Bringing the new girl home.

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She's all mine. Hard to believe its been 2 months since I lost 'Cerise', but it feels good to be back in the saddle! :D

I'll try and post Pics soon. Right now I wanna get some miles behind me.

Long day yesterday, but staged to export this morning. Hope it all goes smoothly.

Shoulder is not too bad, but I'm glad I didn't attemp riding to Calgary. I'd be pretty sore after that.

Long day yesterday, but staged to export this morning. Hope it all goes smoothly.

Shoulder is not too bad, but I'm glad I didn't attemp riding to Calgary. I'd be pretty sore after that.
I told you I'd ferry it home to Calgary for ya, dumbass! Checked Spot, glad you made it safe to Oakville.

When you flying home?


Seated on the plane for the 4 hr flight home.

My new girl is safely tucked in for the winter. Sad I won't get to play with her til spring but happy to know I'm almost ready to roll in the spring ( I have a few mods to do before I roll her out next year.)


See you in Huntsville in June :D

Maybe you should come early and do the 'dacks ride if that one's done again. It was the weekend before CFR this year ....

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NOooooo I-95 !!

Bust's an :asshat:

My Honey, I already knew Bust is an asshat! But what is the inside local scoop on I-95? Is it super congested or is it just incredibly boring? I still plan to ride the East Coast before I croak, it actually looks like it hugs the Atlantic Ocean all the way to Maine.
Sorry, Papa! Just seeing this now. I don't know much about I-95 south of Boston. I normally veer off onto alternate routes north of Boston.

Is it congested? To ME it is! But to you, prolly not. I'm a small-town gal :D . I DO know that it's painfully boring north of Bangor :dribble: .

And although I haven't travelled it south of Boston in recent years, I'm pretty darned sure there's not much of an ocean view :unsure:
