Cycle World Bike Show

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Is it safe walking around Qwest Field? I see my hotel is just north of the stadium and brekkie is just south, so is the 1/2 mile walk safe, or is it best to cab it?
Come on Niehart, take a pretty Canadian gal to Cycle World show! Give her a ride on the Ducati, let her pilot the Monster 900!

Is it safe walking around Qwest Field? I see my hotel is just north of the stadium and brekkie is just south, so is the 1/2 mile walk safe, or is it best to cab it?

I don't walk around there too often, but it seems as safe as anywhere as I have been downtown. I guess all this can change quickly given what happened with the shooting here at the weekend.

If you are worried at all, I am sure that we can arrange a (honor) guard to help you get to the breakfast safely.

My wife and I are coming in by bus but we could meet you outside the hotel and walk with you to breakfast if you are at all concerned. PM me if you don't get any other better offers !.

I am not shopping for offers :blink: . If that wouldn't be too out of the way for you and your wife, I'd appreciate it. I am hoping to have company, in the form of one of my riding buddies for the whole trip, but as they just submitted their passport application last week, I am not hopeful they will be able to attend. I'll PM you where I am staying. If your plans change at all, please don't feel obliged. I'll figure it out :)

In an effort to keep relations intact between Canada and, um... another Canadian, I have decided to bequest the remaining show ticket to Barb. She had by far the best story, thus wins the prize! (Nevermind it was the ONLY story... *grumbles*)

So, at the very least, Barb needs to arrive safely for breakfast to nab the ticket prior to the show on Saturday. ;)

In an effort to keep relations intact between Canada and, um... another Canadian, I have decided to bequest the remaining show ticket to Barb. She had by far the best story, thus wins the prize! (Nevermind it was the ONLY story... *grumbles*)
So, at the very least, Barb needs to arrive safely for breakfast to nab the ticket prior to the show on Saturday. ;)
Yay me! Thanks! See you at brekkie! :kiss2:

In an effort to keep relations intact between Canada and, um... another Canadian, I have decided to bequest the remaining show ticket to Barb. She had by far the best story, thus wins the prize! (Nevermind it was the ONLY story... *grumbles*)
So, at the very least, Barb needs to arrive safely for breakfast to nab the ticket prior to the show on Saturday. ;)
Sounds to me like you're just a big softy...maybe looking to gain some favor for next September, eh? ;)

On another front, the forecast for next week...although it can change, looks :cold: with snow mid week. If the weather does turn to $h*t next week, most of us will be driving cages and would be happy to give Barb a lift.


I'm going to get tickets online tomorrow if I still can. Hope to see everyone at breakfast and the show (this is not a date - dinner and a show is a date). Anyone know if I can still get tickets online and if the discount code is still good?


I'm going to get tickets online tomorrow if I still can. Hope to see everyone at breakfast and the show (this is not a date - dinner and a show is a date). Anyone know if I can still get tickets online and if the discount code is still good?

I think tomorrow is the cut off date for online discount.

I'm going to get tickets online tomorrow if I still can. Hope to see everyone at breakfast and the show (this is not a date - dinner and a show is a date). Anyone know if I can still get tickets online and if the discount code is still good?
Getting tickets online - no problem.

Discount still valid - no idea at this point... :(

...and to all, I might look to score a ride from Kirkland and back if folks are so inclined on Saturday. Unless it's good enough to ride... ;) With only one car and the bike in the garage, my choices sometimes are VERY clear... ;)

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Hi, count me in for the bike show and breakfast. I'll figure on riding my bike. See you all there.

Time for a final tally so I can call Jimmy's with the numbers. We guesstimated 25 and with that, I was able to reserve one of their private rooms. :clapping: So far we have twenty-three twenty-five twenty-nine (29) confirmed. Great turn out folks! With the amount of *goodies* that Niehart has procured, this will be a fun start to our day.

In no specific order, below are the confirmed.



Barb +1

Hudson + 1





AuburnFJR + 3


Harald + 1



nofreeride + 1


Barabus + 1

tagline + 2


Let me know if there are any fence-sitters ;) I'm sure that the facilities can accommodate a few more than we have now. See y'all there!


Edited 12/3 adding tagline + 2 and Harald + 1

Edited 12/10: + fjrwalker & (-) nofreeride

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HOLD IT! I give Barb the other free ticket and she's bringing a DATE?!

W T F ???????


.....says the married guy... :p


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Time for a final tally so I can call Jimmy's with the numbers. We guesstimated 25 and with that, I was able to reserve one of their private rooms. :clapping: So far we have twenty-three twenty-five (25) confirmed. Great turn out folks! With the amount of *goodies* that Niehart has procured, this will be a fun start to our day.
In no specific order, below are the confirmed.



Barb +1

Hudson +2 boys





AuburnFJR + 3





nofreeride + 1


Barabus + 1

Let me know if there are any fence-sitters ;) I'm sure that the facilities can accommodate a few more than we have now. See y'all there!

Looks like the wife wants to go and try on helmets and look at communication systems,

so better make that Harald +1

I would have definitely ridden by myself (barring snow/ice), but I think I have her convinced to ride also (but I have to let her wear my heated liner). Happy wife, happy life.

Time for a final tally so I can call Jimmy's with the numbers. We guesstimated 25 and with that, I was able to reserve one of their private rooms. :clapping: So far we have twenty-three twenty-five (25) confirmed. Great turn out folks! With the amount of *goodies* that Niehart has procured, this will be a fun start to our day.
In no specific order, below are the confirmed.



Barb +1

Hudson +2 boys





AuburnFJR + 3





nofreeride + 1


Barabus + 1

Let me know if there are any fence-sitters ;) I'm sure that the facilities can accommodate a few more than we have now. See y'all there!

I guess I must be a fence sitter but I figure to be there with my riding partner and office manage. LDComfort will be a vendor at the Seattle show and we must have our booth up and running before the show opens at 9:30am. That's not a lot of time for ordering and eating steak and eggs while shaking hands with buddies. After breakfast ya'll come say hello at our booth. Ask me for a grease pencil for map/windshield marking. (Special deal for mentioning this forum.) :)
