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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2008
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east kansas
First let me say i have quite awhile to decide but i just keep going over the pro's and con's.

I recently rode a FJR and a Concour 1400 in Arkansas and found good and bad about each, go figure.

Anyway I found the Fjr to be much cooler and the windscreen worked better, also the ability to reduce the seat height to 29" without lowering the bike is a plus. However I found it to be buzzy, with considerable vibration, the trans seemed kind of clunky and It didn't seem to have the torque of the c14. It did seem smaller and it was easier to mount and dismount as the bags on the c14 are huge and stick up pretty high.

I liked both bikes and would probably be happy with either but i keep going back and forth. If the Fjr were not so buzzy and if the vibration were gone and the trans didn't sound so clunky it would be nearly perfect.

But if the c14 didn't put off so much heat and if i lowerd it and changed the seat ( this would only get it to 30") and windscreen it would also be almost perfect.

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Yamaha gives us what we want. Ceramic coated cylinders, dependable shaft drive straight from the V-max, improvements from customer feedback, exemplary customer service, all the things you mentioned above, and a racing transmission. No brainer. Poof! You're convinced! :clapping:

But if the c14 didn't put off so much heat and if i lowerd it and changed the seat ( this would only get it to 30") and windscreen it would also be almost perfect.
Until it comes time to change the C-14's spark plugs. Read about this insane nightmare!

Too, remember that if you rode the C-14 just a few weeks ago and felt the thigh-baking heat, imagine doing stop-n-go city traffic in mid-August. In late-afternoon. With 90% humidity. :blink:

Get the FJR. Trust me.

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Has Kawi worked out the problems of getting the tire pressure sensors to work for any length of time without needing warranty replacement yet? How about the KiPass issues? Warped rotors? I did as much research as possible before buying as my decision was also down to the C14 or the FJR. There just seemed to be a lot more warranty and annoyance issues with the C14 and frankly I don't want to have to go back to the dealer if I can help it. It seems that some of the little cool features on the C14 like the tire pressure gauges and the KiPass also cause the most problems.

Not to say that the FJR is completely issue free but 7 years or production vs. 2 years tends to work out the kinks better IMO. Plus that heat issue with the C14 is a dealbreaker. It's not like that will go away.

I wasn't 100% in love with the George Foreman Grill looking side bags on the C14 either. Bought my FJR Nov 1st and am very pleased so far. Would be more pleased if I could get out to ride it more though.

Hmmm, I like a challenge!

I spent considerable time looking at both bikes also. I am vertically challenged, with only a 28" inseam, but with the upper body of a person 6'2"... sort of built on the "Chimpanzee Model" on either a Monday or Friday. :rolleyes:

I can flat foot the FJR by sliding forward toward the tank. No possible way on the C-14. Have you priced out what it costs to lower the C-14 and add a custom seat? From reports on Kawa forums, if the C-14 is lowered it has a definite tendency to scrape parts in anything more than moderate corners.

I finally found a very clean 06 FJR 1300 with only 4K miles on it and snapped it up. I haven't stopped smiling yet!

I have not noticed any unusual vibration or buzziness in mine. Maybe my Throttle Bodies happen to be in excellent synch? I don't know, because I'm not messing with success! I have learned from all my time spent here on the forum that the bike smooths out quite a bit as it accumulates miles. I have had no problem with any notchiness in the tranny, or any roughness in shifting it.

If you are buying the bike for serious touring, I think you'd like the 6.6 US Gallon fuel tank on the FJR. Certainly gives considerable extra useable range between fillups.

If esthetics are your gig, try this: Park the two bikes about 10 -15 feet apart. Walk around them and look carefully from all angles, with the bike fully dressed with the side bags on, etc. Beauty is, of course, in the eye of the beholder, but they both look pretty nice sitting there don't they?

Now, remove the side bags from both bikes. Do the same walk-around. Now I don't know about you... but for me, the C-14 is one butt-ugly bike without the side cases on. How's that bazooka exhaust look now?

I ride around locally about 50% of the time with the side cases off because it is more manuverable and looks very nice that way. Don't think I'd be doing the same with the C-14. On the other hand, maybe I would remove the C-14 bags, because I'd get awfully tired of looking at them in the lower mounted Connie mirrors.

As you may be able to tell, I've fallen hard for my 06 FJR, after considering all of the above + many other personal factors... Everyone is different, with tastes to match.

Buy what suits you best, but most importantly: Ride Safe, Ride Often and keep the smile on your face!

Oh, and welcome to the forum!


I also opted for the FJR and am very pleased with my selection. One reason I left the C14 in the showroom was the proximity key/ switch deal. I didn't feel that I needed something that high tech without a reason on my bike. To me the more simple it is the better. One less thing to go wrong or need a battery. IMO.


Anyway I found the Fjr to be much cooler and the windscreen worked better, also the ability to reduce the seat height to 29" without lowering the bike is a plus. However I found it to be buzzy, with considerable vibration, the trans seemed kind of clunky and It didn't seem to have the torque of the c14.

