Cullman Ala. to Seattle

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Feb 15, 2006
Reaction score
Carnation, WA
Some of you may have seen a posting recently describing the first part of a ride I took with Luke, from D&H in Cullman to Oklahoma City where Luke and I parted, as that is where he lives. Well, I continued on west and then north and returned home to Seattle this Tuesday. Here are some particulars from my ride:

* 4167 miles in all - in 12 days of riding

* 1261 miles ridden in the state of California

* 47.5 average mpg

* number of fill ups - 21 - $240 fuel cost

* met up with the Pacific in Malibu and rode next to it all the way to Astoria, Oregon

* longest day - 521 miles (Jenner Cal. to Yachats, Ore.)

* most miles ridden without getting off bike - 211 miles

* temperature range: 42F on a chilly morning in northern New Mexico - 98F in the Mojave Desert

* cheapest gas - $2.69 in Oklahoma

* most expensive gas - $3.88 in Big Bear Lake, Cal.

* number of FJR's seen along the way (not counting Luke's) 1 - in Santa Cruz, Cal.

* number of Harley's seen - 100's

* best kept secret highways - US 64 east of Buffalo, Okla., also US 64 west of Tierra Amarilla, NM

* worst stretch of highway: NM 456 - 17 miles of unpaved, washboard, gravel and dirt just west of the NM/OK border

* most annoying weather condition - strong crosswinds, especially in the desert southwest

* friendliest gas/food mart employees - Alabama and Mississippi by far (there is such a thing as So. hospitality)

* wildlife seen: wild turkey (Ok.), pheasants (Ok.), fox (NM), dead skunks (Ca.) dead armadillos (Ok.) grey whale (Or. coast)

I have named my bike 'Dulce' because she is so sweet. I had no trouble with the dreaded heat issue even in the Mojave. A Vista Cruise added in Texarkana greatly alleviated my only discomfort, that being my right wrist and thumb joint. I would add highway pegs for the next long trip. I kept the windscreen at about 1/3 up, that seemed to work best for my height (6'). I wore First Gear Kilimanjaro Air Mesh jacket and pants - they were great! Highly recommended. One time Dulce wouldn't start in the morning. I thought I had checked everything, so I called Jerold at D&H. He patiently worked with me over the phone and helped me discover it was just the kill switch. He was great!

Needless to say, it was quite an experience. I hadn't ridden for 28 years before this trip. I was sincerely rusty at the beginning but each day seemed to see my confidence and skills increase. Of course part of that if not almost all can be attributed to the marvellous machine that is the FJR. But you guys already know that!

I will send a link to the pics when I have them uploaded this weekend.


That is quite an adventure trip to pick up a MC. Even more outstandingly so, is being off 2 wheels for 28 years. Was this a 'warm up' for something else in the works? Without other plans in the works you could have some post trip depression. Pictures would be great. TJ

Nice write up Murray. What a great way to break in the fjr and enjoy the adventure. I hope in not to many years I can hang up the uniform and have the time for an adventure like yours. Did you ride hwy 101 only when you necessary and stay on hwy 1? I would like to do hwy 1 someday from Oregon to So. Cal. Look forward to your pics. Enjoy...

Way to go Murray!

Now THAT'S what I call some fun motorcycling...

Sounds like you had a great trip - that FJR is a great "horse" to take around the country...

woohoo!! what a trip! I thought my trip to purchase my bike was long--only 200 miles from my house to Memphis TN where I bought mine--somehow just not quite the same as your experience. You got back just in time to replace the rear tire! Congrats! and I'm glad you determined in your own way that you like the bike, we are kinda prejudice around here on that subject. Another assimilation complete! Hope you and Dulce have a long and joyful relationship. Yup, that's why I live in Mississippi, folks down here ARE friendly! ;)


WOW, and if I may quote Darth Vader—as Luke exited the carbon chamber—“impressive”. Glad ya made it home safe.

Also, I whole-heartedly agree with you about the FJR being a marvelous machine.

EXCELLENT! A perfect example of why there's no reason why someone, motivated to get the best price possible, can't do a fly & ride to pick their bike up from D&H or Sunnyside and enjoy the trip back home (still saving money in the process).

Even Californicators could do it with the proper route planning.

:) Hey Aldrichster!

It's good to see your post. Still wish I could have accompanied you all the way to Seattle. The ride up the coast had to be simply marvelous! I'll send you a few pics that you can load up with some of yours if you want to post them.

If I had one regret from buying the bike 837 miles away, it would be that I didn't buy it far enough away! I wasn't ready to quit riding when I got back to OKC. But I certainly would not have wanted to miss the D&H experience so maybe I should have just taken a much larger circuitous route. Yeah, that's it. Next time I will take a much longer route home!

Yo Aidrichster,Way to go,You've got a sense of adventure brother and I applaud your effort after a 28 year absense.Did you have a bad case of monkeyass?

You should have done your ironbutt ride in the process that woulda shown what a real hard ass you are.

Congrats on your new steed.

Holy Hell - what a trip. I'm envious!!!\

If I put that many miles on already I'd be looking to trade it for a new one! And I thought my 725 mile ride home was an adventure.

Great trip - thanks for the write-up.

28 years off the bike. You got off the bike when I was three. Man I hope that makes you feel old. Anyway, glad to hear that you love the bike. We look forward to seeing a link to the pictures soon.

Living about an hour away from D&H, I find it very hard not to buy a FJR myself. I may have to travel to Chicago to buy my bike. I am going to give the BMW GT a try and I will not have near the ride home that you did. I am lucky to leave the state but did put 22,000 on a 05 RT before I sold it to make way for the new bike. Hope you continue to enjoy the FJR. I am going to go to Cullman just to see this shop that is known all over the US and beond!

Wow!!! 4167 miles from the dealer to your home.

I am really jealous as I only had to ride 130 miles and just wanted to keep on riding :yahoo:

Welcome back to the great world of bikes! You chose your new steed wisely :D

28 years off the bike. You got off the bike when I was three.
Heh, heh, I was four... :p
in perspective: I had already been out of HS, went to (some) college, worked for a year, been in the Army for 2 years, went back to college some more, and had already been with my current "company" about 2 years by then. They just presented me with my 30 year plaque this past Friday.

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