Big S#!T Eating Grin....

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Well-known member
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
Ashburn, VA
Ok, it's only been 2 days since I bought my FJR and I've put on about 150 easy miles so far. I had to run an errand at lunch today, so I took some back country roads on the way back to the office (yeah, the boss was a bit pissed because I took a 90 minute lunch - but he also understood that it was all my bike's fault wanting to stay out in this nice Virginia weather). Anyway, the entire way back to the office, I was on a two lane road behind two dump trucks doing 40mph with no room to pass (or at least I thought). Finally I had an opening and without downshifting I twisted the throttle gently. The bike roared, I upshifted once and before I knew it, I was past both trucks with plenty of room to spare - and the bike wanted to keep on going!

All I could do as I let off the throttle was laugh. WOW! Uh, I mean WOW!!! :yahoo:

My Nomad is big and I had a Katana that was fast, but this was SICK! I'm used to downshifting, gunning it and hoping to make it past one or two vehicles in a short passing lane - this bike did it with ease. Made me wish I had attempted that earlier in the trip. Made me also wish there was a 6th gear ;)

Anyway, just wanted to share my first FJR-WOW experience. I look forward to many, many more.

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Ok, it's only been 2 days since I bought my FJR and I've put on about 150 easy miles so far. I had to run an errand at lunch today, so I took some back roads on the way home (yeah, the boss was a bit pissed because I took a 90 minute lunch - but he also understood that it was all my bike's fault wanting to stay out in this nice Virginia weather). Anyway, the entire way back to the office, I was on a two lane road behind two dump trucks doing 40mph with no room to pass (or at least I thought). Finally I had an opening and without downshifting I twisted the throttle gently. The bike roared, I upshifted once and before I knew it, I was past both trucks with plenty of room to spare - and the bike wanted to keep on going!
All I could do as I let off the throttle was laugh. WOW! Uh, I mean WOW!!! :yahoo:

My Nomad is big and I had a Katana that was fast, but this was SICK! I'm used to downshifting, gunning it and hoping to make it past one or two vehicles in a short passing lane - this bike did it with ease. Made me wish I had attempted that earlier in the trip. Mae me also with there was a 6th gear ;)

Anyway, just wanted to share my first FJR-WOW experience. I look forward to many, many more.
I had the exact same experience yesterday (although it was three cars instead of two dump trucks). And, like you, I've had my bike less than a week. When a passing slot opened up and I reached for power, it was like hitting an afterburner. Made me think that, as long as you apply it 'safely,' having more power is actually safer.

I found the same experience when I first purchased mine. The next grin :yahoo: came from merging on the highway with a lot of traffic moving quickly my way. I just pulled back on the trottle and watched the traffic disappear in the side mirror. :D Enjoy!

When I first hit the enter ramp onto the Interstate, I twisted the right twisty thing because you don't have that much room to speed up to properly merge with traffic. I think I got to 80 pretty quickly and actually had to slow down to merge. I am still trying to get the hang of that.

And passing cars on those two lane roads (with the appropriate lines painted on the road and of course observing all speed limits) is near instantaneous.

Next you need to try running the interstates with cars that are going fast with you close behind making time. That is the shit too.

Zute, I am in Manassas and I see you are in Ashburn. The roads west of you are great. East of you sucks.

I am not sure if you are a fan of ice cream, but that is the best excuse that I have for riding the FJR. Of course, all the ice cream in Manassas sucks (as I am sure it does in Ashburn), but there is good ice cream in Middleburg or Winchester and many places in WV (and cheaper too). It is all about saving money.

And I hear that there is some pretty good ice cream in Lewisburg WV from Sept 19th to the 22nd at the EOM (Eastern Owners Meeting). I am pretty sure they have the low fat version if that is an issue for you.


Zute, I am in Manassas and I see you are in Ashburn. The roads west of you are great. East of you sucks.
I am not sure if you are a fan of ice cream, but that is the best excuse that I have for riding the FJR. Of course, all the ice cream in Manassas sucks (as I am sure it does in Ashburn), but there is good ice cream in Middleburg or Winchester and many places in WV (and cheaper too). It is all about saving money.

And I hear that there is some pretty good ice cream in Lewisburg WV from Sept 19th to the 22nd at the EOM (Eastern Owners Meeting). I am pretty sure they have the low fat version if that is an issue for you.

Yeah - I'm a fan of west too - I usually take my time and ride through middleburg, the plains, and further into Fauquier county when I can. Of course the EOM sounds like fun too.. may have to see about that. Anytime you want to ride, let me know. I rode to manassas to pick up a cover for my bike today.

+1 on Zute

+1 on FightOrFlight

Had my "baby" only 3 short weeks and 1,089 miles. Your experience matches mine to a T! It's almost silly with the grin... you'll get used to it!


Did you know that a GENII bike can drop to 2nd gear at 60-70 even 80.

It is about 1000 RPM per 10 MPH

Want a woody.... Drop it to second at 60 and nail it..... Passing cars Pfffffff chase an airplane down. Thats fun too

Ok, it's only been 2 days since I bought my FJR and I've put on about 150 easy miles so far. I had to run an errand at lunch today, so I took some back country roads on the way back to the office (yeah, the boss was a bit pissed because I took a 90 minute lunch - but he also understood that it was all my bike's fault wanting to stay out in this nice Virginia weather). Anyway, the entire way back to the office, I was on a two lane road behind two dump trucks doing 40mph with no room to pass (or at least I thought). Finally I had an opening and without downshifting I twisted the throttle gently. The bike roared, I upshifted once and before I knew it, I was past both trucks with plenty of room to spare - and the bike wanted to keep on going!
All I could do as I let off the throttle was laugh. WOW! Uh, I mean WOW!!! :yahoo:

My Nomad is big and I had a Katana that was fast, but this was SICK! I'm used to downshifting, gunning it and hoping to make it past one or two vehicles in a short passing lane - this bike did it with ease. Made me wish I had attempted that earlier in the trip. Made me also wish there was a 6th gear ;)

Anyway, just wanted to share my first FJR-WOW experience. I look forward to many, many more.
Please be careful.

WOW!!! turns into OH-SHxT in a hurry.


If I was a new guy with an FJR, I would explore the absolute limits, every time I got on the bike. See if you can bury the speedo. The brakes are supposed to be good - so, you can't get hurt on the thing. See if you can make the bastard handle some of them S-curves at top speed, too. Some of these guys do it. This is a sportbike tourer, after all. You should make it your duty to just go out and **** the road up, every time you start the thing. I like to wheelie the sonofabitch at 90mph, but I'm old. I'm sure everyone else can do much better.

Congrats on the new bike. The things are just about perfect.
