Bustanut Joker Having Pains...

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I talked to the Angel (Mizzbust) and the ******* this afternoon.
Barry got home late today after a night in a hospital bed. He took a stress test, and gave a gallon of blood. Sounds like maybe he just pulled some muscles in his chest. He's tired since sleep us not permitted in hospitals, but seems fine.

He's gonna hobble the sheep for the next week or so, just to make them easier to catch. Sounds like he's gonna be ok.
Thanks for the update; glad to hear it wasn't serious. Get well soon, Barry, it sure seems quiet around here without you...

I read the Geek's post in the IBR thread, something about 101st coming up through Owosso to give you a heart transplant.....I thought WTF!!?? Now that would be no good....and I know you're the type that stays away from no good.

Hoping you're feeling up to snuff soon bud.

.. Sounds like maybe he just pulled some muscles in his chest. ... . Sounds like he's gonna be ok.
Best news out.

Been there myself, got a severe cramp in what little chest muscle I have. At the time we were on a family holiday (in Japan) with my sister-in-law, who was the chief theatre nurse working for a top-notch heart transplant surgeon. She said I looked exactly like I was having a heart attack. And it bloody-well hurt.

So I'm very pleased.

Buster, hope you get back to normal (?) soon. Can't wait for your next obnoxious post.

I talked to the Angel (Mizzbust) and the ******* this afternoon.
Barry got home late today after a night in a hospital bed. He took a stress test, and gave a gallon of blood. Sounds like maybe he just pulled some muscles in his chest. He's tired since sleep us not permitted in hospitals, but seems fine.

He's gonna hobble the sheep for the next week or so, just to make them easier to catch. Sounds like he's gonna be ok.
Glad it's nothing serious. I know from experience that a kidney stone can produce the same sort of symptoms. Did they ckeck for blood in his urine?

I've had two kidney stones (thanks genetics!). The first one was when I was about 20 and in college - thought I was having a heart attack. Went to the crack medical team at the student health center who immediately freaked out and transported me to the hospital (kind of like a "tag - your it" situation in case I died - they didnt want to be responsible).

The second one was several years later and felt like I had been stabbed in the back with a dull screwdriver. I dropped to the floor and laid there for about two hours in excruciating pain. In both cases within a day or so I gave birth to a bouncing baby mineral concretion. Luckily they were small enough to only cause a second round of excruciating pain (in a different location) and didn't require surgical intervntion.

Fun stuff. Now I drink a gallon of water every day and have to pee every couple hours.

Tnx for all the good wishes and ****. I'm up an around after 15 hours of sleep.

Those places are no place to be if ya need rest. Every hour somebody has to take something or give something.

The only good part was temperature taking..The rectal thermometer vibrated..

I see he is back to being a pain rather than having pain.

Tnx for all the good wishes and ****. I'm up an around after 15 hours of sleep.Those places are no place to be if ya need rest. Every hour somebody has to take something or give something.

The only good part was temperature taking..The rectal thermometer vibrated..
Glad ya got some enjoyment out of it, buddy.

I am kinda glad you didn't make it up to CFR. We saw sheep several times. Now, who really wants to be responsible for starting an international incident with the Canadians? I should - start an internation incident with the Canadians again? Ya barely made it out last time without being water-boarded, Canadian-style. Remember that? Hmm???

Glad you are OK

You scared us for a while!!!!!

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... Ya barely made it out last time without being water-boarded, Canadian-style. Remember that? Hmm???
Barry's problem was that Homeland Security had an opportunity to keep the PITA from coming back into the States but Canada had already tarred and feathered him and ran him out of Mt. Tremblant on a rail so the States had to take him back. My understanding is that he is not allowed outside the city limits of Owosso after sunset.

Glad to hear it was a false alarm. They are the only good kind.

And we can all sleep a little better tonight knowing that all will be OK in the FJR community...

Picture of BJ at an early age


Glad to hear it was a false alarm. They are the only good kind.
And we can all sleep a little better tonight knowing that all will be OK in the FJR community...

Picture of BJ at an early age

Not True.

If that was Bust...the pants would have been around the ankles like a Coppertone suntan lotion advertisement...

Hey Barry, I'm glad all is well. I've been away from the computer for the last couple of weeks and when I saw this today you had me a little worried, I'm glad you are going to be ok. I'm flying home wednsday night and will be home thru the 12th, I'll stop by and check up on ya then.

Take care

He's fine.

Spent about a half hour on the phone with him last night.

I know he's fine by the rant he went on aboot the interns.

Something along the lines of monkeys flinging poo. I was laughing my ass off and didn't quite catch it all.
