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Mar 7, 2011
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I am confused about what type of replacement tires I should get. I have not been riding long enough to know the difference between one flavor or another. I have a 2008 with 5700 miles on it and the front tire is about gone. Come to find out I have been riding with 20 lbs. in the front and about 25 lbs. in the rear. I have not developed the good habbit of checking the tire pressure. The tires appeared to be fully inflated and no obvious bulge like a car tire. Live and learn I guess; but I need to know what will be best. I bought the bike new out of the crate in 2010 so the tires are 4 - 5 years old if that makes a difference. I am running on Metzler Z6-G 120/70ZR17 front and Z6 RT 180/55ZR17 "C" rear, any advice on the tires. The rear has more tread than the front, but I think I might just change them both and start fresh. Asside from the obvious expensive lesson on tire pressure, are the valve stems with the monitors in them dependable and worth the investment. I would hate to develop a new good habbit of checking the gauge...and it be wrong. Please advise.

Do Not!!! Put those valve stem pressure gauges on! They're Crap and dangerous. I bought some thinking it was a good idea and they fell apart in my hand while putting air in the tire. There is NO fail safe! If it fails you loose all the air at once. If you're doing 100mph on the interstate, you're Toast. Just check the pressure every couple of days and you'll be fine.

Tires are subjective and purely a personal choice. Michelin PR2's of PR3's are the ****!! You can't go wrong with them. Sticky on the outsides and rock in the center. They will run for 10,000 miles Easy! I'm sure everybody has there own opinion but, that's mine. :)

You will quickly learn that tires are a personal choice and everyone has an opinion! :eek:

For what it is worth, I prefer the Michelin PR2 as they perform great for my style and last over a season of my riding style....old juvenile delinquent!! :evilgrin:

A poll was conducted last year on one site or another and the most popular was the PR2's, but again, your roads etc may dictate another choice.

Good luck!! :yahoo:

Well, whatever tires you choose make it a HABIT to check your pressure. Not something to be skipped.

39lbs front 42lbs rear is spec, but some on the forum vary a shade,,,,


Lots of great information with a little searching, begin with NEPRT section.

Most important item has already been mentioned, check your tire pressure before every ride and keep'um pumped up tight. You'll be amazed how much better your FJR is going to ride.


Do Not!!! Put those valve stem pressure gauges on! They're Crap and dangerous. I bought some thinking it was a good idea and they fell apart in my hand while putting air in the tire. There is NO fail safe! If it fails you loose all the air at once. If you're doing 100mph on the interstate, you're Toast. Just check the pressure every couple of days and you'll be fine.

Tires are subjective and purely a personal choice. Michelin PR2's of PR3's are the ****!! You can't go wrong with them. Sticky on the outsides and rock in the center. They will run for 10,000 miles Easy! I'm sure everybody has there own opinion but, that's mine. :)

Perhaps what you bought were junk. Honda puts tire pressure monitors on every Goldwing and I have not heard anyone complain about them. We have OEM monitors on our Jeep. No problem. And in the RV community, they are highly recommended.

Checking pressure before every time you ride is no assurance that you won't lose pressure while riding and cause a blow out.

Perhaps a better discussion would be "what are good TP monitors" rather than just trashing the whole idea out of hand because of what you bought.

To the OP: it is definitely wise to replace both tires if they have been run at low pressure like that. The sidewalls could be compromised.


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Perhaps what you bought were junk. Honda puts tire pressure monitors on every Goldwing and I have not heard anyone complain about them. We have OEM monitors on our Jeep. No problem. And in the RV community, they are highly recommended.

Checking pressure before every time you ride is no assurance that you won't lose pressure while riding and cause a blow out.

Perhaps a better discussion would be "what are good TP monitors" rather than just trashing the whole idea out of hand because of what you bought.

Ken, perhaps I did buy junk! Don't know. Tire Kingdom is a Major Player in the Tire World. That's where I bought them and they fell apart in my hand while trying to clean them up. But, that's exactly what happened to me. If you feel comfortable using them, by all means go for it. Not Me! :)

Tire pressure monitors are not the same thing as indicator caps. Indicator caps are junk, as Vic rightly states.

