Cycle World Feb 2011

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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It does NOT come with luggage. The one you saw at the show and the bike pictured here has a few thousand dollars worth of optional equipment.
And look how small those bags are... does a full-face really fit in there? Or only "some" full face helmets?

I cant believe the KLR650 is even in this discussion. Who in their right mind would tour cross country on that thing?
Uh, that's kind of my point there... I'm saying the VFR has horrible ergos for a S-T, and no bags or anything else to make it "touring". The KLR is a lot more comfy, has better bags available, and has demonstrated the ability to go from Florida to Alaska already. Anyway, some fruitcake DID cross-country on a CBR-600 (or maybe a ZX-6?) in Motorcyclist a year ago.
Point taken.

It does NOT come with luggage. The one you saw at the show and the bike pictured here has a few thousand dollars worth of optional equipment.
And look how small those bags are... does a full-face really fit in there? Or only "some" full face helmets?
I'm not sure as I haven't even seen a VFR1200 on the road yet. The only one i've seen is sitting at the local Jap dealership. I'm not a big fan of the bike even though I have to admit, i'm intrigued by the engine and it does have the most beautiful factory paint job i've seen besides Harley paint.

It does NOT come with luggage. The one you saw at the show and the bike pictured here has a few thousand dollars worth of optional equipment.
And look how small those bags are... does a full-face really fit in there? Or only "some" full face helmets?
And after looking at the fully bagged version at the show, the side bags are not as big as the lids make them appear. The body of the bags is much smaller than the actual lid dimensions, so the available volume is pretty small. And the trunk is tiny. Not sure a full face would even fit in there.

Given the extra cost of the full kit, I would give it a thumbs down.

Given the extra cost of the full kit, I would give it a thumbs down.
After seeing the MSRP on the DN-01, the VFR1200, and now $2,500 :dribble: for a 3 bag setup, i'm convinced that American Honda :puke: is completely out of its mind :wackosmiley:

I thought BMW/Ducati accesorries were bad, but Honda is starting to make them look reasonable :shok:

Since you mention the LD article in the same issue, I think it is interesting to note how the FJR seems to dominate the LD scene. Yes, BMW's and Goldwings are also very popular, but from what I have seen if you had to pick just one make and model of bike that is entered in LD events it would be the FJR, and the Goldwing being a very close 2nd.

Just like they did with the V-Max, Yamaha isn't going to make a change until the unit sales slack enough to warrant it.

As far as I'm concerned, the best bike out there is the one that's currently parked in my garage. Just very happy that it's an FJR at the moment. :)

I don't care what the magazine says I have sat or test rode most of these bikes and have done my research and the FJR comes out tops in my books. No matter how old the design it still has the look of a champion on the roads. Thats why I chose it and I love it more everyday! :yahoo:

I don't care what the magazine says I have sat or test rode most of these bikes and have done my research and the FJR comes out tops in my books. No matter how old the design it still has the look of a champion on the roads. Thats why I chose it and I love it more everyday! :yahoo:
That's great Mark...hope Wendy likes it too!

There are a few riders out there that own both the C14 and the FJR. The general consensus is the two bikes are very close. As a matter of fact, some have gone back to the FJR cause it handles better (despite the conventional forks) and has better brakes (albeit non-radial). Heated grip could be easily added and the ECO mode is a joke. KiPASS? give me a break. Almost all C14 owner hate it and live in fear of being stranded.

New is always intriguing, but I think the FJR has better build quality and long term durability. If some of these magazines would bother doing long term comparisons, they'll quickly realize that the FJR is and will always be a legendary motorcycle. Check out the prices of 2008 C14 vs 2008 FJR. The FJR's are consistently $1500 -2000 more.

Agreed. Sometime technology is for the sake of wow factor which is supposed to translates into sales. But in the real world, things like KiPASS have little benefit. When I was test riding ST bikes, I went to my local dealer to ride the Connie. In an embarrassing 10 minute episode, the KiPASS device couldn't be located for the test bike. Several sales folks repeatedly apologized while looking for it but didn't locate it for some time. Of course I knew the reputation that KiPASS has with riders and I just sort of shook my head in disbelief. That was one nail in the coffin for the Connie. Regarding issues that really matter to riders, I think the FJR has the Connie covered even if the Connie has more gizmos. That's my 2 cents.

