D&H, what's up?

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Well-known member
Nov 6, 2005
Reaction score
Hereford, AZ
I have been trying to reach D&H for the last 3 1/2 weeks. I have send 2 emails and have received no replies. I have called 256-739-1840 and the number is reported as Not In Service. I have called 888-553-3311 and it just rings and rings. I have tried to fax them at 256-739-8310 and that # is Not In Service as well. Does anyone have correct contact information for D&H. They use to reply to my emailed questions, but ever since I put in my order for the 1300A they have not replied. Just a little concerned.


D&H Cycle

18115 US Hwy 31

Cullman, AL 35058


Try this one instead though.......... :D I just called and they answered. He sounded Federal though........... :D

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Cullman ain't far from here. I could do a little investigative mission if ya'll wish.

I spoke to someone there at 10:00am this past Tuesday.....I used the 800 number.

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I spoke with Renaa about 5 weeks ago about YES pricing. Jerald's father had taken ill and was in the hospital. :sad2:

Their schedule(s) were up in the air then. I hope all is well with them.


Talked to Renae last Friday via the regular number. She was processing my YES the day before the factory warranty expired.

D&H Cycle18115 US Hwy 31

Cullman, AL 35058


Try this one instead though.......... :D I just called and they answered. He sounded Federal though........... :D
Well, I am calling from work and they may have the phones set up to not call out of the state. I will have to check that out. I will give them a call from my cell tomorrow. Thanks all.


Well, I am calling from work and they may have the phones set up to not call out of the state. I will have to check that out. I will give them a call from my cell tomorrow. Thanks all.



I think you should call from another phone. I just spoke with Renaa for an hour today and called the 256 number you listed. They've been in business for 34 years. I doubt there's anything wrong. Gerald and Dennis answered the phone on two occasions today as well, so it seems all is good in Cullman.

I heard that they had filed in Bankruptcy Court 3/13/06. Doesn't look good. :unsure:
Rad! Bad Boy! I hope you realize more than one person probably just shit their pants on that little diddy!


I heard that they had filed in Bankruptcy Court 3/13/06.  Doesn't look good. :unsure:
Rad! Bad Boy! I hope you realize more than one person probably just shit their pants on that little diddy!

Try about 30+. I am just one of quite a few who has pre-ordered from them! :eek: But like I said, I just talked to them today. It's all good.

Well, I am calling from work and they may have the phones set up to not call out of the state. I will have to check that out. I will give them a call from my cell tomorrow. Thanks all.


I think you should call from another phone.  I just spoke with Renaa for an hour today and called the 256 number you listed.  They've been in business for 34 years.  I doubt there's anything wrong.  Gerald and Dennis answered the phone on two occasions today as well, so it seems all is good in Cullman.
Sweet avatar! Groovy, baby, groovy! :D

Well, I am calling from work and they may have the phones set up to not call out of the state. I will have to check that out. I will give them a call from my cell tomorrow. Thanks all.


I think you should call from another phone.  I just spoke with Renaa for an hour today and called the 256 number you listed.  They've been in business for 34 years.  I doubt there's anything wrong.  Gerald and Dennis answered the phone on two occasions today as well, so it seems all is good in Cullman.
Sweet avatar! Groovy, baby, groovy! :D
I'd say "Oh behave.", but you're not a chick. :erm: Diggin' on yours too. B)

I just happen to think it's about the cruelist thing that could be done; putting something like that out over the internet without properly checking first to see what is fact and what is BS. They are tremendous business persons and don't deserve that kind of information spread around the country.

It would be interesting to know how "Federal" sounds on a phone.

Let the torch begin.

Dave in IN

A low blow from Radman. With all the griping about dealers on this forum it's encouraging that a dealer such as D&H makes an effort to promote the FJR, offering attractive prices and knowledgeable customer support.

I'm proud to say I bought my '04 FJR from D&H. I occasionally call Jerold with a question and he always takes time to offer me a thoughtful answer. We need more dealers like D&H.

A low blow from Radman.  With all the griping about dealers on this forum it's encouraging that a dealer such as D&H makes an effort to promote the FJR, offering attractive prices and knowledgeable customer support.
I'm proud to say I bought my '04 FJR from D&H.  I occasionally call Jerold with a question and he always takes time to offer me a thoughtful answer.  We need more dealers like D&H.
I don't know Radman from Adam (of Eve fame), but cut him some slack folks - IMO (and it ain't too humble) he was throwing out some humor - after all he posted the same number Waldmana was using originally, and added smiley faces for Christ's sake! Jeez. This, of course, doesn't excuse his humor mind you. :eh:

Admin god(s): I recommend killing this thread as to eliminate the possibility of spreading wildly horrible rumors about a business truly committed to the motorcycle kingdom, not to mention FJRs! IMHO (and this time humble :beee: )

Oh for christ sake, no one here who knows me in the slightest, or D&H for that matter, would take that statement seriously. The fact I posted the contact info, as well as the fact I had talked to them exactly one minute after posting that original post might be a clue........... :rolleyes:
