Could have been me.

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Not me
Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
Catawissa, MO
A few days ago, while riding my Bonnie, it was cold so I wore my old leathers. I stopped for a red light in downtown St. Louis .In the lane next to me, was a car full of latte sucking hippie millennials. They had anti-gun bumper stickers on their car. When they looked at me, they began voicing anti-biker comments (i.e. - all bikers are trash, etc.). When the light turned green, they very quickly accelerated into the intersection. From out of nowhere, came an eighteen-wheeler tractor trailer truck. It smashed into the car, crumpling it. All occupants were injured, some seriously.

Upon seeing the crash, I thought: Wow. That could have been me. While trying to sleep that night, I kept waking up thinking: Wow. That could have been me.

So..The next day I went and got a job as a truck driver.

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If you scroll down the comments to the Millennial Song, Kiki Jade posted a comment which identifies her as the perfect millennial poster girl, and (saying jokingly) would make a good truck target!
