Change of plans (Part 2)

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I just saw an Allstate commercial and thought of you. It was the one where the guy was talking about multitasking while you drive and it increasing your chance of an accident. I don't know why, but you didn't pop into my head until he got to the "change your pants while driving" guy :lol:

And a thought on replacing the gear, Ask them if they would rather cover the multi 10000000s of dollars in medical bills for if you ride without it.

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There are a few things that I'll be getting with my insurance agent about to see what he can do. I am wondering if I can be reimbursed for ANY of my gear. I lost hundreds of dollars worth of gear on Sunday.

Sorry about your "get off", bottom line is your ok. I had a kid hit me back in 2000, walked out of the ER 10 hrs later. Hardest part for me was the first time I got back on for the 1st time. Get it fixed, and ride, your confidence will return.

As for my gear, Geico covered replacement of all my gear. My leather jacket survived the crash, but the EMT's cut it off me. They were resistance at first, but persistence prevailed. I sent them pictures and purchase cost, they sent me a check covering my jacket, helmet, gloves, boots, AND 1 pair of Levi's (don't wear jeans anymore on the bike...)



I've been so busy the past few days that I have not been checking in here. Sorry that I missed the news of your get off. But I am glad to hear that you are okay and the bike is going to be repaired. I look forward to riding with you again soon. I will never again feel like a over protected idiot, as I put on my trusty Aerostich suit. I decided long ago that if I am going to ride a motorcycle, I am going to be fully protected, and at times I think I am too anal about and I should just lighten up. Your story proves to me that the unexpected can happen to anyone and if you are properly protected you can walk away to ride again another day. Let me know if there is any way I can help.


Sorry to hear about your wreck! :(

I am so glad you walked away without any major injuries.

Get back out there! :)


The "Bike parts wanted" post got my attention and I ended up here. Damn girl!!!

Glad you walked away from that get-off. Many don't.

Need a windscreen? I could pay it backward....

My difficult thing... telling my mom. I'm 44 years old & she still worries about me like I'm a teenager.
On the mom thing...When I used take the kids motoXing we had a rule, if you ever want to ride again, "Never tell Mom you Crashed."

A simple "the bike tipped over" or in your case, "The bike tipped over and the shop is fixing the scratches" should suffice. End it up with "what's for super?" No need to show the clothing or elaborate on anything.

Sorry to hear the news Heidi, glad your OK.


Hi everyone, THANKS for everything. S76... that's some funny shit. Believe me, I've considered NOT saying anything. I feel like I'd be being dishonest. My mom and I have a very close & trusting relationship. I'm still thinking about not telling her... & especially since the bike is being fixed.

Toe, thanks about the shield. (Did you receive the Rifle that I sent?) I actually think that the winshield I've got on there that Mr. JeffAshe gave me came away unscathed. The left side of the bike... mostly lower down & as high as the bar end received damage. I'll be letting you know if I need it, though. Don't give that Cee Bailey away, yet. I actually think that my left hand guard made it thru w/ a few scratches. The very end of the bar is gone... I mean it's completely... gone. Nothing but jagged metal there.

I will never again feel funny about the protection that I wear on a regular basis when I ride. ATGATT folks.

I took a couple of pictured of my gear last night. Man, I still cannot believe my pants. The rear side of them is literally shredded.

Heidi, I've seen a couple of references in other posts abt something happening to your bike but didn't know until I read this thread that you actually crashed at speed! Yikes! Glad you're OK and could walk away w/ only a few bruises/scratches. From your description, it sounds like your confidence is the only significant problem. Well, if you do decide to fix your bike and ride again and head down to Shady Valley, I'll be glad to ride w/ you...I ride like a grandmother anyway! :D

I have a stock left side mirror if you need one.

Hope all this has a happy ending.

Hardest part for me was the first time I got back on for the 1st time. Get it fixed, and ride, your confidence will return.
Get it fixed and ride again......soon....we need you at the EOM. Remember, riding is llike sex in that you never forget how to do it........or was it you always wanted to do it????? I can't recall.....other than I believe it used to be pretty good????


I can't recall.....
They say memory is the second thing to go. I can't remember the first!

Heidi, how are you doing with all of this? I know that the business of the situation is helping you NOT dwell on the incident. That, my friend, is a good thing. The traumatic emotional responses will normally fade a bit now as the adrenaline is absorbed back into your body. You may have some residual joint pain (or upset stomach) from that, but it will ease quickly....Ibuprofin is your friend! Its all related to the "fight or flight" responses we are genetically programmed with.

