Center Stand

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Well-known member
Mar 20, 2006
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Harrison, TN
I really hate to ask this question but here goes. How do you get the FJR on the center stand? I am 6 ft. tall weight about 200 lbs and can bench press 300 lbs but I cannot for the life of me get the bike onto the center stand. What am I doing wrong and don't you dare laugh! Iam sensitive kind of guy :rolleyes:

I struggled too - 6'2" 290!

I found the ground to have more of an effect than anything. I can do it easily on my garage, tougher in soft blacktop and real tough if there's debris/pebbles, etc.

Stand on it with your right foot, pull rearward using the grab slot on the side and hold the bar with your left hand. Don't try and lift it, that doesn't do anything. If you can't get it popped up that way, it's not pivoting easily on the stand pegs. If crap is wedged below the feet, it's a bitch.

I struggled too - 6'2" 290!
I found the ground to have more of an effect than anything. I can do it easily on my garage, tougher in soft blacktop and real tough if there's debris/pebbles, etc.

Stand on it with your right foot, pull rearward using the grab slot on the side and hold the bar with your left hand. Don't try and lift it, that doesn't do anything. If you can't get it popped up that way, it's not pivoting easily on the stand pegs. If crap is wedged below the feet, it's a bitch.

If I could add something,

Make sure that the bike is straight first, then unfold the center stand and make sure both legs are touching the ground before doing what Kaelaria said.

First time it s hard, but you will get the ''touch'' and it willbe easy.... :rolleyes:

left hand on the handle bar, right hand on the grab handle right in front of the side bag (balance), right foot on the ceter stand - lower the center stand till it touches the floor, make sure the bike is centered and hitting both of the center stand pegs, quickly shift your weight to your right foot (stand up with your weight on your right foot) and the bike will POP up on the stand. It's more of a technique than strength.

Think of it as more of an up and back all in one motion. What is key is putting as much pressure on the center stand with your right foot as much as possible. Step down hard while swinging the bike up and rearward all at once. Make sure everything is lined up properly before attempting to lift. Handlbar is straight, both feet of the center stand touching down lightly using your right foot, and holding bar with your left hand. I use the passenger grab bar as I can get better leverage that way.

It might not be a bad idea to have someone stand on the other side of the bike to spot you the first time you try it in case Murphy's Law tends to intervene.

I really hate to ask this question but here goes. How do you get the FJR on the center stand? I am 6 ft. tall weight about 200 lbs and can bench press 300 lbs but I cannot for the life of me get the bike onto the center stand. What am I doing wrong and don't you dare laugh! Iam sensitive kind of guy :rolleyes:
A strong bench probably wont help much, however, a strong deadlift and strength in your back would definitely help.

First I will lower the center down until it contacts the ground and make sure that both the left and right hand sides are making contact. Then in a single smooth motion put your weight on the center stand and pull up on the back-end simultaneously. There is probably as much if not more of the effort on the "pull" of the back-end as there is pressure from your foot on the center-stand.

Definitely make sure the bike is straight, level and that both the left and right sides of the center stand are down..

Random thoughts...


Harrisburg NC

using the balance, 2 feet down (stand), push-with-foot technique is the only way to get a 900 pound Wing up on the center stand. after 3 Wings, the first time i did the fjr it litterally popped up and continued on... a foot or two back along the garage floor!

use your new powers wisely; for good instead of evil!

left hand on the handle bar, right hand on the grab handle right in front of the side bag (balance), right foot on the ceter stand - lower the center stand till it touches the floor, make sure the bike is centered and hitting both of the center stand pegs, quickly shift your weight to your right foot (stand up with your weight on your right foot) and the bike will POP up on the stand. It's more of a technique than strength.
I too had problems at first, the only thing I could add to the above post is to face towards the rear of the bike and when you put your weight on your right foot act as tho you are going to walk towards the rear of the bike. It works.


As stated above left hand on handle bar right on lift in front of the side case. Right foot on the center stand pushing down while lifting with the right hand. Think, "Streching a BIG RUBBER BAND". It makes me a bit more comfortable to have the bike leaning slightly toward me so I don't feel that it will "get away" falling away from me-It won't on level ground or surface, it will center on the stand. It will become a non-event shortly. I probably use the center stand 99% of the time. Best of luck.

Yea, Having it in Neutral first will make it easier too. I dont put it in neutral, but it does make it TONS easier

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I really hate to ask this question but here goes. How do you get the FJR on the center stand? I am 6 ft. tall weight about 200 lbs and can bench press 300 lbs but I cannot for the life of me get the bike onto the center stand. What am I doing wrong and don't you dare laugh! Iam sensitive kind of guy :rolleyes:

Put the ball of your foot squarly on the stand, and drive it straight down after you have got the center stand legs touching the ground.

Also lift on the hand grab bar just below pillion seat.

That should do it.

I'm 5ft 7in and 150 lbs and have no problems. The key, as well said previously, is DRIVE the centre stand into the ground using the grab "handle" as leverage and it will pop up as easy as anything.

Now you know the technique,'ll get up there so fast you can slide it back into something on slick concrete (like in a garage).

After attempting all of the above suggestions, if you find you still cannot accomplish the task, find a larger mirror. Look deeply into the mirror and repeat this mantra: Gurly-man, Gurly-man, Gurly-man. (Arnold accent optional) :p

Clicked the wrong thing this is too funny. If I can't do it you will never know!After attempting all of the above suggestions, if you find you still cannot accomplish the task, find a larger mirror. Look deeply into the mirror and repeat this mantra: Gurly-man, Gurly-man, Gurly-man. (Arnold accent optional) :p
But I'll ask...and you can't's against preacherman code. ;)

Here's a way that makes it much easier. I believe the problem is that the centerstand is designed to lift the rear wheel way more than is needed. Before you try to lift it, drive the rear wheel over a small section of one-by four lumber. Now the distance to lift the bike is significantly less. The bike will be a breeze to get up, and there will be plenty of room to simply kick the board out of the way once it's up.

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