Can't poke fun at Harleys anymore

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2010
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Middletown, NJ
Well, sure I can, but my Yamaha let me down yesterday.

On the Cross Island Parkway (Queens, NY) yesterday, in line to get onto the Throggs Neck Bridge when the bike stalled and refused to crank over. It stalled at perhaps the last possible moment in which there was a shoulder available to pull off onto. Checked all the fuses and everything looks fine. Pushed the bike off the exit ramp into a park, pull more of it apart and nothing obvious seemed wrong. My bike VIN# is not included in the ignition switch recall, although with a build date of 1/09, it may have been a situation where it should have been addressed at the factory and was not. WIth the iginition in the on position, I can't open the glovebox (where my cellphone still resides), no power to the horn, engine won't turn over, but the gauge clust lights up, the turn signal indicators on the cluster are solid, the fuel gauge blinks 8 times then pauses, Hi-beam indicator is on. 8 hours and $480 later I finally get home on a flatbed. I still suspect an ignition switch issue, although I suppose it could be anything at this point.

After all those years of making fun of H-Ds, I am the one getting towed home.

Not a happy camper.

I wonder if you were bitten by a spider.

Agree. Any combination of engine not starting or stalling accompanied by strange things happening with the front lights and/or dashboard displays makes the ground spider a candidate for the source of the problems.

I chuckled at the cell phone in the box line. Just adding insult to injury.

Let us know how it turns out because TBFTGOGGI (there but for the grace of God...).



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Go to this poll FJRF009: Survey on grounding issues with Gen-II bikes (page 2 of this section) and see if this doesn't address your issue. Sounds just like what happened to me when the S4 spider connector in my wiring harness fried.

Sorry about your issue. That HAD to suck. If that happened to my Gen I, I would not be near as happy with the brand that I am. That being the case, I LOVE my FJR. I hope that you can again trust and love your bike again after it let you down.

Well, sure I can, but my Yamaha let me down yesterday.
On the Cross Island Parkway (Queens, NY) yesterday, in line to get onto the Throggs Neck Bridge when the bike stalled and refused to crank over. It stalled at perhaps the last possible moment in which there was a shoulder available to pull off onto. Checked all the fuses and everything looks fine. Pushed the bike off the exit ramp into a park, pull more of it apart and nothing obvious seemed wrong. My bike VIN# is not included in the ignition switch recall, although with a build date of 1/09, it may have been a situation where it should have been addressed at the factory and was not. WIth the iginition in the on position, I can't open the glovebox (where my cellphone still resides), no power to the horn, engine won't turn over, but the gauge clust lights up, the turn signal indicators on the cluster are solid, the fuel gauge blinks 8 times then pauses, Hi-beam indicator is on. 8 hours and $480 later I finally get home on a flatbed. I still suspect an ignition switch issue, although I suppose it could be anything at this point.

After all those years of making fun of H-Ds, I am the one getting towed home.

Not a happy camper.
Sure sounds like a fried ground plug lower left under the tank. Here is the text of my post when I first had the problem.

Been riding the bike regularly, recently had the 26k major service done, new YCCS clutch actuator installed.

Started the bike, it ran for about one second, then shut down. Turned the key off and back on, no joy. All fuses ok. Original battery, on a battery tender.

Now for the strangness. With the key turned on, this is what is happening.

1. The fuel gauge bar display shows a full tank and the whole bar display is blinking on and off.

2. Horn won't work

3. The headlight high beam indicator is on, although the headlight is not on and switch is in the low position

4. Both turn signal indicators are steady on

5. No error codes

6. Neutral indicator is on

7. Windshield up and down won't work

8. The button to actuate the hand clutch switch won't come on

9. Kill switch is in the on position

10. Emergency flasher switch does not work

link to the post

Ugly thing to happen to you, ff. . . Sorry to hear about it. But on a slightly off-topic note, sure points up the importance of having towing service, either through your insurance or any other way. That's shit's expensive. . . :dribble:

Good luck with the problem.

That sucks....That's about as bad a place as any for it to break down. Lucky you weren't run over.

On my second ignition failure, my gerry rigged toggle switch decided to shit the bed just as I was getting on the Verrazano Narrows Bridge on my way back from EOM-08. I've decided that the bike now has 2 strikes against it and one more break down on a major ride will result in Yamaha being expunged from my motorcycle lineup. I feel your $480.00 pain.

