David E. Davis takes a cheap shot at motorcyclists

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Meet him about 12 years ago ....knowledge of motorcycles is limited,.... egotistical weenie,...& as someone said before he's a legend in his own mind....sorta like TWN....oops (did I say that out loud) oh ya I did :D ....

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Wether you agree or disagree, he says what most people are afaid to say for fear of being labeled a negative person or a hard core *******.

What if that had been a homeless person on the bike, or your mother would the news media broadcast that and make it a top story?? I DON'T THINK SO

screw Ben R burger

I love how this thread turned into a helmet nazi thread....plus, throw in the motorcycle is dangerous part, the drinking part....either way, I'm screwed. I drink and drive, don't wear a helmet, and I'm on a high powered motorscooter. Someone on another thread told me I already shot myself.....he was right. I'll be dead before I'm sixty....jeez....I hope so.

Fine ride without a helmet you selfish **** (Sic) whether your fault or not you will increase the medical cost in repairing you (if they can) without a helmet exponentially, and thems the facts....not to mention you have the potential to leave behind you family or friends or have them care for you for the rest of your vegetative life...Yeah but don't let that bother you your right to wear or not helmets are more important!
OK, Thug, I get your drift.

What makes me laugh my ass off is the number of people who have been deluded into thinking that helmets have some magical power to lower health care costs. Picture a fairly severe accident, one in which the helmet prevented the rider's death but left him in a vegetative state. In this case, the helmet actually increases health care costs! Does it happen? I'm personally acquainted with just such a case, a friend who will be dependednt on all of us for many years due to the scenario described above. I'm not anti-helmet, and I wear one, and I'm not saying that I'd rather my friend had died in his accident, but people need to wake up to the reality that wearing a helmet does not guarantee you a ******* thing. Accidents are unpredictable events, especially when they are more severe.

Which leads me to the second thing that makes me laugh my ass off, and that's the moronic sportbike rider who dons his flashy looking racer replica helmet and matching textile jacket, thinking this somehow makes him safe from harm, and then proceeds to his favorite twisty public road to race around curves ignoring the speed limit. All too often, this ****** ends up in a single vehicle accident, no one's fault but his own, many times resulting in serious injury or death. But do we castigate the stupidity of this moron? Oh no, he was wearing ATGATT, poor guy, hope he heals fast and gets his bike fixed soon, come join us on the next group ride bro. Meanwhile our insurance premiums are definitely going to help fix the bike, assuming he lived. How ******* stupid is that?

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Not stupid at all...but, imagine what an 8 ounce helmet weighs when traveling at 60 miles an hour.

It is just his basic premis that no matter what happened or who caused the wreck the motorcyclist is automatically "at fault" and should be left to die because they weren't wearing a helmet. That is just wrong.
It just rubs me the wrong way when there is a bike accident and no one seems to bother with the facts of "what happened". They just blame the motorcyclist for not wearing a helmet and talk about how stupid they were. They might be stupid but maybe more car drivers would be a little more carefull if they knew they were going to be held responsible for their actions in maiming or killing someone. It also pisses me off when a journalist (especially an elitist idiot like David E) uses their position to make statements like that when the guy has crashed cars and almost killed his own self several times...yet the motorcyclist is "stupid".

You guys seem to think the only reason the ambulence rolls is because people weren't wearing helmets. Other injuries happen also and necessitate emergency treatment.

Non-helmet users being a dreg on society and "costing all of us money". CUT ME A BREAK. Smokers cost society FAR more with lung cancer than helmetless riders yet I don't hear any hue and cry to leave them choking in the ditch. David E writes of his love for cigars so I think we should leave him gasping for air when his lungs clog up because he is obviously engaging in a risky activity. Spare me the crap about motorcyclists and helmetless riders costing anything. Hang glider pilots, skateboarders, bicycle riders, everyone that participates in any sort of sport cause high medical costs. I bet the helmet-less riders are WAY down on the list of causing cost to society.
OK, now I'm getting your point. I feel you're reading more into that particular editorial based on this and previous David E. editorials/comments. That's cool.

But, anything anyone does that takes money outta my pocket or otherwise burdens me because of their lame ass activities, be it smoking, skateboarding or riding without helmets just pisses me off.

Case in point: Did you hear about the 'city farm' **** in LA? Long story short... Guy owned a chunk of property. City claimed Eminent Domain and bought it from him, then did nothing with the land. City 'farmers' moved in and did their thing. Law has it that if said property claimed by ED isn't used as stated, it must be offered back to the original owner (at his option). He buys it back, plans on development, then the farmers start the protest. "Hey you can't take away our farm!" End play is that the city has to send in the riot police to evict these ******** waterheads squatting on the guys property. Hundreds of law enforcement involved, not to mention city services. Millions in tax dollars down the loo. Guess who pays for all this stupidity...

Helmetless riders fall into the same category, IMO. Stupid fucktards who expect me to pick up their bill when things go wrong or they don't get their way. I ain't sayin' that the story isn't (wrongfully) most always skewed against the rider, but you gotta admit that the actions of a few **** it up for the rest of us and cost us personally.

Not stupid at all...but, imagine what an 8 ounce helmet weighs when traveling at 60 miles an hour.
It weighs 8 ounces until it hits an unmovable object.

Hey, twn....I been riding for 17 years with out damaging my body....is there some kind of payback I can get from the insurance companies for not causing you, personally, any financial problems? Oh, I don't wear a helmet.

OK, Thug, I get your drift.
What makes me laugh my ass off is the number of people who have been deluded into thinking that helmets have some magical power to lower health care costs.
Yeah, but if football boy was wearing a lid would he have spent 7 hours in surgery for fixing his broken face? Maybe. Maybe not, more than likely.

... but if football boy was wearing a lid would he have spent 7 hours in surgery for fixing his broken face? Maybe. Maybe not, more than likely.
DIngdingdingdingdingdingding!!!! Give that man a ceegar!

Helmets won't cure cancer, or the common cold, or protect you from leg injuries, or gout, or arthritis. But in cases where your melon impacts a hard object with more mass than you (like this one), they help. In all of the conversation in and around this event, for me it all boils down to the fact that Ben could have been riding his bike (illegally) and most likely sustained a great deal less damage to his head by wearing a helmet (full face, in case someone wants to bring up "open face DOT approved, yadda, yadda").

The fact that he didn't wear one, was his choice.

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Yeah, but if football boy was wearing a lid would he have spent 7 hours in surgery for fixing his broken face? Maybe. Maybe not, more than likely.
Agreed. In fact I stated as much in a post on one of football boy's threads.

My point wasn't that helmets CAN'T help. They can. That's why I choose to wear one. My point is that wearing a helmet does not automatically guarantee a better outcome in all cases, as some seem to believe. And a helmet does not guarantee lower health care cost, as my previous example showed. Too many people put too much faith in helmets (and other gear) to protect them. In fact, they seem to have a NEED to believe that their gear is the holy grail of safety. Perhaps it's their mechanism for dealing with the risks they are faced with when riding. They feel safer by putting faith in their gear. But a helmet (or any other protective gear) is not enough.

IMO, a sober, knowledgeable, experienced rider with no helmet is far less likely to be injured than an ignorant, inexperienced rider wearing ATGATT while riding a too fast (for them) bike they can't hope to control properly. Ask any insurance adjuster about the number of claims filed by younger riders on sportbikes compared to grizzled vets putting around on Harleys. The statistics are overwhlmingly against the squid (helmet or not), hence their much higher insurance rates.

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Hey, twn....I been riding for 17 years with out damaging my body....is there some kind of payback I can get from the insurance companies for not causing you, personally, any financial problems? Oh, I don't wear a helmet.
No, but your boozing it up all the time will cost me at some point... :****:

We all pay for this stupidity by having to pay higher I-premiums, being forced into the bike of tomorrow (Google it), by being forced to pay for items in cars such as seat belts, air bags, ABS, etc and you helmetless riders pay for it by having to pay for lids when your states enact laws requiring you to wear 'em 'cuz too many ******* spill their brains on public byways causing and outcry of shock and disgust (real or imagined) from the voting public. It's the same ******* story as loud pipes. Within five years, aftermarket pipes will be history - HD has already informed it's dealers that the SE pipes are being phased out. Why? A small minority of bikers insist that loud pipes save lives. Great, a whole industry shuttered. Who's gonna pay for all that unemployment? Now, we all know how ******* lame that theory is, don't we?

I hope you were just being a smart ass, otherwise, you really don't get it, do you?

Now, I hope you're happy because I just crossed into a political conversation that will surely cause the Iggmiester to shut this one down.

Apparently, I just don't get it. Otherwise, this isn't politcal....we are talking about insurance premiums. And I am saving all you folks money by not crashing my scoot and banging up my head....I just want some payback for that. It's easy...I don't crash and I get a big fat check for not raising your premiums. Checks are welcome and hatemail will be responded too. Just leave a return addy.....lol

...And I am saving all you folks money by not crashing my scoot and banging up my head....I just want some payback for that. ...

Hey this is america, You don't get rewarded for not ******* up, You want to get some $$$? Go to a fast food place and dump coffee in your lap, or raise your kid to be a gang banger and sue the city when they have to shoot him. :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

...And I am saving all you folks money by not crashing my scoot and banging up my head....I just want some payback for that. ...

Hey this is america, You don't get rewarded for not ******* up, You want to get some $$$? Go to a fast food place and dump coffee in your lap, or raise your kid to be a gang banger and sue the city when they have to shoot him. :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:
& one point for Rogue :D ....

Hey this is america, You don't get rewarded for not ******* up, You want to get some $$$? Go to a fast food place and dump coffee in your lap, or raise your kid to be a gang banger and sue the city when they have to shoot him. :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:
Or stuff you face full of MCD's and sue them for making you fat... or sue KFC for making their chicken taste good but using the wrong oil... :huh: "If my butt won't fit.. you must remit!"

Apparently, I just don't get it. Otherwise, this isn't politcal....we are talking about insurance premiums. And I am saving all you folks money by not crashing my scoot and banging up my head....I just want some payback for that. It's easy...I don't crash and I get a big fat check for not raising your premiums. Checks are welcome and hatemail will be responded too. Just leave a return addy.....lol
You may not as of yet be causing me higher premiums, but you might some day. Meanwhile, your like minded compadres who have crashed and sustained injury that may have been prevented by helmet use have cost me money. So has the drunk who got behind the wheel and ran over a 10 year old playing in the schoolyard. So has the guy whose base jump ended in pile at the bottom of a canyon. So did John Denver when he took a diving **** into the Pacific. So did the dickwad who wrapped his Enzo around a utility pole in Malibu. So did the prick that failed to check his air pressure and got stranded in the #2 lane of the the I405 when his tire went south, causing twenty ******* miles of back-up. Etcetera. Don't forget, there are two types of riders; those who have crashed and those who will crash - and the lawyers who just live for this ****... Your actions can have an effect on others. Stop being selfish.

Get it now?

Then again, you're prolly just egging me on cuz you ran outta Lone Star and are bored. :p

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Lone star?....I'm drinking milwaukees best. Want to count any of the other crashes that weren't caused by celebrities?

Oh, I forgot about the chik in the dfw area that houses dudes that need a place to stay and she gives them free beer....forgot her name, though.
