CFR 2011

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Didn't want to hold up our CFR FJR riding group by scrambling around looking for Canuck Money, I went to Chase Bank branch here in Chandler and ordered up 500 Kanuckian Whatcha-Ma-Callits.

If you're interested, cost me $547.11 United States Dollars to buy 500 Frostback Funny Monies from Chase. Exchange rate was 1.09421 and bills arrive here on Saturday. We are ready to roll now!
Wowser, I am super impressed by my Chandler Chase Bank Branch; I got my Canadian Currency in less than 24 hours, great service. I got three Sir Borden's, two MacKenzie King's, four Fairlaner's Mom, a John MacDonald and 2 Wilfrid Laurier's. Should last me a week, with help from my credit cards.

I do have to admit to some embarrassment on my part though: I thought that Leslie Nielsen, Neil Young, Pamela Anderson, Lorne Greene and William Shatner were on your bills. Of course, Yolanda - the Latina bank clerk at Chase, thought the same thing! A simple mistake!

Last edited by a moderator:;jsessionid=0A88508314DFD836FC42ECB0259E2CA7 Are we there yet? Here in Phoenix we had a beautiful May for motorcycle riding weather; just perfect. The weather in Freddy Beach, Canuckistan is now looking so fantastic to this old desert rat!

Now our June heat is hitting with a vengeance and we're now in triple digits, 100F to 104F; and the worst part is, now it is starting to stay hot at night. One week from today at 0600 Bear - The Labrador Retriever and Gary - The Tabby Cat go to Pets Hotel and Papa hits the road Eastbound. Are we there yet?

Last edited by a moderator:;jsessionid=0A88508314DFD836FC42ECB0259E2CA7 Are we there yet? Here in Phoenix we had a beautiful May for motorcycle riding weather; just perfect. The weather in Freddy Beach, Canuckistan is now looking so fantastic to this old desert rat!

Now our June heat is hitting with a vengeance and we're now in triple digits, 100F to 104F; and the worst part is, now it is starting to stay hot at night. One week from today at 0600 Bear - The Labrador Retriever and Gary - The Tabby Cat go to Pets Hotel and Papa hits the road Eastbound. Are we there yet?
I'm watching, too ;)

I promised you sunny and 25 degrees for the week of June 20th. L/R forecast for June 20th (for what that's worth in the Maritimes where the motto is: "don't like the weather? wait 5 minutes ...." :blink: ) : Sunny and 24 degrees :D

This news item may help bring out more of the SoCal contingent from the closet to CFR.

I heard from Lesbian Lou on a Toronto radio station today that she just got back from Freddy Beach and reported that Fredericton NB is the Gay Capital of Canada.

I'm only passing along what I heard.

This news item may help bring out more of the SoCal contingent from the closet to CFR.

I heard from Lesbian Lou on a Toronto radio station today that she just got back from Freddy Beach and reported that Fredericton NB is the Gay Capital of Canada.

I'm only passing along what I heard.
Really not breaking news Bill, Old Michael told me about that fact many months ago. That was why he has been apprehensive and hesitant to attend CFR, he was attacked by a pack of lesbians and a gray bearded older gentleman from Sacramento in Bodega Bay, CA last year!

This news item may help bring out more of the SoCal contingent from the closet to CFR.

I heard from Lesbian Lou on a Toronto radio station today that she just got back from Freddy Beach and reported that Fredericton NB is the Gay Capital of Canada.

I'm only passing along what I heard.
Well, in the sake of reporting accuracy I think it only fair to make the correction that this should interest the NorCal's more than the SoCals. Think, Bay Area = Norcal (I know it isn't physically north (more like center), but they insist that it is)

But what I NEED to know is if Freddy Beach is the capital of female homosexuality? :kiss: or of male homo... ergh... sexuality :bad: .

I only ask, because I'm far fonder of spending time observing one than the other.

Sure, call me a homophobe.

I'm pretty sure I can take it. :laughingsmiley:

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Lucie and I are in Clinton MS along the Nachez Trace, headed north east toward Freddy... been triple digits and 100% humidity for the last few days... seems we're the only people foolish enough to be on a bike down here this time of year: plenty of strange looks as we roll by in 'stichs...

