CFR 2018 - WooHoo! Registration is going LIVE November 1st!

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Great picture. I can't see all of them, but I'd estimate that to be in the neighborhood of 30 bikes.

With 80 + registrants so far, I'm going to need a wider lens. And a shooting point from the 2nd or 3rd story. I could likely do it in the hotel parking lot. At the risk of suggesting anything structured, how would ya'll like the idea of scheduling the group picture? I've done that at other gatherings (non-FJR). Morning is better because participants can do this without hindering their riding plans. Call it 9:00 am or whatever, line 'em up, and by 9:07, you get what you get and you don't pitch a fit.

80-ish FJRs in one frame would make a pretty cool picture. JSNS
We had well over 200 at the first NAFO. Crazy job of herding cats.
When you say the 1st NAFO, do you mean WFO-3 in Moscow, ID?


and the one I took from the roof of the hotel:


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The first National was Golden. Interesting to see in the second picture you show from Moscow is Warchild with Hair. Vintage

Finally got around to committing to this get-together. Gotta comment about getting over the border though, since the rally website says

"A PASSPORT, NEXUS Card or an Enhanced Licence is required to cross the border into Canada
...and to return to the USA."
. I went down to the DMV a couple of weeks ago (as soon as they became available) and got the California version of the "enhanced drivers' license," which they're calling a "Real ID" here. The folks at the DMV didn't know much about it but didn't think it would get me over the border. I called the U.S. State Department office hereabouts, and they also didn't think it was sufficient. Then I was at the airport to pick up my daughter last week and I asked the TSA supervisor. Same deal. Nobody really knows.

I'm so glad I bothered. And glad my passport is still valid. I'll be bringing it along. Probably a good idea for you other 'Muricans to do the same too, at least until everybody figures it out.

The other thing:

Since it's the middle of the night I decided not to call up there to try to find a room till tomorrow. But if anybody's looking to share a room, please send a PM. Looked, but didn't find a separate room sharing thread.

Finally got around to committing to this get-together. Gotta comment about getting over the border though, since the rally website says "A PASSPORT, NEXUS Card or an Enhanced Licence is required to cross the border into Canada...and to return to the USA."

. I went down to the DMV a couple of weeks ago (as soon as they became available) and got the California version of the "enhanced drivers' license," which they're calling a "Real ID" here. The folks at the DMV didn't know much about it but didn't think it would get me over the border. I called the U.S. State Department office hereabouts, and they also didn't think it was sufficient. Then I was at the airport to pick up my daughter last week and I asked the TSA supervisor. Same deal. Nobody really knows.

I'm so glad I bothered. And glad my passport is still valid. I'll be bringing it along. Probably a good idea for you other 'Muricans to do the same too, at least until everybody figures it out.

The other thing:

Since it's the middle of the night I decided not to call up there to try to find a room till tomorrow. But if anybody's looking to share a room, please send a PM. Looked, but didn't find a separate room sharing thread.
If your "enhanced drivers' license, has a chip in it and it contains your citizenship information it is acceptable. This type of ID will have a sleeve to cover the card to prevent anyone from scanning the information from the chip without your knowledge.

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I've been asked for a passport every time I've crossed on both sides of the border and go up at least a couple of times every year. There is another option though that will work and that is the Passport Card, which is only $30 if your passport is expired vs. $110 to renew a passport. The card gets you across when passing over land but you can't fly internationally with it. Also I once had to show my passport to a cop in Canada going through a police checkpoint they had set up on a road.

at one point there was a difference as to validity of an enhanced DL for crossing to the States for us; it was valid for land crossings, but not air.

I think that has long been done away with and passports rule the day. Not sure for US citizens and your own Border Services tho.

It's hard to find a good answer about what will satisfy everybody either entering or leaving Canada, except to say everybody is fine with a passport. The enhanced license from some states might be fine, but California's definitely is not . California backed away from implementing all the features of the enhanced license Flewbye mentioned because of a lot of concerns raised while the law was pending having to do with that RFID chip that is a risk for identity theft. Some of those protective sleeves may work, but some may not. I'm glad they killed it here.

I don't know much about the Nexus card, but with all the confusion about drivers' licenses--enhanced or not--everywhere I checked, I can imagine the guy in the booth at the border might not be sure either. Carrying my passport isn't that much trouble after all, I guess.

Nexus gives you preferred access, based on your verified Passport info, which you of course pay extra for.

So, if you dont mind stopping at the front of the line, save your pennies. It's a gimmick for faster crossing. If I travelled often? Would probably do it, for the convenience

I am not sure if BC offers enhanced drivers licences anymore either. Moto frends of our had them, but did not find them worth the security risk

Like Barb said Preferred treatment and I only carry the card around in my wallet. Nice on the bike when I am out for a ride and decide id like to cross the border I don't need to go home & get my Passport. My passport is still required for air travel so I have both. Nexus is not for everyone but being 30 minutes from the border makes it a nice convenience.

See you in June.

I've been asked for a passport every time I've crossed on both sides of the border and go up at least a couple of times every year. There is another option though that will work and that is the Passport Card, which is only $30 if your passport is expired vs. $110 to renew a passport. The card gets you across when passing over land but you can't fly internationally with it. Also I once had to show my passport to a cop in Canada going through a police checkpoint they had set up on a road.
Well, knowing your character, an ID and a drool towel is required equipment. Lets get this party started!

The toughest time I ever had getting into Canada was on a trip where I was packed for camping. Crossing at a little one-man booth somewhere, the guy kept me (and the growing line of cars behind me--it started with two or three and was probably ten cars by the time he let me through) waiting after I told him I had a can of bear spray in my bags. He was on the phone with several supervisors or whoever, brought up more information on me on his computer than I even knew existed anywhere, and finally let me through with my dangerous cargo. After almost 45 minutes!

The very first store I went into in Canada after that had a shelf with multiple cans for sale of the same damn brand of bear spray!

Whenever I approach the border it's prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Always prepared for a cavity search when entering Canada. Funny thing though. The last three times crossing, I've used my Passport Card instead of the Passport. Normal questions, not hassled, and on my way in a couple minutes...coincidence, dunno, but I'm using the card until it fails me.

Looking forward to June!


Car, boat or bike I've never had problems going north. Southbound is a whole different story. I get hassled almost every time. I used to come in late with my boat just so I could clear by phone.

Shit hitting fan for me, so I'm withdrawing from the rally and will be giving up my king bed reservation in the Lodge at Arrow Lakes in the next 2 or 3 days.

No doubt this will be an epic reprise of the 2009 event. Regrets for me, but I'm out and maybe just plain done touring. (Or maybe more accurately: I've been done a few years now and am finally just acknowledging it.) Hope you all have a great time.
