Chicago and area fjr riders get together

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The masses have spoken.... Just throw some times out and get a concensus.

OK. I'm throwing out 9, BS, eat, BS some more and head out for a ride by 11. If you want to BS a LOT, be there at 9. If you want to just eat and BS a little, come at around 10. If you're a "no BS" kinda person who doesn't eat breakfast and just wants to ride, be there by 11. If you're going to the Cubs game or have other Fathers Day obligations, try to come at 9 for an hour or two at least.

As far as a decent ride goes, I'll leave that up to someone else. I don't get up to those parts too much. Jon??? VFR Rider??? Any suggestions???
WOW. I don't know how I missed this posting. I'M IN!

I'm pretty sure I can make the 17th. Looking forward to meeting everyone.

OK, you guys. I'm leaving in about an hour for vacation (flying to Orlando, then a cruise to the Bahamas). No cell phone, no computer, no nothing....except for plenty of water, sunshine and rum drinks :drinks: ...until I get back. I'll be home next Saturday night. I'm going to assume we're on for next Sunday (June 17) at 9 AM at The Full Moon. I personally will not be able to do the ride, but I hope there's a group that does.

Hope to see as many of you as possible there...even if it's only for an hour or two. If anyone wants to come by this week and wash my bike for me while I'm gone, that would be great <_<

Sorry, I wish I could make on the 17th but I work Sunday afternoons. If any of you west burb guys want to get together on a Thursday or Friday day or night...let me know.

Sorry, I wish I could make on the 17th but I work Sunday afternoons. If any of you west burb guys want to get together on a Thursday or Friday day or night...let me know.
What about city guys?! <_< Or am I the only one that lives in Chicago? :unsure:

I should be there that morning unless I get stuck at work somehow. Also, I won't be able to ride just talk and walk, gotta be at my dad's on the S.Side at 2 pm. I'm hoping to sleep sometime after that! :yahoo:

Looks like I might be out for this. Hope to see y'all later this month, or at the ride 4 kids next month. Have a good ride and Happy Fathers day.

I will be at work for this one (24 hour shift) but looking forward to the next one I really would love the chance to check out some farkles and see what guys like.

OK guys, it's Saturday afternoon. How about a head count. Who's going for breakfast tomorrow at the Full Moon? Anybody?


OK guys, it's Saturday afternoon. How about a head count. Who's going for breakfast tomorrow at the Full Moon? Anybody?

I'm tentative, justb got done w/ call #6. If this keeps up I'll be too tired to even drive home!

Yahoo! My plans changed and I will be able to make it. Am I correct that the Full Moon is on 41 just south of 137, and north of 176 in Lake bluff? I plan on getting there around 9, but will not be able to ride after. Hope to see a bunch of people there.

DAMN, got there late, and had to leave early. Good to see a few of you. Maybe next time I will be able to hang out a little more.

Just glad you made it, Trigger, no matter how long you were there. It was great to meet you, Breadman, griff, jdeez and all the rest. I thought it was a pretty good turnout given it's Fathers Day....and hotter than hell.

I'm looking forward to seeing you all....and those who couldn't make it today.....sometime in the near future.

Although it was hot, there was a pretty good turnout being Fathers Day and all. I think there 11 riders and a couple of wives. Nice putting faces to the boardnames. Looking forward to the next one.