The FJR is one of three bikes I've put significant miles on and the only one which has left me stranded doe to a mechanical failure.

Well, sure I can, but my Yamaha let me down yesterday.
On the Cross Island Parkway (Queens, NY) yesterday, in line to get onto the Throggs Neck Bridge when the bike stalled and refused to crank over. It stalled at perhaps the last possible moment in which there was a shoulder available to pull off onto. Checked all the fuses and everything looks fine. Pushed the bike off the exit ramp into a park, pull more of it apart and nothing obvious seemed wrong. My bike VIN# is not included in the ignition switch recall, although with a build date of 1/09, it may have been a situation where it should have been addressed at the factory and was not. WIth the iginition in the on position, I can't open the glovebox (where my cellphone still resides), no power to the horn, engine won't turn over, but the gauge clust lights up, the turn signal indicators on the cluster are solid, the fuel gauge blinks 8 times then pauses, Hi-beam indicator is on. 8 hours and $480 later I finally get home on a flatbed. I still suspect an ignition switch issue, although I suppose it could be anything at this point.

After all those years of making fun of H-Ds, I am the one getting towed home.

Not a happy camper.
Sure sounds like a fried ground plug lower left under the tank. Here is the text of my post when I first had the problem.

Been riding the bike regularly, recently had the 26k major service done, new YCCS clutch actuator installed.

Started the bike, it ran for about one second, then shut down. Turned the key off and back on, no joy. All fuses ok. Original battery, on a battery tender.

Now for the strangness. With the key turned on, this is what is happening.

1. The fuel gauge bar display shows a full tank and the whole bar display is blinking on and off.

2. Horn won't work

3. The headlight high beam indicator is on, although the headlight is not on and switch is in the low position

4. Both turn signal indicators are steady on

5. No error codes

6. Neutral indicator is on

7. Windshield up and down won't work

8. The button to actuate the hand clutch switch won't come on

9. Kill switch is in the on position

10. Emergency flasher switch does not work

link to the post
Wow, BINGO, I think we have a winner. You pretty much nailed every symptom I had. Hopefully it wont be raining when I get home and I can tear it back apart and check it out. Makes sense, as temps were 91F+ and the frame was VERY hot to the touch even several minutes after being shut off. One of the guys here did a quick search and this seems to have been reported numerous times to the NHTSA for various years and no action has been taken. The end result of this issue is no different than the ignition switch problem (sudden loss of power) and sooner or later it's going to result in a serious accident, if it hasn't already. If there is anything I can do to help make this happen, please let me know. I have already filed a safety complaint with the NHTSA.

Ugly thing to happen to you, ff. . . Sorry to hear about it. But on a slightly off-topic note, sure points up the importance of having towing service, either through your insurance or any other way. That's shit's expensive. . . :dribble:
Good luck with the problem.
Yes.. A lot of valuable lessons learned from this incident... Have tow insurance, don't put phone in glovebox, have the FJR assistance list handy, even on "short" trips. Fortunately I am only suffering financially on this one. It could have turned out very differently.

That sucks....That's about as bad a place as any for it to break down. Lucky you weren't run over.On my second ignition failure, my gerry rigged toggle switch decided to shit the bed just as I was getting on the Verrazano Narrows Bridge on my way back from EOM-08. I've decided that the bike now has 2 strikes against it and one more break down on a major ride will result in Yamaha being expunged from my motorcycle lineup. I feel your $480.00 pain.
I guess sometimes its good to be stuck in stop and go traffic. I was more or less stopped and when I went to go it stalled. Looked down, saw the blinking gas gauge and was thinking to myself NO f'n way, I just filled up... It happened exactly at exit 32, so I was able to push the bike down to "little bay park" near fort totten.. For NY its actually a relatively safe area, so I did get lucky with that. I have already had one warranty repair to replace the plastic grab handles that snapped off while moving the bike in the winter when it was about 18degrees out.

I was actually returning from a trip out your way in Montauk. Very nice out there, different than what I had expected...

Sorry to hear about the problems. FWIW, the glove box can easily be pried open w/o damage to it. Just get your fingernails under it and lift. It's just to keep the honest people out.