I came to this thread because on the main page it showed the thread title "Confused" and had majicmaker's name under it. Imagine my surprise to find that he was a contributor and not the originator! :D

(Of course, now it has MY name on it. Damn!)

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I came to this thread because on the main page it showed the thread title "Confused" and had majicmaker's name under it. Imagine my surprise to find that he was a contributor and not the originator! :D
Yeah! I can see where that might have might have caught your attention. Sorry to have woken you up! You can go back to your normal state now. :lol:

And your right, I was talking about the the indicator caps. Not the Monitors. I have that monitor system on my Explorer and it works great! :D

Now back to our regularly scheduled Programing. :p

Well I bought some indicator caps last week and have had them sitting around wondering if they're safe and wasn't going to put them on until I got on the forum and heard from someone about them I guess this answers my question....

Just a thought: I run my front tire at the highest fjrforum recommended pressures. My front PR2 is at 42 most of the time. I've got 13k miles on it thus far and still has good tread left. Pr2 and Pr3 have a dual compound: hard in the middle, soft on the sides. They wear like iron. I also have a 90 degree valve stem on the front to aid in checking pressure. Your dealer can install one of these when they put the tires on for ya. Makes it a lot easier to check air pressures in the future. Lots of us have them. Do a google search if ya like: FJR forum 90 degree valve stem...

For what it's worth, my factory Metzlers puked at 6500 just like yours.

Also, when you do spring for new rubber, you may find like I did, if you don't watch those pressures, that after the tires have a couple thousand miles that they'll start cupping... wearing unevenly. My problem was: not enough air. Took the front one up to 42 (I run a car tire on the back @ 31 psi) and that extra pressure cured the problem. 11k miles later, the cupping on the front tire is gone, and it's happily wearing it's way toward old age.


darksider #44

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Well I bought some indicator caps last week and have had them sitting around wondering if they're safe and wasn't going to put them on until I got on the forum and heard from someone about them I guess this answers my question....
Perfect Timing!! This is the Best F@#King Forum Ever!!

I think the 90 degree valve stems are from Bike Effects. Order them on line and then have them installed with the new tires. Just make sure that the guy doing the install reads the directions first. :assassin:

Thanks for all the advice. I am really interested in the 90 degree stems to make the checking easier. I will also look into the monitors. I rode 100 miles today at the right pressure and it feels a little different. I will definately keep them inflated to at least the minimum for sure! I am not sure of the new tires yet, but either the PR 2's and 3's or maybe the Metzeler Z8's.

I've been running the Pirelli Angel ST and have been quite happy with them. Can't speak to the mileage because I'm still on my first set on the FJR but they do handle nice and if your current tires are old and worn you'll be impressed with the change. Hall's normally has them in stock too. They can install the 90 degree valve stems too but I'd make sure they know ahead of time that you want them cause I'm not sure they carry them all the time. I normally carry my wheels in but I think they could do the complete change if you need them to.

I've done a lot of business at Halls over the years but I did buy a bike from Overturf years ago too. Both good dealers.

I am confused about what type of replacement tires I should get. I have not been riding long enough to know the difference between one flavor or another. I have a 2008 with 5700 miles on it and the front tire is about gone. Come to find out I have been riding with 20 lbs. in the front and about 25 lbs. in the rear. I have not developed the good habbit of checking the tire pressure. The tires appeared to be fully inflated and no obvious bulge like a car tire. Live and learn I guess; but I need to know what will be best. I bought the bike new out of the crate in 2010 so the tires are 4 - 5 years old if that makes a difference. I am running on Metzler Z6-G 120/70ZR17 front and Z6 RT 180/55ZR17 "C" rear, any advice on the tires. The rear has more tread than the front, but I think I might just change them both and start fresh. Asside from the obvious expensive lesson on tire pressure, are the valve stems with the monitors in them dependable and worth the investment. I would hate to develop a new good habbit of checking the gauge...and it be wrong. Please advise.
This is just habit for me before a ride.

Check tire pressure's,I run 40 front and 40 rear.

Check oil sight glass.

Check brake lights,turn signal,flasher, and horn.

As far as tire's PR 2's last me 7k. Metz Z6 lasted 8k.

Depending on pocket book,just make sure they are the right size and pick one. :)
