Bay Window

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Doctor Throckenstein !!!
Jun 25, 2005
Reaction score
It finally came. The box should have said Home Depot, or Andersen Windows! I opened the container and extracted my new cee BAYley WINDOW. That thing is not a windshield, it's more like one of those bullet proof plates that surrounds the Pres or Pope at a speech. In the winter, I could remove it and go sledding with it.

Man, that thing is BIG. Sitting behind that 4+4 makes me feel like I'm in the living room looking out from my room in quiet comfort. When it's in the full up postion, I feel like I'm looking right through the center of it. And it's kind of intimidating. It's taller than me, even standing up (on the ground, not the pegs)!

When the shield is full down, the wind barely hits above my scalp and at my pinkie fingers. Major blockage. Sweet! Raise it up about 3/4 inch and there it is! The beloved Cone Of Silence! Well, Ok, it's not the full cone sitting in the driving postition, but almost. The wind noise however is cut by half over my GIVI flip. Very Nice.

Also, when the shield is full down, it's intimidating. Have you seen how thick these babies are? Looks like a full 1/4 inch or more thick! WOW! Clarity/distorition is great, too. Excellent quality.

But I'm thinking about those dinky plastic screws. What if I have a bird strike? I think the goose won't go THROUGH the shield, but because of the size and weight of the shield that thing is going to break off. And I have this image of goose guts accompaniing the Odd Job Death Slice as the shield comes back at me when those dinky plastic screws disintegrate on impact. It's bad enough watching the shield wobble/buffett in the wind. I'm looking at it thinking.. at 100 mph, those dinky plastic screws are going to snap, and there's the Odd Job decapitation thing again. Yikes!

So I've decided I don't like my new Bay Window. It does give me that barcalounger comfort when slightly engaged upwards while riding in the moping mode. But I think the thing is a death trap. Waiting to detach and cause serious bodily injury. TOOOOooo big. TOOOooo thick. Too scarey.

Ok, just kidding. The thing is great, but man is it big. I rode behind it most of the time with the shield in the full down postion. I'm short enough that I don't NEED to bring it up, not much at all, anyway. But coming across the river bridge last night at dusk, that upright shield sure did kick the shit out (literally) of about a million bugs.

Just glad there weren't any birds around.

I once posted an unanswered question on the other forum.

While I now understand the safety aspect of the nylon retention screws.

However, hear me out on this.

I thought that it might make some precautionary sense to replace the two at the bottom of the W on the windshield support, with two black steel buttonheads. My reasoning for this is that the majority of wind pressure on the upper portions of the windscreen, would also apply the maximum separation leverage on the bottom two bolts (lever effect).

As a matter of safety the remaining screws would remain nylon and thus would maintain their shearability, if you were thrown forward through the screen. At worst case, I believe the windscreen would fold completely forward and be left dangling off the bottom two screws. Although at that point, I think the rubber T-nuts would fail.

Anyone care to comment on this logic? :beee:

I find that I have to really torque my rifle screen to align it with the bottom two anchor points, possibly due to the slight variance in the curvature of the Rifle screen and the factory brace.

p.s. Don't bother trying to buy any more Yamaha nylon screws, they keep telling me I purchased the entire production run! :bleh:

Cee Baileys +4 high, +3 wide compared to stock.


Damn, That is HUGE!

Toynut makes a very valid point. If I had a lathe I would make plastic nuts instead of these rubber thingies. Solid bolts at the botom would help if the wild turkey does a incoming final act. Also the windshield would brake away if a Buick decided to impede your way. The windscreens do move around some, and a Rider recently mentioned that metal screws could saw away at the windshield holes.

Input anyone? TJ

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I love my CB +4+4, have had it on almost a year now. The stock nylon original screws are still in use, and have held, at full raised position, at 140mph. I have a 3/8 nut at each base mount as a tuning block, this has I'm sure helped prevent breakage at speed, as it imparts an angle to the shield even at full rise.

With the big windsheilds you need and tuning block to change the angle, I have a 4x4 Rifle with the tuneing block when I put it full down all the air hits my chest but gives me coverage in foul weather. Also with the 4x4 in full up at hwy speeds it pushes the bike around and slows you down when trying to pass< I keep mine partial down when on freeways so passing is easyier. I put ss screws in mine with no problems two years now but during summer I usually put on stock sheild its noiseyer but still can hear my music.

rogerfjrfaster :p


I am 5'7" and find the stock windshield on my 05 FJR does not give me the option to get completely out of the wind, are you saying that the +4+4 is too large and a shorter one might be better? I think I read somewhere that you are of simular height, so your input would be a great help before I buy a different shield. Thanks. Rick M

I think I could have installed a 2+4 Cee Bailey and had plenty of coverage. I have to look through the shield if it's more than an inch or 2 up. Keep in mind that my seat is lowered a little, too.

4 wide like the cee Bayley Window is as wide as you can go and not hit the levers steering lock to lock. I like the bit of extra coverage I get on my hands.

I'm 5' 6". I don't need a tuning block. I like where the shield defelected air hits me full down. I probably won't ever use the shield in the full up postion again. I know I can, at least at 65mph to block the rain (of bugs over the river...ick!), but that thing is SO far over my head. Much more blockage than I'll ever need.

As thick as this shield is, I don't know if I would use metal screws. It's actually made to come off. I want it to come off retatively easily and intack as much as possible, IF it needs to. I leave the stock nylon screws in there.

Thanks for the info on your CeeBaily. I just got my bike Friday and have only ridden it 300 miles, but could tell right away that the windshield was not quite right. I am of similar stature - 5' 5" or so. I have been riding with the shield all the way down. The blast I get at that level is not bad -it is a fairly clean flow. As I raise the shield, the wind heads for my eyes and stays there until I get he shield all the way up. In that position it is fairly quite and I can still see over it; I imagine that being short helps some here. I had two RT's with electric windshields and never needed to replace them, but I think this one needs changed. I do not like to look through one, so I may start with a +2.



Thanks for your input. I think I'll go with a +2+4 and see how that works.

I know this doesn't fit in this tread, but you mentioned that you sit lower on the bike, I assume that means you have altered that seat. Can you tell me what you are using. Corbin, Russell? Thanks again,

Rick M

Man, that thing is BIG. Sitting behind that 4+4 makes me feel like I'm in the living room looking out from my room in quiet comfort. When it's in the full up postion, I feel like I'm looking right through the center of it. And it's kind of intimidating. It's taller than me, even standing up (on the ground, not the pegs)!
I was watching a re-run of E.T. this morning, so when I read the above I got a visual that was pretty funny. Thanks for that! :lol:

What if I have a bird strike? I think the goose won't go THROUGH the shield
Adjust your altitude up or down a couple of thousand feet, then you'll stay out of the "bird layer". :D
I got a +4+4 with the dark smoke tint, looks really nice with the blue paint. I'm 6-2, so I look right over it, even if it's up all the way. No tuning block required, used stock hardware.

I do gotta say, if you really get a bird hit, how much better would the stock screen be? What difference would it really make? I'd be more worried about the bird hittin me so hard it knocks the wind out of me and I lose control. Hey, there's an idea, put the stock screen inside your jacket and use it as bird armor! :D

I can afford to be flippant about the birds. Here in the upper midwest, we don't have too many bird strikes. But we do have to run knobby tires because of all the cowshit on the roads! :cownoy:


Thanks for posting the photo that shows the difference between the stock windshield and the Cee Baileys +4 high +3 wide. It helped me with my decision. I will be ordering the +4+2.

I replaced the nylon screws with Stainless Steel as well but still use the rubber nut/insert as provided by Yamaha. I recommend staying with the rubber nut/insert, as solid contact between the windshield and any other mounting hardware would certainly result in the windshield cracking from vibration. The rubber insert prevents that very thing from happening yet provides a secure mount. Just a thought after 26 years of maintaining plexiglass windshields in aircraft. B)

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I really like my Cee Bailey +4+3. It has made a huge difference in the turbulence hitting my helmet. Great weather protection. Makes a big difference in the summer rains and the cold weather riding is much more tolerable. I still get the wind blast to cool me down when it is full down. Can't imagine going back to the stock size. For size comparison, I'm 6'2'/220Lbs. Enjoy the ride :agent:

Does anyone want to part with his stock '04 or '05 shield? I sprayed S100 on mine and it ruined it. The outer coating is now peeling off. Really lousy part of it is that I did the same thing to my '04 and didn't realize it till my friend who bought it brought it to my attention. Of course we didn't know what caused it till I did the same thing to my '05. Duh!

IIRC there was an article in Rider mag recently that discussed the CB flip screen on the FJR. There was a shorter rider who actually said the +3 instead of +4 worked better for him due to his height.
