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Their were almost several fights as people just wanted to get in their cars and go home - but the company insisted on 'paying' for the cabs.
Now thats COLD.
That sounds really odd. They paid for cabs to take ex-employees home, and leave their cars there? How and when were the folks supposed to reclaim their vehicles? or were they all company cars?

Their were almost several fights as people just wanted to get in their cars and go home - but the company insisted on 'paying' for the cabs.
Now thats COLD.
That sounds really odd. They paid for cabs to take ex-employees home, and leave their cars there? How and when were the folks supposed to reclaim their vehicles? or were they all company cars?

It's canadian corporate culture from the 90's.

The bank I worked for hired a consulting firm from Texas to handle all the downsizing. Sounds exactly like what happened to us back then. Was weird (traumatic) then. Wonder why that practice is still going on today? hmmmmmm....

Sorry to hear of the job loss.
I like Bemmerdons suggestion. Now's the time to tour the US. :)

Good luck in your new quest for a mucho better job. ;)
Like Simon says, very sorry to hear of your job loss; but as sharp as you are, I just know you'll find better work very soon.

I meant what I said about coming to Mexico with the Arizona FJR Forum, nothing improves ones outlook like beautiful Baja beaches, cold margaritas, la comida Mexicana mas fina and mujeres muy bonita. Welcome to stay in Chandler at mi casa.

Besides staying at my Phoenix home free, I am sure with the good hearted folks on our FJR Forum, that offers of couches and spare bedrooms would let you ride South and North without paying for lodgings enroute. One of our Mexico Riding Grupo had a spare bed booked for trip, just split the costs with him, probably only around $35 a night for your room share.

That leaves food and fuel, and MEX insurance at I'm sure you have a Canadian passport. Suerte!

Hey Bungie...check out the FJR assist list after routing a ride to New Orleans.

We're the "City That Care Forgot" and are expert in "Laissez Les Bon Temps Roulez" or Let the Good Times Roll

You can stay in my home as long as you want, and since I'm retired, I will play tour guide to see all the sights and the food...

Come On down...

I'm sure you can make reservations with other FJR peeps for your ride down and back

I'm serious


Mike in Nawlins'

When work gets slow (like now) I try to better my life in other ways. I've been exercising more, and teaching myself how to cook healthier food. It's also a good time to finish up all the projects I never have time for when working. I'm usually swamped with work or have no work, so I'm used to it.

There's always internet porn :rolleyes:
I thought about suggesting that and drinking heavily... :drinks:
... and this is different from being employed... how?

and take bubble baths
Not a bubble bath kind of guy... well, unless I have some company. 'n thats just good clean fun.

That sounds really odd. They paid for cabs to take ex-employees home, and leave their cars there? How and when were the folks supposed to reclaim their vehicles? or were they all company cars?
They dispatched cab's to pick up the now ex-employees the next day to clean out their desks and pick up their vehicles.

Much thanks for the offer to tour, but having the time and money are only part of the equations in my situation. Weather, and full time care for my mom are the others. Both of which are not working in my favour. I was so lucky to get an ex-gf to come in and call my mom daily while I was away at EOM and, allowing me to attempt to go out to CFR.

Have yourselves a blast in Baja! So jealous!

Hey Steve welcome to the club of non-employed! You can now do what I do all day....... Nothing! Tinker! then nothing again. See it's easy.


Now, you'd think that after 8 months I'd have the garage cleaned out and the house all organised. But somehow the time gets away from me . . .

But the bike is clean and maintenance is fully up to date.

I hope we have some better weather before the snow flies . . . . .

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Its been cold and raining up here (3C) since Tuesday. WTFF do unemployed people do all day?! Nothing on the tube, and I think I'm current on every thread on every forum I belong too. I can't even go for a ride! WAH WAH WAH.
You could go Bust-a-nut style, and shave your anus, and masturbate all day long. :D

Ummmm.. Ya fergot aboot drinkin. It's a great coping mechanism :lol:


Hey Steve welcome to the club of non-employed! You can now do what I do all day....... Nothing! Tinker! then nothing again. See it's easy.
Then I must be a natural at it.. cuz I got some killboy pics framed and mounted up, and today, I went and farted around with the bike for an hour. Then I realized it was going to well and that I might be hurting my plans for tomorrow so I came in and layed down until dinner.

here's for ya sig line: :blink:

ya welcome :rolleyes:


They dispatched cab's to pick up the now ex-employees the next day to clean out their desks and pick up their vehicles.
And these were ordinary people who had committed no crime or anything? How can it possibly be legal to impound their vehicles? What if these folks needed transportation that evening? or shared their car with another family member?

bungie, hey hate to hear about the job. I am glad you brought this question up, i have been let go from my job do to the lack of, lack of any construction and no one is buying anything. I have been off since monday this week and i am bored out of my mine, i mean how many times can a guy mow the yard. And your right 200 channels and not a darn thing worth watching. Like the others have said jump on the bike and go for a ride, read a book, lots of good bike magazines at the local books a million. I wish you the best and enjoy the time you have off cause you may not get any later.

They dispatched cab's to pick up the now ex-employees the next day to clean out their desks and pick up their vehicles.
And these were ordinary people who had committed no crime or anything? How can it possibly be legal to impound their vehicles? What if these folks needed transportation that evening? or shared their car with another family member?
it's to avoid liability in case of an MVA caused by emotional distress

How come we are expected to give two weeks notice when we quit, but companies just throw you out? This is why no one cares about their job anymore. Look after the employees and they will look after you.

Hi, Steve. Sorry to hear about your getting laid off. Same thing happened to me in March 2008. I was out of work for seven months, just long enough for the severance to run out. That's when I landed a pretty good gig.

After I got laid off I took a month to myself, and then I got busy. So here's the serious answer to your question:

Your new job is looking for a job. Get up on weekdays at the same time you used to, shower, shave, get dressed, and then get on with your job search. Break for lunch, and then break for the day at 5, or 4:30, or 4:00. I have been laid off three times in my career. With effort comes results. Effort does not include sending resumes in blind to ads. That's not how people get jobs. They get jobs by networking. So your job is networking.

Best of luck. This too will pass.


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Sorry Steve, I know things are tuff in Sudbury right now. I hope you can find something soon, you beening a smart bastard in all you should find something pretty fast. If I hear of anything Buddy I will give you a shout. For now enjoy you time with your mom. If there is anything I can do for yeah me son, you know where I'm to. Sorry fo the Newfie talk.

