so tight any more to maintain my speed. Thanks for all your help and such a wonderfull web sight. O' by the way I went up +7 on all 4 co settings. :yahoo:

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Yes same as 06',... And don't forget to push in on the white unlock thingy on the side of the plug or you'll be pushing really hard on the pin without it moving. Not that anyone has ever done that :dribble:

