Buck or Doe, I'll never know

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Daaaaaaaaaaaaang, my man, Toe. I'm sorry for the incedent but very happy it was no worse. Trust me, it could always be worse. A little good luck, and a little good engineering. And Toe walks away!

On the advice of the physical therapist, I switched from ice packs to an ice bath for my foot. Man, that hurts almost as much as the injury, but the benefits are worth it. Highly recommended for any hand or foot sprain or strain. Creativity could access a knee or elbow as well.

Immerse the affected body part in a solution of 1/3 ice, 2/3 water for about eight minutes (stirring occasionally to keep the really cold water next to the skin), then wrap it in a stretch bandage, starting at the point farthest from your core, and then elevate the affected part for twenty minutes. Repeat every two to four hours, as often as you can tolerate it. It's no picnic. And it's time for my first one of the day. <procrastination> The hurt that keeps giving....

I'm gonna start another thread about my incident analysis and recommendations moving forward. Here we go again....

OUCH!! Man, glad your basically OK. Could have been worse how about a porcupine...


Not my foot :rolleyes:

Heck of a story !!

Glad your toe's not broken Toe.

Deb & I encountered 3 Deer on Hwy 21, UT. on the way home -- they appeared from behind the scrub 8' away in the blink of an eye, and then took off in the other direction just as quick. There wasn't even time for a tightening of the sphincter -- our only "close call" of the trip.

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