Privileged to ride a 2018 FJR1300AS
Some while back I asked the question, "Does the ABS help you brake to the limit in a corner?". No-one seemed able to give an answer. This partially answers it, but you are on the brakes then initiate a steering movement. I still want to know (and am too chicken to try) what happens if you are already cornering reasonably hard, then you apply a lot of braking? Does the tyre slide away before the ABS kicks in, or is it all nicely controllable? Or something in-between?And if you really want to try something fun, learn to steer while the ABS is pumping.. I forced myself to learn this skill, overcoming the fear factor, and now I can't believe what a wonderful advanced technique it is to have the toolbox.
One other point that I don't seem to have seen in this thread. If you are really interested in safety, we are taught on this side of the pond to always drive at a speed such that you can stop within the distance you can see to be clear. However well you know the road, there is always the possibility of some dork parked, broken down/changing a flat/admiring the view/p*ssing on the shoulder, let alone a puddle of diesel, a dead bambi or whatever, just round the corner.
One of the ways to make good and safe progress is to practice vanishing point riding. If the road you can see to be clear is getting closer to you, slow down. If it's receding from you, you can speed up. Once you get into this groove, you can really flow through any sort of road, smoothly and safely.
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