CHP shenannigans (sp)

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Not too many states where it is illegal to drive in the left lane. NJ is one, and it is rarely enforced. I have seen people pulled over for obstructing traffic when their speed is extremely below the speed limit and they stick to the left. Normally that indicates an impaired driver.
True story (happened Down South):

An elderly lady was driving her air-cooled VW 'Auto-stick' on a two-laned road connecting two small towns with 20, or so, vehicles behind her. The local cop eventually got her to pull-over to the side of the road and said, "Miss Rae, you're driving way too slow." She answered, "Well, Billy Bob, there's no-body ahead of me that I need to keep up with."

I also see people who immediately drive across two or three lanes to get to the left as soon as they enter the freeway. I never figured that one out. :angry:
Bad.... As well as the very dangerous (especially to motorcyclists) cross-lanes 'Exit Divers'.

Is it my opinion or the truth that you rarely see a leo pull a driver over for blocking other drivers in the passing lane, music booming so loud your eyes vibrate in your head, or someone driving 25mph in a 60mph on a single-lane road with 20 cars backed up behind it?
Don't get me started....

One time, back before I was old enough to drive (about 12), I was in the car with my step-dad and a motor officer pulled alongside us at a light and told him he was going too slow (IIRC he said "about 28 in a 40") Oddly enough, even though many cars now have all-wheel disc w/ABS (instead of drums), the speed limit on that stretch of road is still 40. The speed limits are there for our protection from the most-inept of drivers, and we get to suffer for their lack of ability to drive. It's shotgun discipline.

I figure if you're good enough to speed without getting caught, you're good enough to speed. If you get caught, you're probably going too fast for safety. If a cop can surprise you, a killer cage (or some other hazard) probably could too. Would you rather get a ticket or get pasted?

Dammit, you got me started, and sidetracked....

I never could understand why non-Californians hated California until I moved away. My outlook is it's a great place to visit but I have no desire to live in that place again.
This is why some of us have started calling it KALIFORNIA

:assassin: :assassin: :assassin: :assassin: :assassin: :assassin: :assassin: :assassin: :assassin:

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I can't believe how naive people can be, money talks and bullshit walk

There are two motor cycle cops in woodland each writes 20 tickes a day that is their average, you figure.

My information is backed up by a person that works there and files all the tickes that have been written for there shifts

but my bike is stock
