Bulb fell into headlight

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Sure, I can help. What specifically did you try searching on?
That's just it Matt I can't remember
but it was almost as funny as the time he put the sidestand down on his foot.

No biggie just reminiscing

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I don't know. I was hoping to see if he was good with a dremel......because it's all about me and my entertainment.
^^Outa likes^^, Mark...you'll get it out sooner or later. See you Thursday.
Actually, griff got the bulb out with his instruments of torture in almost no time of expert finagling. Me, I woulda had the hammer out, to get at that danged bulb. I don't know, but I don't think dinner I bought griff was enough.

I asked if he wanted to put the new bulb in, he stood back and said no. :)

I attempted to put the bulb in, and I almost got it into the same predicament as the old bulb. I finally got that sucker in...whew!

Thanks griff!

Now I can go to EOM!

Put the bike on its tail. The bulb will simply fall out. Even a goodly wheely ought to do it.

Gratuities are gratefully received.

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