Have a pound of Café du Monde coffee in the trailer for the Rally Mistress... looking forward to getting north out of the @#$%#$%^ heat.


This news item may help bring out more of the SoCal contingent from the closet to CFR.

I heard from Lesbian Lou on a Toronto radio station today that she just got back from Freddy Beach and reported that Fredericton NB is the Gay Capital of Canada.

I'm only passing along what I heard.
No way. Vancouver owns that title outright!! Freddy Beach isn't nearly as big as Vancouver!!

This news item may help bring out more of the SoCal contingent from the closet to CFR.

I heard from Lesbian Lou on a Toronto radio station today that she just got back from Freddy Beach and reported that Fredericton NB is the Gay Capital of Canada.

I'm only passing along what I heard.
No way. Vancouver owns that title outright!! Freddy Beach isn't nearly as big as Vancouver!!
Per capita Freddy Beach beats out Vancouver according to reports.

This news item may help bring out more of the SoCal contingent from the closet to CFR.

I heard from Lesbian Lou on a Toronto radio station today that she just got back from Freddy Beach and reported that Fredericton NB is the Gay Capital of Canada.

I'm only passing along what I heard.
Really not breaking news Bill, Old Michael told me about that fact many months ago. That was why he has been apprehensive and hesitant to attend CFR, he was attacked by a pack of lesbians and a gray bearded older gentleman from Sacramento in Bodega Bay, CA last year!
The bad dreams and night sweats continue, Don.

....Still can't cross my legs.

This news item may help bring out more of the SoCal contingent from the closet to CFR.

I heard from Lesbian Lou on a Toronto radio station today that she just got back from Freddy Beach and reported that Fredericton NB is the Gay Capital of Canada.

I'm only passing along what I heard.
No way. Vancouver owns that title outright!! Freddy Beach isn't nearly as big as Vancouver!!
Oddly enough, I first heard that "statistic" (that Fredericton has the 2nd highest per capita population of gays after San Fran) MANY years ago. One of my best friends is gay - and I'm an Honorary Sister :rolleyes:


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This news item may help bring out more of the SoCal contingent from the closet to CFR.

I heard from Lesbian Lou on a Toronto radio station today that she just got back from Freddy Beach and reported that Fredericton NB is the Gay Capital of Canada.

I'm only passing along what I heard.
Really not breaking news Bill, Old Michael told me about that fact many months ago. That was why he has been apprehensive and hesitant to attend CFR, he was attacked by a pack of lesbians and a gray bearded older gentleman from Sacramento in Bodega Bay, CA last year!
The bad dreams and night sweats continue, Don.

....Still can't cross my legs.
My very sincerest condolences Brother Michael, did that raging pack of "Lickers" inflict a "dirty Tremblay" or a "dirty Campbell" on you; I just hope to God it wasn't a "dirty Sanchez"!

yamafitter, Geezer, mattster, RaYzerman19 and Papa Chuy Viejo intend to "save" as many of the NB Dykes on Bikes as we can while we are at Freddy Beach; all five of us are Lesbians trapped in men's bodies; we can all eat beaver with the best of them!

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FAIR WARNING/DUE DISCLAIMER: I want to be upfront and honest I am going to wear the CFR 2012 Organizers like a dirty diaper for the actual dates of the 2012 CFR Event. A certain Canadian loon has already spilled the poutine it will be in the Canadian West, now I just need the dates. I can keep a secret and I know through necessity the dates may have to change at the last moment.

FJR Forum Member Jorstin - Steve and his Son Justin and Chuy and Son Seth are riding to Alaska next year. Looking at the month of June for our British Columbia, Yukon and Alaska ride and I see that except for the 2007 event in September the CFR's dates have been very constant: Always the third weekend in June or close enough in Year 2011 with the event falling in the fourth week.

Jorstin and BeemerDonS are going to break up the trip for our 14 year olds by utilizing the Alaska Marine Highway in one direction and the British Columbia Ferry for the other direction. We plan on booking our passages, staterooms and bike reservations by January 1. We will pick the sailing that work around the four of us attending CFR 2012. I'll pay bribes for info in beer/whiskey!


We should probably start a new thread so as not to mess up this one, at least for another 2 weeks. ;)

As for CFR 2012, I thought I had heard a rumor that CFR was going to host the next NAFO somewhere in BC for 2012?

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