Sorry to hear about your breakdown, ffejtable. My 07 was also bitten by a spider. I had a couple warnings where the bike died for a split second while riding and also had the headlights die for split seconds. Then I had a couple occurances where the headlights died for a few seconds. Finally, the headlights died as I was riding home in the dark! Luckily I was just around the corner and made it home.

I had similar symptoms with headlight and turn signal lamps illuminated on the dash even though neither were selected. In my case it was a spider in the nose cowl above the left headlight.

Do yourself a favor and find all 8 (I believe) spiders and clean and lube them! Or have the dealer handle it under warranty. And a quick towing tip: if you join the AMA for $39 per year you'll get towing for not only your bike, but all your vehicles that anyone in your family is driving. Killer deal on towing, plus you'll help protect your right to ride!

Yamaha, Yamaha

made of tin

ride them out

push them in!

Be sure to have it dealt with at dealer/warrantly level. If you have burned wires it cost major dollars to fix.

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Wow, that sucks. I'd be upset too.

Luckily I own a Gen I and don't have to worry about my FJR stranding me. I do feel bad for you Gen II folks. No reason whatsoever a 1 year old bike should be leaving you stranded on the side of the road. Word.

Well, sure I can, but my Yamaha let me down yesterday.
On the Cross Island Parkway (Queens, NY) yesterday, in line to get onto the Throggs Neck Bridge when the bike stalled and refused to crank over. It stalled at perhaps the last possible moment in which there was a shoulder available to pull off onto. Checked all the fuses and everything looks fine. Pushed the bike off the exit ramp into a park, pull more of it apart and nothing obvious seemed wrong. My bike VIN# is not included in the ignition switch recall, although with a build date of 1/09, it may have been a situation where it should have been addressed at the factory and was not. WIth the iginition in the on position, I can't open the glovebox (where my cellphone still resides), no power to the horn, engine won't turn over, but the gauge clust lights up, the turn signal indicators on the cluster are solid, the fuel gauge blinks 8 times then pauses, Hi-beam indicator is on. 8 hours and $480 later I finally get home on a flatbed. I still suspect an ignition switch issue, although I suppose it could be anything at this point.

After all those years of making fun of H-Ds, I am the one getting towed home.

Not a happy camper.
Sure sounds like a fried ground plug lower left under the tank. Here is the text of my post when I first had the problem.

Been riding the bike regularly, recently had the 26k major service done, new YCCS clutch actuator installed.

Started the bike, it ran for about one second, then shut down. Turned the key off and back on, no joy. All fuses ok. Original battery, on a battery tender.

Now for the strangness. With the key turned on, this is what is happening.

1. The fuel gauge bar display shows a full tank and the whole bar display is blinking on and off.

2. Horn won't work

3. The headlight high beam indicator is on, although the headlight is not on and switch is in the low position

4. Both turn signal indicators are steady on

5. No error codes

6. Neutral indicator is on

7. Windshield up and down won't work

8. The button to actuate the hand clutch switch won't come on

9. Kill switch is in the on position

10. Emergency flasher switch does not work

link to the post
Wow, BINGO, I think we have a winner. You pretty much nailed every symptom I had. Hopefully it wont be raining when I get home and I can tear it back apart and check it out. Makes sense, as temps were 91F+ and the frame was VERY hot to the touch even several minutes after being shut off. One of the guys here did a quick search and this seems to have been reported numerous times to the NHTSA for various years and no action has been taken. The end result of this issue is no different than the ignition switch problem (sudden loss of power) and sooner or later it's going to result in a serious accident, if it hasn't already. If there is anything I can do to help make this happen, please let me know. I have already filed a safety complaint with the NHTSA.
When I say "fried ground plug", that is not to say that high ambient temps or engine or frame temps are "frying" the plug. The plug is indeed being destroyed by heat, but the heat is coming internally from the plug. I believe, from reading other more knowledgeable posters, that poor wire connections inside the plug result in a cycle of increasing resistance which increases the heat, which get the idea, until finally the thing goes zzzzttt!! I was able to smell hot plastic months before the actual failure, but never could locate where it was coming from. I got very lucky with the timing and place of my failure. It was right in my parking slot at my apartment's underground secure parking.


I should not have used the word "plug" to describe what is really a ground junction. It plugs into nothing, it's just a device that ties several ground wires together.

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