I have both a 2008 FJR and C14 and have ridden each of them 7,000 miles to date. The C14 does have the smoothest engine, but not by much, the transmission shifting are equal, and in stock configurations the FJR has more torque up to 5000 rpms. It sounds like the FJR you rode is a dud, test ride a good one (or even an average one) before you make your decision.

FJR I found it to be buzzy, with considerable vibration, the trans seemed kind of clunky and It didn't seem to have the torque of the c14.

If the Fjr were not so buzzy and if the vibration were gone and the trans didn't sound so clunky it would be nearly perfect.

But if the c14 didn't put off so much heat and if i lowerd it and changed the seat ( this would only get it to 30") and windscreen it would also be almost perfect.
I've had 2 FJRs ('04 & '07) and it takes several thousand miles for the bike to break in, smoothing the edges off the shift forks and such. After several thousand miles and switching to a synthetic oil, both transmissions have been smooth as butter. (Plenty of oil threads in NEPRT, so let's not start one here.)

Neither of mine have been buzzy in the least, but you can find plenty of threads on throttle body syncs and other topics that others have done for initial vibration, so your not alone in that concern.

I'd suggest finding a bike that's not brand new and has been through the initial servicing.

As for the C14, it's got a lot of virtues, but the acres of raw black poorly fitting plastic were a turn-off for me when I was replacing my 2004 FJR.

Until it comes time to change the C-14's spark plugs. Read about this insane nightmare!
Too, remember that if you rode the C-14 just a few weeks ago and felt the thigh-baking heat, imagine doing stop-n-go city traffic in mid-August. In late-afternoon. With 90% humidity. :blink:

Get the FJR. Trust me.
Dale, absolutely making me LMAO at 0500 and choking on my coffee!! Man, you nailed it perfectly, as stated above, "this insane nightmare"

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jride, it all boils down to what's the most important to you.

We all have our likes/dislikes but we're not paying for your bike (no matter how much you beg).

Reliability and handling were my main concerns and I think the posts on this forum including your own back up my decision to get the FJR.

Besides, if you don't buy an FJR we'll just have to send Warchild over the beat the livin' snot outa ya (he gets a royalty on every FJR sale ya know.... ;) ;) ).

Good luck deciding,


More than likely the throttle bodies were a bit out of sync on the FJR you test rode.

I did a TB sync and spark plug replacement a couple weeks back and POOF virtually no more buzz.

As far as the "clunky" trans. It is highly likely that you not being used to riding that particular bike on a regular basis you were making less than perfect shifts.

I have the AE model and have never found the trans to be "clunky".

Just get the FJR and know that everytime you see some one on a C14 they are thinking..."DAMN MY LEGS ARE BURNING UP, wish I'd bought myself one of them there FJRs!!!

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I faced this same decision a month ago to replace my 04 FJR. Before that it was Gen I & II Connies...great bikes with 70K plus on each clock. The FJR was a better bike in '04 and now the FJR just plain LOOKS like a better bike!!!

The look of the C14 might grow on you but I hope it doesn't have too! :blink:

More than likely the throttle bodies were a bit out of sync on the FJR you test rode.
I did a TB sync and spark plug replacement a couple weeks back and POOF virtually no more buzz.
That was my immediate reaction too. Some of the FJR's show symptoms that it would be worth checking tbs.

Having owned an '05 FJR since it was new, I spent time riding a C14 and an '08 FJR when I was shopping for a new bike. I am short, with a 29 inch inseam and did notice the Kawi was taller. But one thing the MCN comparison test pointed out was the higher center of gravity on the C14. If you're going to tour with the motorcycle and your saddlebags are loaded and you have a top box, the Kawasaki is going to feel more top heavy because the C14 carries its' saddlebags higher than the FJR. And the heat coming off the C14 reminded me of my '05 before the heat mods. I bought the '08 FJR and I am happy with the decision.

Me and my riding pal have been riding bikes for over 20 years. For work and pleasure. I have the FJR he has the Connie. You couldnt give that thing to me, after time with both im very happy with my choice. He loves mine, and always states the downside of his. His does have more top end

, but how much more do you need past 140-150? And forget about the heat issue. Try riding on the highway for 20 minutes in 90 deg weather than go local road for 20 minutes. Your balls will feel like chicken soup.

The FJR was designed from the ground up as a sport tourer and is now in its seventh year of refinement. As mentioned , Yamaha has listened and used the feedback to continue to improve the FJR. The C14 is basically a ZX14 modified to be a sport tourer and as a result inherited many short comings. A slightly more powerful and smoother engine on the C14, that's it. Here is an excellent unbiased resource:

C14 is smoother and has a bit more high end pull in standard trim.

FJR has better fit and finish and has more power where it counts.

You won;t go wrong with either - and if you choose one OR the other you won't have made a mistake.

If you go C14, get the ABS version.

I have not ridden the C14, but have spent a lot of time on their forum to learn as much as possible without riding it. I'm sure it's a very good bike.

But what I like about the FJR is hard to put into words. The bike just fits me, and from the day I got on it and rode it home, I just felt like the bike was designed for me. I do wish they would get rid of the buzzing vibration, but I'm just afraid to switch to another bike just because if it's minor shortcomings. I fear that nothing else will fit me and my needs the way the FJR does.