At some point some of the memories should become "surreal" so that you can look at the entire scenario from a more analytical perspective.

Keep on keeping on, Girl! You sound upbeat when you post, so we can all celebrate with you. I, for one, can't wait for the pictures of your first ride on your rebuilt FJR. :yahoo: Are you going for "pink" riding gear and helmet :D this time?

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I haven't had the honor of meeting you or anyone else here yet, and I'm glad you were smart enough to wear your gear so that may happen in the future.

Almost two years ago I dragged my now riding partner down to NW Arkansas for a week of riding. All the way down there I lectured about trusting the bike if he got in too deep. "Just stick with it, it's capable of more than you know." You know what happened next, of course. I came into a corner too hot, (not for the bike, but for me) freaked out, and landed in somebody's yard at about 45 mph. 350 dollars at the Yamaha dealer in Russelville salvaged the rest of the week for me, but no money could restore my confidence. Luckily, as with you, I was fully geared up with my injuries...not even any visible damage to the suit. I was very lucky. It was the first time I had crashed in over 25 years, and the previous one was a simple low-speed, low-side tip-over on wet oil-slicked pavement. So it was the first "real" crash I ever had at speed.

By the end of the week things were back to normal, better than normal in fact. On our last day of riding before heading back to MN, we were rolling along when I noticed I had just passed the crash spot again, at a speed probably 15 mph faster than the first time. I didn't think anything of it until it hit me a couple corners later and my skin started tingling with excitement and appreciation. Without consciously doing so, riding during the week had restored my confidence and love of riding to a level I hadn't felt in years, if ever. The crash also brought me back to reality in a big way.

I don't always have the words to convey what I want to get across, so I'll just say I hope you find that retraining yourself to trust your abilities again will be more fulfilling than even your initial riding accomplishments were. It sure worked for me!

God bless that riding gear! :clapping:

Madmike... no f'in way man! Never pink! I hate it as a matter of fact.

The bike is home. I just pulled the fairing, carbon fiber stator cover, slider & wild bill hwy peg. Ya' know, things might be looking up for me. I actually look like I can probablyy do the bulk of this myself.

Bike seems to be running fine... & I've started the process of breaking her down.

Got questions, though.

Thank you everyone for your most appreciated support.


PS... I might be making EOM after all w/ a newly assembled bike. Just got my starter insurance check today. New fairing, etc will be ordered tomorrow.

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That's great news! And there is nothing better to raise your spirits than to see the damage isn't as "fatal" as your imagination thought.

Check the footpeg where it hinges. I had a slow-speed lowside and found (after I'd made my initial list--hadn't ordered yet) that the left footpeg was broken where the pivot pin goes through. Its the little things we sometimes miss.


Good to know you are getting things together.

Hope you don't get snagged in the back order trap. It's frustrating.

The ignition switch on one of my bikes went out last week, no replacement is due until after April 13.

I am leaning heavily toward getting rid of these FJRs in favor of Hayabusas just for parts availability.

2006 Busas are relatively cheap now $9200 without tax, tag, title.

Good to know you are getting things together.

Hope you don't get snagged in the back order trap. It's frustrating.

The ignition switch on one of my bikes went out last week, no replacement is due until after April 13.

I am leaning heavily toward getting rid of these FJRs in favor of Hayabusas just for parts availability.

2006 Busas are relatively cheap now $9200 without tax, tag, title.
I hope there are no backorder snags, too. Things do appear to be coming together.

Hayabusas? Why do you think that availability for Suzuki parts is any better than Yamaha? Both companies get parts fr/Japan. I ordered the harware for my hand guards (Thru Suzuki) & it took over a month to get it all.

WOW! A guy leaves town for a few days, and look what happened! Really, really glad you're OK, Heidi! Whew, you never know when things like this will happen. Especially when chasing another bike through WV! But the bike is replaceable and you're essentially OK (how's the ankle feeling?). Confidence is something you'll get back in a hurry I suspect.

Your accident also inspires me minimize distracting gadgets and always pull off/stop to check maps in any type of challenging area.

When I had an XM on there, I found myself..several times...taking my eyes off the road long enough that a crash could have easily happened due to multitasking. I just got lucky.

Oh, and what's this about not coming to EOM??...sheeyeah right! See you there :yahoo:
