Boston Marathon Attack

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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2005
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Boston area, Mass.
As most of you are aware at this point the terrible attack in Boston this afternoon, We had just been in town yesterday for a family reunion (family raised there, some still reside there) After some frantic calls to sister and friend's (Gail had a number of friend's in at the event) (all OK) we sit and watch as they try to find out what happened. This is just insane that this senseless act happened. IT SHOULD NOT have happened!!!! We pray for all of the victims (some children) and their familys Please take a moment and hug your loved ones JAG

How sad that totally innocent bystanders are blindly murdered involved in bombings to any purpose.

I actually hope that the event is domestic rather than foriegn. If it is domestic we have direct control over the catastrophe . If not, it will stress already stressed international relationships. Without taking it totally off Forum acceptable I'm signing off. My love goes out to those that need it.

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Our prayers and sympothy to the families of those who died and got injured. Much more could be said but you know the rules.


My heart goes out to all those affected by this senseless act.

rules or not, I can't think of anything else to say. I'm a bit numb...

I'm just sick to stomach when I heard, prayers and thoughts going out to all those affected.

Heart wrenching. I can't imagine running a full marathon only to get blown up and at least two of the fatalities were small children.

I'm heart broken. I'm a former marathon runner and know what it is like to be close to the finish - and then to have that happen, when you are mentally and physically exhausted but set to finish. And I bet most of those impacted were running for a charity and raising significant $$ through their efforts. And bystanders and supporters, who are only there to cheer their heroes home.

Its just sick and cruel. The sport will be forever changed.

No less than 50 locals from my home area, flew to Boston to be part of the Marathon. I was happy to hear that all were accounted for, but am very sad and heartbroken that this has occured (again) on our soil.

In honor of those lost and in honor of the myriad of good people who stepped forward to help... that far outweighs the darkness... I will hold on to that light and carry it forward with me.


Condolences to the victims...and respect to the responders.

...but with all the video publizing this issue, street gangs in Chicago will kill more people in a day or week than occured during that event, drunken drivers will kill far more than occured in that event.

I do not minimize the dastardly cowardice of whoever is responsible. I say get them and let the justice system whack 'em good. But let's not change our whole national conversation because some cowards killed the innocents.

We'll get those question about it.

But let's save some of our anger and resolve for the other cowards in all our communities that rape, pillage and destroy each week...unseen in the national TV news because there wasn't "great video" to go along with it.

Yes, it sucks that some coward(s) would perpetrate such a heinously violent act on innocent bystanders for any reason. What that reason was matter not in the least. There is no reason possible to justify or explain such an act.

Regardless of their intentions, the massive amount of media coverage and publicity it is now receiving will do nothing more than promote more of the same type of acts in the future from anyone with a cause and a sick mind.

Does the public have a right to know what happened? Sure, once they get it all figured it out, make a statement and tell the story. But endless hours of media coverage, graphic photos and video, detailed rundowns on the injuries from the attending physicians, and speculation about who dunnit, or why, does nothing positive for anyone but those perpetrators .

Just because we believe in a free press doesn't mean that they (the media) have no moral responsibility to screen what they are reporting.

Then again, if the general public didn't have such a thirst for blood and sensational gore what the media is reporting wouldn't be effective and they would quit doing it.

So whose fault is it really? Where is the real sickness here? Is it the mental deficient that placed the bombs? Is it the media that unwittingly promotes and enables such bombers by giving them a world stage? Or is it the general population that gobbles up these spectacles with a voracious appetite?

Do you look at accidents when you drive by?

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So whose fault is it really? Where is the real sickness here? Is it the mental deficient that placed the bombs? Is it the media that unwittingly promotes and enables such bombers by giving them a world stage? Or is it the general population that gobbles up these spectacles with a voracious appetite?
All of the above,

The sole reason I don't watch TV anymore. I do my own research via the internet and form my own opinion.


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Fred You have some very valid points and I could not agree more. I just wanted to share how close to home this event was for me. (as my sister had mentioned to me at our family reunion,not 24 hrs before that she would most likely be veiwing near the finish line that day) I for one (and I hope others) take the proactive approach without going off the paranoid deep end by simply being very aware of your surroundings,being informed (though whatever source you choose) to know what might be a high risk situation. These things we do everyday somewhat subconciously i.e. (riding your FJR in high traffic areas) if you work in a dangerous workplace,being in a foreign country and so on. just sharpening our awareness skill set may make all the difference. Like they say "if somthing does'nt look or feel probably is'nt" Be Safe JAG

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