Change in problem/ misunderstanding

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Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
Cherry Hill, NJ
Hi folks, I had the idle problem listed in another thread. I raised it to 1100. without issue.

it is NOT a low idle problem. It stalls at throttle open. Turn the throttle and it dies immediately. no rev. Dead. no rev just dead. happens at a stop on a start off. Huge problem if you assume (correctly) that the engine is revving and time the throttle 1/4 second behind and lock it up dead.

There was a recall back on 03 to 05s if I am not mistaken for the same problem.

Still back at dealer.

Still damaged from stall drop.

Wait I will.


This sounds a bit more extreme than the the TPS sensor recall problem, though it might be based on the same issue.


Have you seen Charon's post--he seems to be having the same problem with his '08. Clicky Maybe you can help each other out on this.

In your earlier thread I seem to remember you saying it was when turning to the right. Does it happen when turning left, right or going straight ahead? Can you recreate it on the center stand? What happens if you try to drive off in second gear? And can you tell if the issue is opening the throttle or letting out the clutch? I'm trying to think my way through this and more info would be helpful.

In your earlier thread I seem to remember you saying it was when turning to the right. Does it happen when turning left, right or going straight ahead? Can you recreate it on the center stand? What happens if you try to drive off in second gear? And can you tell if the issue is opening the throttle or letting out the clutch? I'm trying to think my way through this and more info would be helpful.
*IF* it happens when you are turning right then you might have a loose wire connection.

* I had a strange problem that it would die when I went to full or near full lock pulling away from parking.

* This mutated into a problem with starting - engine would turn but no ignition.

* I thought it was the famous ignition/lock failure until I fiddled around with the wire bundle that comes OFF the ignition switch, goes towards the back of the bike an inch or two, then goes down and to the right. I discovered that the slightest pull (moving it about 1/16") on this wire bundle would stop a running engine. The slightest push would allow me to start the bike again.

Off to the dealer who found a loose wire, connection had come unplugged.

This on an 08

In your earlier thread I seem to remember you saying it was when turning to the right. Does it happen when turning left, right or going straight ahead? Can you recreate it on the center stand? What happens if you try to drive off in second gear? And can you tell if the issue is opening the throttle or letting out the clutch? I'm trying to think my way through this and more info would be helpful.
Thanks for the feedback.

I just happened to be about to turn right.

In reality I can reproduce it in neutral, in first with clutch IN, on center stand, you name it. Just dies on throttle crack every 5 to 12 times you rev.

Dealer found the same.

I dropped it because I was trying to jet into a busy road, not expecting to be on a non running bike.

BTW dealer never test drove or signed off on a test drive. This could/should have been caught.