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Is it just me, or is this forum starting to sound like to COG forum before the C14 came out? Is the FJR the Concours 1000 of the new decade? :evilsmiley03:

New for "new sake" sucks.

"Improvements" on the FJR have typically added she has gotten porkier over the years. Sometimes it's best to first do no harm.

Same thing happened to the FJ. Started out as a lean and mean (well sort of) superbike and ended up a larger, softer version in the later years.

Granted the VFR ended up last... but I still don't see one as a sport-touring bike when it doesn't even come with bags.
Well, actually, it does (I even saw one at the show):


I think a KLR-650 might qualify as sport-touring with "categories" that lax.
Good point: does fitted luggage a sport-tourer make? :unsure:

I've ridden KLRs (both on-road and off-road) and have always felt that they make a nice mid-size sport-tourer (much more so than a dirt-bike...).

There's much, readily available, good hard-luggage that can make many motorcycles into sport-touring bikes.

Of course the C-14's going to be first, with all its neat-nifty-gee-whiz gadgets...That's just like they went nuts over the Honda NT-650GT Hawk, never mentioning the nerfed gutless engine.
True, the editors (kind of) box themselves in when deciding what to write about -- new features sure would seem to be the easy way to go...? :unsure:

And..., I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment of the Hawk GT -- I never got what all the hoop-la was about -- a sporting motorcycle needs a MOTOR... :eek:

(I think the VFR1200 has the "motor" issue under control...? :unsure: ;) )
I will try to be nice, that is one ugly bike with the bags on and the pipe on it looks even worse than most of the honda line up. What were they thinking

I will try to be nice, that is one ugly bike with the bags on and the pipe on it looks even worse than most of the honda line up. What were they thinking
Not to mention that right sidebag is gonna turn black REAL soon from the exhaust being dumped on it! :nono:

I will try to be nice, that is one ugly bike with the bags on and the pipe on it looks even worse than most of the honda line up. What were they thinking
Glad you weren't trying to be cruel, but I have to agree. Honda F'ed that one up pretty good.

So... How 'bout those Triumphs? :unsure:

Agreed. Sometime technology is for the sake of wow factor which is supposed to translates into sales. But in the real world, things like KiPASS have little benefit. When I was test riding ST bikes, I went to my local dealer to ride the Connie. In an embarrassing 10 minute episode, the KiPASS device couldn't be located for the test bike. Several sales folks repeatedly apologized while looking for it but didn't locate it for some time. Of course I knew the reputation that KiPASS has with riders and I just sort of shook my head in disbelief. That was one nail in the coffin for the Connie. Regarding issues that really matter to riders, I think the FJR has the Connie covered even if the Connie has more gizmos. That's my 2 cents.
Looking to be educated...

I've heard so many people complain about KiPASS, but what exactly are they complaining about? If you lose the fob, you can't start the bike? If that's what they're complaining about, doesn't the same thing happen if you lose a traditional key? Or is there something else I'm missing?

Looking to be educated...

I've heard so many people complain about KiPASS, but what exactly are they complaining about? If you lose the fob, you can't start the bike? If that's what they're complaining about, doesn't the same thing happen if you lose a traditional key? Or is there something else I'm missing?
Yes, you can hold the FOB in your hand but if either the FOB and/or the KiPASS itself malfunctions, the bike doesn't start. That doesn't happen very often but when it does happen somewhere other than your garage.......its a major problem.

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Agreed. Sometime technology is for the sake of wow factor which is supposed to translates into sales. But in the real world, things like KiPASS have little benefit. When I was test riding ST bikes, I went to my local dealer to ride the Connie. In an embarrassing 10 minute episode, the KiPASS device couldn't be located for the test bike. Several sales folks repeatedly apologized while looking for it but didn't locate it for some time. Of course I knew the reputation that KiPASS has with riders and I just sort of shook my head in disbelief. That was one nail in the coffin for the Connie. Regarding issues that really matter to riders, I think the FJR has the Connie covered even if the Connie has more gizmos. That's my 2 cents.
Looking to be educated...

I've heard so many people complain about KiPASS, but what exactly are they complaining about? If you lose the fob, you can't start the bike? If that's what they're complaining about, doesn't the same thing happen if you lose a traditional key? Or is there something else I'm missing?
Nope you can always get around a key.
