Cee Bailey installed: +4", +3" - impressions

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searchgeek - author
Jun 21, 2009
Reaction score
Camarillo, CA
2009 FJR

I am 6 feet tall

Inseam is 30"

Cee Baileys +4", +3" with flip

Install time:

less than 15 minutes

Install difficulty:

remember to leave the single, central, lowest plastic screw in place when removing the original screen until you remove the rest and you are gold. Seriously, about a .5 out of 10 on difficulty.


  • Can feel a bit of the back pressure other mention here - nothing bothersome even up to about 90 mph...
  • Can feel a bit more air moving over my hands
  • Can feel more air moving all around my back and sides - very nice when wearing a mesh jacket - very cooling
  • Screen in down position puts the air blast directly across my eyes - which is bad news as speed elevates - in the lowest position, the Cee Bailey creates as much wind noise/turbulence around my head as the stock screen did in the full UP position. Very much less than impressed with this
  • Moving screen to highest position creates an almost totally clean pocket of air around my head - *Borat voice >> Vary niice<<*
  • Moving screen to full up position and slouching a bit and I'm looking through the top edge of the screen - mostly clear and non-distracting. Sitting up straight and I see over the top of the screen easily, without straining, and in clean air
  • Selecting various positions I found several spots that managed wind turbulence very effectively - now I see why folks disable the auto-down functionality on the windshield
  • Screen is high quality in it's appearance
  • Thick and sturdy
  • Windscreen motor arms allow screen to move a bit when presented with gusty winds (think large truck passing you in the opposite lane when you are doing 70 and they are doing 60) - so this is, IMO, livable ;)
  • Mine has a visible optical distortion across it roughly where the upward curve for the flip begins - not sure if they could avoid this, though
  • Inside of screen flips up, which allows for reflections from the dash (lights) and jacket (white)
  • Time for Cee Baileys to redo their hole cutting jig, I think. My holes lines up enough to mount the screen with no problems, but the holes are not all round - some were slightly elongated
  • Definitely worth getting the new windscreen gasket, IMO - I ordered one, they sent me two :) GO CB!
  • BE WARNED!!!!! Cee Bailey's windscreens, no matter the position, will do nothing to remove the stench of cow sh1t from the air
  • ENJOY!!! Same lack of air scrubbing nets you the heavenly scent of every pizza shop you ride past!

Overall, my first impression was "This was an expensive lesson" as I was not pleased with the low speed buffeting. After riding for a bit, and playing with positions up & down, I'm reserving judgment. This may simply be a situation where I need to learn something and adapt a bit. ;) With the factory screen I simply left it in the lowest position and rode in the clean air around my helmet. I's pretty clear the CB will provide a great deal of cold weather wind & rain protection.

If I can remember to do it, I'll try to post up impressions a week or so from now.

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I also just received and installed my CB +2 +2, no flip, dark tint on my 09. I am 6 feet tall, 32 inseam and had the same problem with the stock shield . . . nice and breezy when down, but loud and useless up, as I got turbulence all around my head.

With the CB, however, I think I hit it just right. In the down position, the wind hits just below the helmet, just slightly higher than the stock shield did . . . very nice and cool, just like stock. As it goes up, I can feel it go through the same turbulence I used to get, but once fully up, I am in a nice quiet zone. All of a sudden the music I was straining to hear in my headphones is perfectly clear . . . very nice.

In both positions, I am looking over the shield with plenty of visible ground directly in front of me. And the dark gray on the black 09 is sweet!

As for pics, I will post a few once I get all of my "stealth" farkles done. B)

. . . Dan

I also just received and installed my CB +2 +2, no flip, dark tint on my 09. I am 6 feet tall, 32 inseam and had the same problem with the stock shield . . . nice and breezy when down, but loud and useless up, as I got turbulence all around my head.With the CB, however, I think I hit it just right. In the down position, the wind hits just below the helmet, just slightly higher than the stock shield did . . . very nice and cool, just like stock. As it goes up, I can feel it go through the same turbulence I used to get, but once fully up, I am in a nice quiet zone. All of a sudden the music I was straining to hear in my headphones is perfectly clear . . . very nice.

In both positions, I am looking over the shield with plenty of visible ground directly in front of me. And the dark gray on the black 09 is sweet!

As for pics, I will post a few once I get all of my "stealth" farkles done. B)

. . . Dan
See, I'm going to ride with it this way for a week or so, but after seeing another one on here with the tinted unit, I may order a +2", +3" with tint to try. Someone might end up getting a good deal on mine if I like the shorter one better... ;)

Time for an update.

