Bustanut Joker Having Pains...

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Not good.

Hopefully it's nothing major. Unfortunately, ALL heart issues are major.

Heal quickly Barry.

Hope and pray it turns out to be nothing serious. I'm glad to hear he got medical attention immediately and hope we will hearing from him soon.

You're one Reuben short Barry. Get better and be here in September, I'll buy your Reuben and You can use my FJR .

Heal up quick Barry.
And don't do anything stupid, or I will come down and kick your ass.
I don't think that's where they're looking at putting the stents...but maybe Barry would like that sort of thing?? I don't know the man...no matter where they put the stents, lets hope that it helps him get back to being the ******* everybody loves to jibe.

Take it easy and get some rest...try counting sheep

I once went to visit my uncle in the heart ward of a hospital in Va. Every nurse on that floor was a +10 knockout bombshell.

They wanted those fellas to have a reason to go on! Or perhaps they were trying to keep their heart rates up.

Never had I imagined such a collection of beauty anywhere short of Heff's place. I wonder if they still do that?

Will it be enough to get Bust to kick the sheep habit?

Hope to hear from you soon Barry. And I want nurse pics!

I talked to the Angel (Mizzbust) and the ******* this afternoon.

Barry got home late today after a night in a hospital bed. He took a stress test, and gave a gallon of blood. Sounds like maybe he just pulled some muscles in his chest. He's tired since sleep us not permitted in hospitals, but seems fine.

He's gonna hobble the sheep for the next week or so, just to make them easier to catch. Sounds like he's gonna be ok.

I was driving by a local farm and the sheep there looked a bit more relaxed; now I know why.

Get better so's we can hassle you more, Barry.

Zilla, thanks for keeping us up to date. I sincerely appreciate you taking the time to communicate with Mizz Bust and keeping us in the loop.
