Cage runs the red light...

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Shithead in the car never even hit his brakes till after the bike had plowed into him... :angry: Probably switching to an "easy listening" station and accidentally spilled his mochafrappacino grande on the laptop he was surfing the net on.... :****:

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Ooooooooooh, cager gonna be sorry biker got right up............ :blink: :angry: Either there is a bump right at the beginning of the intersection, or idiot hit and released the brakes as the crash approached. Looks like biker sailed over the trunk, center mass woulda hurt.

<_< wonder what the officer sited him for afterwards.

:black eye: might have a few of these and worse :eek:

I have seen this before. Look at who the biker is! Not sure everyone realizes it is a LEO. I read that the cage driver left the seen as soon as he realized it was a Motorscout who hit him. Not reliable source though.

I have seen this before. Look at who the biker is! Not sure everyone realizes it is a LEO. I read that the cage driver left the seen as soon as he realized it was a Motorscout who hit him. Not reliable source though.

Yea, as I watched that I was thinking....... Thats a LEO Motor! I wasn't sure but it really looks like it.
