Can you hear me now? That is me screaming!!

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Well-known member
Aug 12, 2007
Reaction score
Cross Lanes, WV
Well, to make a long and sad story short.... My left side bag came off my 2004 today on I64. I got off the next exit,turned around to go back to try and find it but it was already gone!!! I figure it was beyond repair but I would have at least like to have recovered the lock out of it.......Been searching the internet for the past 4 hours or so, but still no luck in finding another left side bag for a 2004 FJR........guess I will need to go to a dealer and order one........OUCH!!!that really hurts!! Well off to search some more....Wish me luck.... :dribble: :dribble:

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For crying out loud, don't go to a dealer. $460.59 for one (not including shipping) from Zanoti Motors.

How did your fall off? Were the lock screws locktited?

Bummer, dude! Guess you better just trade that piece o' junk in on a new one!

And locktite those lock screws!

Seriously, in addition to Zanotti, check with Gary McCoy at Mondak Motorsports see here.

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For the life of me, I cannot see how this is happening? Is the 2008 case design different than the early models?

There are two "usual" reasons.

#1: The screws back out of the locks. That's why there is a note in the "Bin-O-Facts" to check and make sure the screws that hold your locks in place have been installed with loctite.

Of course, most new forum members don't actually bother to read the suggested threads and therefore are not forewarned and then suffer the loss of a side case because their dealer didn't follow the instructions that say to "Use blue thread locker".

#2: The owner hasn't made sure the side case is secure. It takes all 3 mounting points (The 2 at the top and the one that saddles over the rubber snubber) and the locking mechanism to secure the side cases. I double check mine every time by trying to lift them off the bike. One time I found that I didn't have it aligned and my left case was loose. Had it "departed" that would have been my fault. is the locks that come loose and allow the locking handle to raise enough the side case can come off when the rider hits a bump. If your locking handle is ever able to partially lift and not lock securely...close IS NOT god enough...check the screws that attach the lock on the back side of the opening handle.

Thanks all for the info. Sent an email to Gary McCoy at Mondak Motorsports . Hopefully I will hear something tomorrow. Thanks again all!!

If there's any way to go back and find the pieces of your old one, do it. The lock cylinder and the reflector, DO NOT come with a new side bag. Both may be salvageable.

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If there's any way to go back and find the pieces of your old one, do it. The lock cylinder and the reflector, DO NOT come with a new side bag. Both may be salvageable.
I went back in hope of finding at least the lock cylinder and reflector, but it was not any where to be found!!! I dont know it someone already picked it up ,or what. I am going to go check again tomorrow.......(crossing fingers, but not holding my breath)

Sucks to lose the bag. There is a '03 silver and an '08 black with a scratch on eBay currently. You might get lucky on the bidding.

Time to dig out your third lock too, it's the same as the other two and will allow you to have single key access w/o having to buy a new lock and have it re-keyed to your current key, (or do it yourself).

For $75 plus the cost of one of those Ebay bags you'll be better than new . . . if either comes with a lock you can have it rekeyed, assuming you can't find the 3rd one that came with the bike.

Now, there is a local dealer up here in Montreal with a slightly damaged left bag off an '06 - it has some slight scuffing - but I actually went and paid him the $100 Canadian (cash, no tax) before I realised that there is a slight split in the leading edge of the lid - HE didn't notice it, I did when I was putting it in the car to take home. It isn't huge, but it IS there.

No lock by the way. So I left it with him and will have Garauld repaint mine during the winter (or sooner, if someone buys the machine and wants it NOW).

Also, THIS IS SCREAMING; This is not.

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On my 06 it is possible to push the latch down, turn the key to lock, and have the handle locking tab go under the handle instead of into the slot..a good bump can jar the handle up and goodbye bag..The toecutter mod is an easy and sure fix..

Cool! Glad the contact worked out for you.

Now remember to Loctite those screws.

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On my 06 it is possible to push the latch down, turn the key to lock, and have the handle locking tab go under the handle instead of into the slot..a good bump can jar the handle up and goodbye bag...
Yep - same thing on my 08. Now I a good second look every time.
