Custom command center Farkle control

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I am considering making a Small product run of these but there are some variables I need to define before I commit to any promises. The biggest variable is the profile of the gauge cluster on a Gen 1 verses a Gen 2. This current setup is an extremely perfect fit for a Gen 2 (2008) but I need to get find a local Gen 1 model to gather some dimensions and tweak the profile. Very simple to change the machine programming but I need to test a paper template before I jump in with both feet production mode. Also, to keep costs low I would consider supplying a blank face (or 2) plate of aluminum so the user can add holes and positioning as they vision it. All of this is Completely speculation at this point!! As I mentioned, I need to template a Gen 1 first as I will not consider this unless I can offer it to all. Thanks again to all for the kind words and comments. If anyone on the group has a vision or concept they would like assistance with feel free to contact me. I understand most don't have access to the technology I have available to me but I am certain I can help you bring your vision to reality! (or try anyway) :blink:
Dave K

Dave will you be offering these for sale?
I think it would be great with a blank face plate and people could cut their own holes to meet their needs.

Very nice job.
Count me in. I would prefer to have the lettering the other way around...

For your iPod, you mentioned the power switch on the command center, do you also use a remote for track control and play/pause?

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For the iPod I am currently using a cheap ($12) wired remote that seems to work ok. Not the best choice but works. I have most of our playlists preset so I don't have to play with it to much.

Link to Remote

Dave K

For your iPod, you mentioned the power switch on the command center, do you also use a remote for track control and play/pause?

Hey Pal. Saw the stunning bike for sale. W the very cool dash you built.

I'd be very very interested in one, assuming I could afford it. A couple of blank front plates. Don't need FJR lettering if it saves time/money.

Just checking.

Beautiful work by the way.