The screen is growing on me. The more I ride and fiddle with settings, the more good positions I find with the screen. I can actually ride with my visor open, no sunglasses and have no wind in my eyes - with no buffeting around my head either. Did this last night on a drive home through town.

Sidebar - wow. Last night was my first real night ride. I am impressed with the stock headlights when adjusted, around town. At slower speeds I think they provide decent coverage.

Back to the windscreen.

On a couple of occassions I found myself looking through the screen while it was full up ( me slouching a bit, basically). Optics straight ahead are clear and the distorted area caused by the flip was not an issue as it was well below my line of site.

I might try to disable the auto-down feature of the windscreen. It gets annoying sometimes hunting for the perfect spot again after you park for a minute.

I have noticed a couple of times when having the screen adjusted upwards a bit has induced a buffeting & vibration in my helmet. Usually happens when I ride with the face shield raised as the air off the screen catches the shield full on. A slight adjustment to the screen normally cures it, or it's a reminder to drop my helmet visor down.

I remain unsure if I will keep this screen or not. Further riding will tell, I suppose.

I do like it better now than when I first rode with it installed, so the trend is good :)

I just installed a +2, +2 Cee Bailey with the flip and it works great. Sportsguy said it well in his post. I'm 6'0" with a 32" inseam, seat in low position and with the CB 3/4 of the way up I can still see over it good and not have any wind noise at all. I can actually ride with my (Nolan) helmet flipped up and have clean air in my face.

Ine thing though, you can definitely feel the heat build up more with the CB in the upper positions. Not too much on the negative side as much as just dead air.

Overall though it's a great improvement. I'm heading out for a 5 day trip this Friday and will let you know how it worked when I get back.

More thoughts:

Wind noise with the CB in the lowest position is NOT as bad as the stock screen in the full up position. While riding today this occurred to me. The flow of the air off the top of the CB is smoother.

Is it me or does there "seem" to be more heat pulled up onto the rider when using a "flip" windscreen? Tough to really tell, though, as the temps have been hovering between 90 & 100+ here lately. I can absolutely state this bike should be named FJR-B-Q for the way it roasts my lower legs by dumping hot air back and out on me. :(

I'll reserve judgment on this point, though, as it could simply be symptomatic of the higher heat, as opposed to the windscreen, etc.

Another note - when you shut your visor and burp, it's loud inside the helmet. Just saying is all...

Airflow is amazingly controllable with the CB - just fractions of an inch up or down moves the air around from (for me) cooling blast in the face, to settling the helmet into a quiet, buffet-free zone.

Someone else posted about this point: You can hear a LOT of noises with the CB that you never heard with the stock screen in place - intake roar, brake squeals, things responding to hard bumps, road noise from the tires. It's kinda weird at first, but you adapt and learn to ID each noise in short order.

Today was the first day I was tempted to swap back to the stock screen in hopes it'd get that heat off my lower legs, but we'll see how it works out later in the week as the temps drop a bit. Like I said - not totally sure it IS the screen causing the heat to hit my legs. It's not radiating UP while stopped, but coming back while underway...

I just installed a +2, +2 Cee Bailey with the flip and it works great. Sportsguy said it well in his post. I'm 6'0" with a 32" inseam, seat in low position and with the CB 3/4 of the way up I can still see over it good and not have any wind noise at all. I can actually ride with my (Nolan) helmet flipped up and have clean air in my face.
Ine thing though, you can definitely feel the heat build up more with the CB in the upper positions. Not too much on the negative side as much as just dead air.

Overall though it's a great improvement. I'm heading out for a 5 day trip this Friday and will let you know how it worked when I get back.
I just installed my +4 +2 Cee Bailey with the flip from the group buy. When I got my bike two years ago, I right away bought the V-Stream based on some Forum recommendations for my 20 degree winter riding. I considered it a pain to change windshields so used the V-Stream in the summers even though it was quite hot. Then I got XM radio and helmet speakers and was disappointed in having to take the V-Stream so high to hear my music that I had to look through the windshield which I did not like.

I only went to work once with the new +4 +2 Cee Bailey with the flip and right away found that I can hear my music without taking the windshield so high that I had to look through it. The flip really does seem to add 4 inches in effective height. The other difference with the V-Stream is that it is narrower at the top so that you get more air on the shoulders so that it seems to be cooler in the summer. Finally, I think the Cee Bailey looks much better than the V-Stream.

Final note: After installing the Cee Bailey I noticed that it was covered with a film but fortunately soap and water took it right off.
