Check Out This Rumor About The 2006 FJR

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Really ??? An Air Bag ? A PINK one ??!!!??? With Velcro straps ?? Now I gotta remember what I did to get that 4200 rpm buzz back.......OH GAAAAWWWWDD....I'm wet.....let it be true...puhhlleeeezzeee !!! Whered I put those chaps.... :D :D :D


Just another good internet fish story. Yammie already posted (then took down) changes for 06. You don't add a 6th gear and speed control easily or overnight.

Complete BS.

I just heard today from a dealer via the local Yammy rep that there are going to be two models - the blue that's on the site and a second model that "will change the way people ride motorcycles". No other indication but the rep said there were some who didn't know if they could ride it. Automatic tranny? Supposed to be something that no one else has out there. He did say the second model was going to be silver. Guess we will have to wait until the 28th. This is just what I heard could be fact or fiction.

I just heard today from a dealer via the local Yammy rep that there are going to be two models - the blue that's on the site and a second model that "will change the way people ride motorcycles".
Ruh-roh- the RADD front suspension is back... :D

There are three models.

The one posted on the Yamaha Website,

the one with the automatic tranny (ahem-this is not a new concept to bikes) for the next generation gay rider,

and the secret one with the 6 speed afterburner, autoland function and built in expresso machine.

There are three models.The one posted on the Yamaha Website,

the one with the automatic tranny (ahem-this is not a new concept to bikes) for the next generation gay rider,

and the secret one with the 6 speed afterburner, autoland function and built in expresso machine.
Wait a minute... expresso machine?! ****, I was hoping for a .50 caliber.

Interesting on that Italian site to see the Mutt-03, 'scuse me, that it the MT-03 but no MT-01. Still looks like a magnet that they dragged thru a junk yard. :p

I just heard today from a dealer via the local Yammy rep that there are going to be two models - the blue that's on the site and a second model that "will change the way people ride motorcycles". No other indication but the rep said there were some who didn't know if they could ride it. Automatic tranny? Supposed to be something that no one else has out there. He did say the second model was going to be silver. Guess we will have to wait until the 28th. This is just what I heard could be fact or fiction.
I can second what FriscoJim said. My dealer also warned me about 2 models, and the second will contain some serious surprises not previously seen on motorcycles. Auto tranny? Not quite, think more high tech. That gear indicator they added has a purpose. Can't say more about a different color, wait and see on the 28th boys :rolleyes: !!


That gear indicator they added has a purpose.
You mean besides to, um, like, show what gear your in?!?

But, yes, I fear greatly that they'll turn the FJR into a super-sport-scooter.

Woodstock said:

But, yes, I fear greatly that they'll turn the FJR into a super-sport-scooter.
No, I don't think there's much chance of that. When I said think high tech, I wasn't talking about a Burgman or a Majesty with a Continuously Variable Tranny. This will be a technology leap that other manufacturers will want to catch up with in some, but not all, of their cycle lines. It will not, in my opinion, take away the riding pleasure that we enjoy now with our beloved FJR's, but it will slightly alter how we achieve riding Nirvana. Think about how you change gears today. The 06 on the web site retains that technology. The one they haven't shown you yet.... well, you'll have to wait till the 28th like everybody else. B)

What's killing me is I don't have a lead on whether the PDP is staying or not.


I'm thinking (clutch-less) paddle shifters which look like BMW turn signal controls (or an Automatic/CVT), and a lefthand lever rear brake. No foot controls.

I'm thinking (clutch-less) paddle shifters which look like BMW turn signal controls (or an Automatic/CVT), and a lefthand lever rear brake. No foot controls.
That's my SWAG also - semi-automatic manual transmission ala Ferrari with some type of clutchless hand-controlled shifting.

That would be a hell of a lot of technology going into that however, and am sure it would come at quite the $$$$.

Damn. Vstar2FJR has really got my curiosity peaked now. I can't wait until the 28th, and it better be good.

The one they haven't shown you yet.... well, you'll have to wait till the 28th like everybody else. B)

My guess is no PDP. They seem to be aligning the FJR into their normal north american product cycle.

The FJR is already heavy enough, the Yamaha / Ohlins two wheel drive setup wouldn't add a huge percentage of weight.

I think you have to be careful playing with where controls are- move them around too much, some one will crash, claim unfamiliarity, and sue. Ralph Nader will proclaim it a death trap.

Only partly kidding...

well, you'll have to wait till the 28th like everybody else.
You know, what good is having a guy on the inside if he's a double agent? Come on Vstar2FJR, where are your loyalties? You gonna side with the people who are directly linked with your professional livelyhood, or a bunch of people you only know from the internet?

I think someone should create an administrative user for for just these kinds of problems. You need to post something anonymously you log in as this user and spill your guts. Nobody knows who but then everybody knows what.

Woodstock said:

I'm thinking (clutch-less) paddle shifters
SkooterG said:

That's my SWAG also - semi-automatic manual transmission ala Ferrari with some type of clutchless hand-controlled shifting.
:clap: :clap: :clap: But you didn't hear it from me ;)

More like a manual-matic. Remember FriscoJim was the first to hint at this based on his conversation with his dealer. My dealer didn't even tell me, I put 2 and 2 together based on what he did say (never been done on a motorcycle, not a word more) and thinking about why I might want/need a gear indicator. Me thinks it will be totally clutchless shifting, but not with your hands. I think your left foot will (should) still control the sequential gears up and down, just like a paddle shifter on a steering wheel. You'll have to move through the gears, it won't be an automatic/CVT set up (which would totally suck moist ass cheese). While I don't have any inside information, and I don't even know if my information is any better than anyone else's (or even correct!!), I just don't see your hands being involved in the shifting process for the safety reasons mentioned earlier. Except for the old Brit bikes, your left foot has always been used to shift, and keeping it this way will maintain the equilibrium of the motorcycle riding Universe. Your clutch hand will have to find something else to keep it occupied during the trip (oh that line's gonna get interesting responses). If this set up is true, where the hell will neutral be??? You sure as heck don't want it between 1st and 2nd, so maybe below 1st???

Seriously, lots of this may still be speculation until the 28th, and I do think it will be good. Let's not get your panties in a twist till then. Oh, and if this is true, you can bet that Honda and BMW will put it on the Wings/ST's and Beemers in short order.

Except for the old Brit bikes, your left foot has always been used to shift...
IIRC the first bike I actually owned, a 1977 Suzuki T-500 Titan, was also set up this way. Rear brake on the left, shifter on the right. It wasn't just the Brits, merely a sign of the pre-standardized times. ;)

Should be interesting to see what Mama Yami will have to show us at the end of the month...
