Best Helmet to Helmet Comms gear ??????

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Mar 29, 2009
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My back seat rider wants us to talk more :blink: So I wanted your inputs and opinions on helmet communications equipment. We need 2 way conversation :unsure: , and be able to hook up to a stereo or ipod/mp3 for music. So what is everyone using out there???

Oh, we both wear HJC Sy-Max II Flips, if that makes any difference.

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I was using a Chatterbox XBi Bluetooth unit and thought it was great. Sound was fine and I had my phone and iPod both connected through Bluetooth. However, I just picked up a Nolan N-103 helmet and added the N-Com headset. A huge difference, in my opinion, with the quality. The sound is much better (much fuller sound). I still am able to have my phone and iPod connected through Bluetooth, and now have the added bonus of being able to control the iPod from the helmet (pause and fast forward controls).

I realize that doesn't help with passenger communications, but I believe either can connect to a passenger, and both offer the option of connecting to a passenger via Bluetooth. You lose a Bluetooth accessory connection by doing so, but you can always plug the iPod in via a cable, or connect to the passenger via a cable, and I think both can stream music to the passenger (although you might not be able to communicate in that mode).

I would recommend both, although my nod would go to the Nolan equipment. Since you have an HJC helmet, though, I would recommend the XBi. It is small, and offers a boom mic for open-face/flip-up helmets.

I was using a Chatterbox XBi Bluetooth unit and thought it was great. Sound was fine and I had my phone and iPod both connected through Bluetooth. However, I just picked up a Nolan N-103 helmet and added the N-Com headset. A huge difference, in my opinion, with the quality. The sound is much better (much fuller sound). I still am able to have my phone and iPod connected through Bluetooth, and now have the added bonus of being able to control the iPod from the helmet (pause and fast forward controls).
I realize that doesn't help with passenger communications, but I believe either can connect to a passenger, and both offer the option of connecting to a passenger via Bluetooth. You lose a Bluetooth accessory connection by doing so, but you can always plug the iPod in via a cable, or connect to the passenger via a cable, and I think both can stream music to the passenger (although you might not be able to communicate in that mode).

I would recommend both, although my nod would go to the Nolan equipment. Since you have an HJC helmet, though, I would recommend the XBi. It is small, and offers a boom mic for open-face/flip-up helmets.
Thanks Ian, the N-103 helmet was on my short list because of the N-Com setup, but I found my head shape was not Italian enough for Nolan. Chatterbox and Starcom seem to be the popular ones.

If you tried a 102 and found it didn't fit well, try the 103. If you tried a 103 and it didn't fit, try the 102. They are different shapes (apparently). My understanding is the 102 was more for round heads and the 103 is more for long heads (like my noggin). Why Nolan changed the shape I don't know (and don't honestly know if it is a myth or the truth).

I love the N-Com setup. The helmets come setup to accept their communications, so everything fits perfectly. That said, the XBi fit fine, just wasn't as "clean" so to speak.

Nolan like a lot of the other lid makers , allow for swapping of the pads. Try using the 102 cheek pads ( S to XL) in the 103 for instance. The same is true with the HJC Sys Max series. Both brands the thickness of the pads is different, that is how they get the same shell to go from SM to XL . It is a great way to customize the helmet for a perfect fit.

starcom thru amazon sells for 250 for the multiset, bluetooth fm and ipod hookup, also comm with 2 other helmets

Forget the Chatterbox, J M etc and save your bucks. My wife and I have been using the Riderlink ST-1 from Motocom. We have used the previous product from Motocom also for a few years. It provides hardwire rider to Pass communication, great helmet speakers, two sets of microphones ( for full face and open face/flip up) helmets. You also get the connections for MP3, CB, Radar, GPS, and it has a built in FM radio. The connectors are weather sealed (we use them in driving rain) and coiled wire. The main box is only about 2x3x .5 inches and can be carried in your pocket, or do as we do velcro it on top of the fluid resevoir on your right handle bar. The power source is two AA batteries and four of them will last the entire season. We keep the unit on the entire duration of a ride and we could do the riding season on two batteries but I replace them near the end of the season. The MSRP of the kit is about $160.00. They also make a digital camera kit (tiny camera) which interfaces with the ST-for about $280.00 Sooooooo--- save your money and put out $160 and go communicate.

I have a feeling this topic is headed for the NEPT category... :D

I used a full (wired & expensive) Baehr Active com system for 2 years. Sound quality and performance was great and the headsets installed beautifully into my HJC helmets....but, there were wires everywhere.

I just switched to the O'Neal Bluetooth helmet. You can find one of threads here: clicky

So far I love it. It's way easy to use, no wires and I needed a new helmet anyway. ;)

Good luck!


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